// a helper task to allow getdown digest of any dir: `gradle getdownDigestDir -PDIGESTDIR=/path/to/my/random/getdown/dir
task getdownDigestDir(type: JavaExec) {
+ group "Help"
+ description "A task to run a getdown Digest on a dir with getdown.txt. Provide a DIGESTDIR property via -PDIGESTDIR=..."
def digestDirPropertyName = "DIGESTDIR"
- description = "Digest a local dir (-P${digestDirPropertyName}=...) for getdown"
doFirst {
classpath = files(getdownLauncher)
def digestDir = findProperty(digestDirPropertyName)
// NB we're deleting the /other/ one!
// Also remove the examples subdir from non-release versions
def customizedIdToDelete = "PROGRAM_GROUP_RELEASE"
+ // NOT releasing with the Examples folder in the Program Group
+ if (false && CHANNEL=="RELEASE") { // remove 'false && ' to include Examples folder in RELEASE channel
customizedIdToDelete = "PROGRAM_GROUP_NON_RELEASE"
} else {
// remove the examples subdir from Full File Set