SequenceGroup _sg = new SequenceGroup(sequences, null, cs, true, true,
false, 0, av.getAlignment().getWidth() - 1);
+ // Check if the label is not null and not empty
if(label != null && !label.isEmpty()) {
+ // Retrieve the existing groups from the alignment
+ List<SequenceGroup> existingGroups = av.getAlignment().getGroups();
+ // Reduce the label length
label = AlignmentUtils.reduceLabelLength(label);
- _sg.setName("JTreeGroup:" + label);
+ // Create group name based on the label
+ String newGroupName = "JTreeGroup:" + label;
+ // Counter for groups with the same name
+ int noOfGroupsWithSameName = 0;
+ // Iterate through the existing groups to check for naming conflicts
+ for (SequenceGroup sg : existingGroups) {
+ if (sg.getName().equals(newGroupName) || sg.getName().matches(newGroupName + " \\d+")) {
+ noOfGroupsWithSameName++;
+ // If a group name matches exactly, update the group's name by appending the count
+ if(sg.getName().equals(newGroupName) ) {
+ String updatedGroupName = sg.getName() + " " + noOfGroupsWithSameName;
+ sg.setName(updatedGroupName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If count > 0, increment the count and append it to the new group name
+ if(noOfGroupsWithSameName>0) {
+ noOfGroupsWithSameName++;
+ newGroupName = newGroupName + " " + noOfGroupsWithSameName;
+ }
+ _sg.setName(newGroupName);
else {
_sg.setName("JTreeGroup:" + _sg.hashCode());