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- <p><strong>Download the applet jar file from <a
- href="jalviewApplet.jar">here</a>. Parameters are described
- <a href="#parameters">below</a>, and the javascript API is described <a href="jalviewLiteJs.html">here</a></strong>.
- </p>
+ <p>\r <strong>Quick Links:<ul><li>Download the applet jar file from <a\r href="jalviewApplet.jar">here</a>\r </li>\r <li>Parameters are described <a href="#parameters">below</a></li>\r <li>The javascript API is described <a\r href="jalviewLiteJs.html">here</a></li>\r </ul></strong>\r </p>\r
<h3 align="left">Useful to know!!</h3>
<li>Package all your data files into a single (or multiple) zip / jar
button by setting the embed parameter to true;<br>
<param name="embedded"
value="true"> </li>
- </ul>\r <p><strong><font size="2">**NEW FEATURES** in Jalview 2.7</font></strong></p>\r <ul>\r <li><font size="2">Javascript callbacks capabilities<ul><li>oninit parameter and methods for registering javascript handlers for selections, mouseovers and linking to Jmol applets on the page.</li>\r <li>To use javascript callbacks, ensure the applet tag includes the '<a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/plugin/developer_guide/java_js.html">mayscript</a>' attribute - either as a parameter (<param name="mayscript" value="true"/;gt;) or as a bare attribute in the applet html tag).</li></ul></font>\r </li>\r <li><font size="2">New <a href="jalviewLiteJsApi.html">jalviewLite java api</a> methods for selecting, highlighting, scrolling and reordering sequences in an alignment view.\r </font></li></ul>\r <p><strong><font size="2">**NEW FEATURES** in Jalview 2.6</font></strong></p>\r <ul>\r <li><font size="2">Jmol compatibility updated to Jmol 12.1.x series - <a href="JmolApplet-12.1.13.jar">download the JmolApplet here</a></font></li>\r<li>To use Jmol as the structure viewer for Jalview, you must include \r the jar file in the applet archive argument thus:<br>\r <pre><font size="2">archive="jalviewApplet.jar,Jmol-12.1.13.jar"</font></pre>\r </li>\r <li>Jmol 12.x requires at least Java 1.5 to run in the clients web browser. If the client does not have \r Java 1.5, or if the Jmol-12.1.13.jar is not added to the archive, the \r original Jalview structure viewer will still be available. <br>\r </li>\r <li>Jalview 2.6 works only with Jmol version 12.1.13 or later. You can use the JmolApplet.jar from \r the Jmol binary distribution available at the Jmol Sourceforge site, \r or <a href="JmolApplet-12.1.13.jar">download the Jmol applet from here</a></li>\r <li><font size="2">Minimum recommended version of Java runtime for the applet is now 1.5 (JalviewLite v2.6 without the Jmol viewer may work ok on earlier Java environments but compatibility can no-longer be guaranteed).</font></li>\r </ul>
+ </ul>\r <p><strong><font size="2">**NEW FEATURES** in Jalview 2.7</font></strong></p>\r <ul>\r <li><font size="2">Javascript callbacks capabilities<ul><li>oninit parameter and methods for registering javascript handlers for selections, mouseovers and linking to Jmol applets on the page.</li>\r <li>To use javascript callbacks, ensure the applet tag includes the '<a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/plugin/developer_guide/java_js.html">mayscript</a>' attribute - either as a parameter (<param name="mayscript" value="true"/;gt;) or as a bare attribute in the applet html tag).</li></ul></font>\r </li>\r <li><font size="2">New <a href="jalviewLiteJs.html">jalviewLite java api</a> methods for selecting, highlighting, scrolling and reordering sequences in an alignment view.\r </font></li></ul>\r <p><strong><font size="2">**NEW FEATURES** in Jalview 2.6</font></strong></p>\r <ul>\r <li><font size="2">Jmol compatibility updated to Jmol 12.1.x series - <a href="JmolApplet-12.1.13.jar">download the JmolApplet here</a></font></li>\r<li>To use Jmol as the structure viewer for Jalview, you must include \r the jar file in the applet archive argument thus:<br>\r <pre><font size="2">archive="jalviewApplet.jar,Jmol-12.1.13.jar"</font></pre>\r </li>\r <li>Jmol 12.x requires at least Java 1.5 to run in the clients web browser. If the client does not have \r Java 1.5, or if the Jmol-12.1.13.jar is not added to the archive, the \r original Jalview structure viewer will still be available. <br>\r </li>\r <li>Jalview 2.6 works only with Jmol version 12.1.13 or later. You can use the JmolApplet.jar from \r the Jmol binary distribution available at the Jmol Sourceforge site, \r or <a href="JmolApplet-12.1.13.jar">download the Jmol applet from here</a></li>\r <li><font size="2">Minimum recommended version of Java runtime for the applet is now 1.5 (JalviewLite v2.6 without the Jmol viewer may work ok on earlier Java environments but compatibility can no-longer be guaranteed).</font></li>\r </ul>
<br><strong><font size="2">**NEW FEATURES** in Jalview 2.5</font></strong></p>\r <ul>\r <li><font size="2">New parameters to control display of tree annotation, width of alignment columns, and to disable the jalview button and check for Jmol on startup.</font></li>\r </ul> \r <br><strong><font size="2">**NEW FEATURES** in Jalview 2.4</font></strong></p>
<li><font size="2">New applet API methods for feature display control, views, and obtaining current selection via javascript.</font></li>