refactored <>
Tue, 2 Oct 2012 18:39:44 +0000 (18:39 +0000) <>
Tue, 2 Oct 2012 18:39:44 +0000 (18:39 +0000)
13 files changed:
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/domain_sequence_extractor.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/domains_to_forester.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/evo_nursery.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/fasta_extractor.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/fasta_taxonomy_processor.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/hmmscan_parser.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/msa_processor.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/multi_sequence_extractor.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/new_tap.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/phylogenies_decorator.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/phylogeny_factory.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/taxonomy_processor.rb [deleted file]
forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/tseq_taxonomy_processor.rb [deleted file]

diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/domain_sequence_extractor.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/domain_sequence_extractor.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index efe6f6a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/domain_sequence_extractor.rb - DomainSequenceExtractor class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2012 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id:Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/hmmscan_domain_extractor'
-module Evoruby
-  class DomainSequenceExtractor
-    PRG_NAME       = "dsx"
-    PRG_VERSION    = "2.000"
-    PRG_DESC       = "extraction of domain sequences from hmmscan output"
-    PRG_DATE       = "20121001"
-    COPYRIGHT      = "2012 Christian M Zmasek"
-    CONTACT        = ""
-    WWW            = ""
-    E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION           = 'e'
-    LENGTH_THRESHOLD_OPTION            = 'l'
-    ADD_POSITION_OPTION                = 'p'
-    ADD_DOMAIN_NUMBER_OPTION           = 'd'
-    ADD_SPECIES                        = 's'
-    MIN_LINKER_OPT                     = 'ml'
-    LOG_FILE_SUFFIX                    = '_domain_seq_extr.log'
-    PASSED_SEQS_SUFFIX                 = '_with_passing_domains.fasta'
-    FAILED_SEQS_SUFFIX                 = '_with_no_passing_domains.fasta'
-    HELP_OPTION_1                      = 'help'
-    HELP_OPTION_2                      = 'h'
-    def run()
-      Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-        PRG_VERSION,
-        PRG_DESC ,
-        PRG_DATE,
-        COPYRIGHT,
-        CONTACT,
-        WWW,
-        STDOUT )
-      ld = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-      begin
-        cla = ARGV )
-      rescue ArgumentError
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + $!, STDOUT )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-           cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-        print_help
-        exit( 0 )
-      end
-      if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 4 )
-        print_help
-        exit( -1 )
-      end
-      allowed_opts =
-      allowed_opts.push( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( ADD_POSITION_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( ADD_DOMAIN_NUMBER_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( LENGTH_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( ADD_SPECIES )
-      allowed_opts.push( MIN_LINKER_OPT )
-      disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-      if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME,
-          "unknown option(s): " + disallowed,
-          STDOUT )
-      end
-      domain_id           = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-      hmmsearch_output    = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-      fasta_sequence_file = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-      outfile             = cla.get_file_name( 3 )
-      if outfile.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" )
-        outfile = outfile[ 0 .. outfile.length - 7 ]
-      elsif outfile.downcase.end_with?( ".fsa" )
-        outfile = outfile[ 0 .. outfile.length - 5 ]
-      end
-      add_position = false
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( ADD_POSITION_OPTION ) )
-        add_position = true
-      end
-      add_domain_number           = false
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( ADD_DOMAIN_NUMBER_OPTION ) )
-        add_domain_number = true
-      end
-      add_species = false
-      if cla.is_option_set? ADD_SPECIES
-        add_species = true
-      end
-      e_value_threshold = -1.0
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          e_value_threshold = cla.get_option_value_as_float( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Forester::Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-        if ( e_value_threshold < 0.0 )
-          Forester::Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "attempt to use a negative E-value threshold", STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      length_threshold = -1
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( LENGTH_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          length_threshold = cla.get_option_value_as_int( LENGTH_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Forester::Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-        if ( length_threshold < 0)
-          Forester::Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "attempt to use a negative length threshold", STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      min_linker = nil
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( MIN_LINKER_OPT ) )
