+ /**
+ * construct and call the calculation methods on a new Conservation object
+ * @param name - name of conservation
+ * @param consHash - hash table of properties for each amino acid (normally ResidueProperties.propHash)
+ * @param threshold - minimum number of conserved residues needed to indicate conservation (typically 3)
+ * @param seqs
+ * @param start first column in calculation window
+ * @param end last column in calculation window
+ * @param posOrNeg positive (true) or negative (false) conservation
+ * @param consPercGaps percentage of gaps tolerated in column
+ * @param calcQuality flag indicating if alignment quality should be calculated
+ * @return Conservation object ready for use in visualization
+ */
+ public static Conservation calculateConservation(String name,
+ Hashtable consHash, int threshold, List<SequenceI> seqs, int start, int end, boolean posOrNeg, int consPercGaps, boolean calcQuality)
+ {
+ Conservation cons = new Conservation(name, consHash, threshold, seqs, start,end);
+ return calculateConservation(cons, posOrNeg, consPercGaps, calcQuality);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param b positive (true) or negative (false) conservation
+ * @param consPercGaps percentage of gaps tolerated in column
+ * @param calcQuality flag indicating if alignment quality should be calculated
+ * @return Conservation object ready for use in visualization
+ */
+ public static Conservation calculateConservation(Conservation cons, boolean b, int consPercGaps, boolean calcQuality)
+ {
+ cons.calculate();
+ cons.verdict(b, consPercGaps);
+ if (calcQuality)
+ {
+ cons.findQuality();
+ }
+ return cons;
+ }