// TODO: promote to AlignViewportI? applet CutAndPasteTransfer is different
+ // JBPComment: title is a largely redundant parameter at the moment
+ // JBPComment: this really should be an 'insert/pre/append' controller
+ // JBPComment: but the DNA/Protein check makes it a bit more complex
// refactored from FileLoader / CutAndPasteTransfer / SequenceFetcher with
// this comment:
// TODO: create undo object for this JAL-1101
if (getAlignment().isNucleotide() != al.isNucleotide())
+ // TODO: JAL-845 try a bit harder to link up imported sequences
final Set<String> sequenceNames = getAlignment().getSequenceNames();
if (!sequenceNames.isEmpty()) // at least one sequence name in both
+ // TODO: JAL-407 regardless of above - identical sequences (based on ID and
+ // provenance) should share the same dataset sequence
for (int i = 0; i < al.getHeight(); i++)
// TODO this call was done by SequenceFetcher but not FileLoader or
// CutAndPasteTransfer. Is it needed?
+ // JBPComment: this repositions the view to show the new sequences
+ // JBPComment: so it is needed for UX
firePropertyChange("alignment", null, getAlignment().getSequences());