+ /**
+ * Test method that returns annotations that match on reference sequence,
+ * label, or calcId.
+ */
+ @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
+ public void testFindAnnotations_bySeqLabelandorCalcId()
+ {
+ // TODO: finish testFindAnnotations_bySeqLabelandorCalcId test
+ /* Note - this is an incomplete test - need to check null or
+ * non-null [ matches, not matches ] behaviour for each of the three
+ * parameters..*/
+ // search for a single, unique calcId with wildcards on other params
+ Iterable<AlignmentAnnotation> anns = al.findAnnotations(null,
+ "CalcIdForD.melanogaster.2", null);
+ Iterator<AlignmentAnnotation> iter = anns.iterator();
+ assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
+ AlignmentAnnotation ann =;
+ assertEquals("D.melanogaster.2", ann.sequenceRef.getName());
+ assertFalse(iter.hasNext());
+ // save reference to test sequence reference parameter
+ SequenceI rseq = ann.sequenceRef;
+ // search for annotation associated with a single sequence
+ anns = al.findAnnotations(rseq, null, null);
+ iter = anns.iterator();
+ assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
+ ann =;
+ assertEquals("D.melanogaster.2", ann.sequenceRef.getName());
+ assertFalse(iter.hasNext());
+ // search for annotation with a non-existant calcId
+ anns = al.findAnnotations(null, "CalcIdForD.melanogaster.?", null);
+ iter = anns.iterator();
+ assertFalse(iter.hasNext());
+ // search for annotation with a particular label - expect three
+ anns = al.findAnnotations(null, null, "secondary structure");
+ iter = anns.iterator();
+ assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
+ assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
+ assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
+ // third found.. so
+ assertFalse(iter.hasNext());
+ // null on all parameters == find all annotations
+ anns = al.findAnnotations(null, null, null);
+ iter = anns.iterator();
+ int n = al.getAlignmentAnnotation().length;
+ while (iter.hasNext())
+ {
+ n--;
+ }
+ assertTrue("Found " + n + " fewer annotations from search.", n == 0);
+ }
@Test(groups = { "Functional" })
public void testDeleteAllAnnotations_includingAutocalculated()