csqData.put("Feature", "ENST01234");
assertEquals(fr.getColour(sf2), expected);
+ @Test(groups = "Functional")
+ public void testIsVisible()
+ {
+ String seqData = ">s1\nMLQGIFPRS\n";
+ AlignFrame af = new FileLoader().LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(seqData,
+ DataSourceType.PASTE);
+ AlignViewportI av = af.getViewport();
+ FeatureRenderer fr = new FeatureRenderer(av);
+ SequenceI seq = av.getAlignment().getSequenceAt(0);
+ SequenceFeature sf = new SequenceFeature("METAL", "Desc", 10, 10, 1f,
+ "Group");
+ sf.setValue("AC", "11");
+ sf.setValue("CLIN_SIG", "Likely Pathogenic");
+ seq.addSequenceFeature(sf);
+ assertFalse(fr.isVisible(null));
+ /*
+ * initial state FeatureRenderer hasn't 'found' feature
+ * and so its feature type has not yet been set visible
+ */
+ assertFalse(fr.getDisplayedFeatureCols().containsKey("METAL"));
+ assertFalse(fr.isVisible(sf));
+ fr.findAllFeatures(true);
+ assertTrue(fr.isVisible(sf));
+ /*
+ * feature group not visible
+ */
+ fr.setGroupVisibility("Group", false);
+ assertFalse(fr.isVisible(sf));
+ fr.setGroupVisibility("Group", true);
+ assertTrue(fr.isVisible(sf));
+ /*
+ * feature score outwith colour threshold (score > 2)
+ */
+ FeatureColourI fc = new FeatureColour(Color.white, Color.black,
+ Color.white, 0, 10);
+ fc.setAboveThreshold(true);
+ fc.setThreshold(2f);
+ fr.setColour("METAL", fc);
+ assertFalse(fr.isVisible(sf)); // score 1 is not above threshold 2
+ fc.setBelowThreshold(true);
+ assertTrue(fr.isVisible(sf)); // score 1 is below threshold 2
+ /*
+ * colour with threshold on attribute AC (value is 11)
+ */
+ fc.setAttributeName("AC");
+ assertFalse(fr.isVisible(sf)); // value 11 is not below threshold 2
+ fc.setAboveThreshold(true);
+ assertTrue(fr.isVisible(sf)); // value 11 is above threshold 2
+ fc.setAttributeName("AF"); // attribute AF is absent in sf
+ assertTrue(fr.isVisible(sf)); // feature is not excluded by threshold
+ FeatureMatcherSetI filter = new FeatureMatcherSet();
+ filter.and(FeatureMatcher.byAttribute(Condition.Contains, "pathogenic",
+ "CLIN_SIG"));
+ fr.setFeatureFilter("METAL", filter);
+ assertTrue(fr.isVisible(sf)); // feature matches filter
+ filter.and(FeatureMatcher.byScore(Condition.LE, "0.4"));
+ assertFalse(fr.isVisible(sf)); // feature doesn't match filter
+ }