private void repaintTable()
- if (true)
- return;
- // BH 2018
- // Here is a needed intervention
- // because generally we don't "repaint"
- // the table. We re-create the HTML divs
- // that is associated with it. A better
- // way to do this would be to fire a property change.
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- TableUI ui = table.getUI();
- /**
- * @j2sNative ui.repaintTable$();
- */
- {
- }
+// if (true)
+// return;
+// // BH 2018
+// // Here is a needed intervention
+// // because generally we don't "repaint"
+// // the table. We re-create the HTML divs
+// // that is associated with it. A better
+// // way to do this would be to fire a property change.
+// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+// TableUI ui = table.getUI();
+// /**
+// * @j2sNative ui.repaintTable$();
+// */
+// {
+// }
public void close()