-        begin
-          min_linker = cla.get_option_value_as_int( MIN_LINKER_OPT )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Forester::Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-        if ( !min_linker || min_linker > 100 || min_linker < -100 )
-          Forester::Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unexpected value for min linker " + min_linker.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      log =
-      puts()
-      puts( "Domain                                 : " + domain_id )
-      log << "Domain                                 : " + domain_id + ld
-      puts( "Hmmscan outputfile                     : " + hmmsearch_output )
-      log << "Hmmscan outputfile                     : " + hmmsearch_output + ld
-      puts( "Fasta sequencefile (complete sequences): " + fasta_sequence_file )
-      log << "Fasta sequencefile (complete sequences): " + fasta_sequence_file + ld
-      puts( "Outputfile                             : " + outfile + ".fasta" )
-      log << "Outputfile                             : " + outfile + ld
-      puts( "Passed sequences outfile (fasta)       : " + outfile + PASSED_SEQS_SUFFIX )
-      log << "Passed sequences outfile (fasta)       : " + outfile + PASSED_SEQS_SUFFIX + ld
-      puts( "Failed sequences outfile (fasta)       : " + outfile + FAILED_SEQS_SUFFIX )
-      log << "Failed sequences outfile (fasta)       : " + outfile + FAILED_SEQS_SUFFIX + ld
-      puts( "Logfile                                : " + outfile + LOG_FILE_SUFFIX )
-      log <<  "Logfile                                : " + outfile + LOG_FILE_SUFFIX + ld
-      if ( e_value_threshold >= 0.0 )
-        puts( "E-value threshold : " + e_value_threshold.to_s )
-        log << "E-value threshold : " + e_value_threshold.to_s + ld
-      else
-        puts( "E-value threshold : no threshold" )
-        log << "E-value threshold : no threshold" + ld
-      end
-      if ( length_threshold > 0 )
-        puts( "Length threshold  : " + length_threshold.to_s )
-        log << "Length threshold  : " + length_threshold.to_s + ld
-      else
-        puts( "Length threshold  : no threshold" )
-        log << "Length threshold  : no threshold" + ld
-      end
-      if ( min_linker )
-        puts( "Min linker        : " + min_linker.to_s )
-        log << "Min linker        :  " + min_linker.to_s +  ld
-      end
-      if ( add_position )
-        puts( "Add positions (rel to complete seq) to extracted domains: true" )
-        log << "Add positions (rel to complete seq) to extracted domains: true" + ld
-      else
-        puts( "Add positions (rel to complete seq) to extracted domains: false" )
-        log << "Add positions (rel to complete seq) to extracted domains: false" + ld
-      end
-      if ( add_domain_number )
-        puts( "Add numbers to extracted domains (in case of more than one domain per complete seq): true" )
-        log << "Add numbers to extracted domains (in case of more than one domain per complete seq): true" + ld
-      else
-        puts( "Add numbers to extracted domains (in case of more than one domain per complete seq): false" )
-        log << "Add numbers to extracted domains (in case of more than one domain per complete seq): false" + ld
-      end
-      puts
-      domain_count = 0
-      begin
-        parser =
-        domain_count = parser.parse( domain_id,
-          hmmsearch_output,
-          fasta_sequence_file,
-          outfile,
-          outfile + PASSED_SEQS_SUFFIX,
-          outfile + FAILED_SEQS_SUFFIX,
-          e_value_threshold,
-          length_threshold,
-          add_position,
-          add_domain_number,
-          add_species,
-          min_linker,
-          log )
-      rescue ArgumentError, IOError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        puts e.backtrace
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unexpected exception: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      end
-      puts
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "extracted a total of " + domain_count.to_s + " domains" )
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote;               " + outfile + ".fasta")
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote:               " + outfile + LOG_FILE_SUFFIX )
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote:               " + outfile + PASSED_SEQS_SUFFIX )
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote:               " + outfile + FAILED_SEQS_SUFFIX )
-      begin
-        f = outfile + LOG_FILE_SUFFIX, 'a' )
-        f.print( log )
-        f.close
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      puts
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-      puts
-    end
-    def print_help()
-      puts()
-      puts( "Usage:" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [options] <domain> <hmmscan outputfile> <file containing complete sequences in fasta format> <outputfile>" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  options: -" + E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION  + "=<f>: E-value threshold, default is no threshold" )
-      puts( "           -" + LENGTH_THRESHOLD_OPTION   + "=<i>: length threshold, default is no threshold" )
-      puts( "           -" + ADD_POSITION_OPTION  + ": to add positions (rel to complete seq) to extracted domains" )
-      puts( "           -" + ADD_DOMAIN_NUMBER_OPTION  + ": to add numbers to extracted domains (in case of more than one domain per complete seq) (example \"domain~2-3\")" )
-      puts( "           -" + ADD_SPECIES  + ": to add species [in brackets]" )
-      puts( "           -" + MIN_LINKER_OPT  + "=<i>: to extract pairs of same domains with a distance inbetween shorter than a given value" )
-      puts()
-    end
-  end # class DomainSequenceExtractor
-end # module Evoruby
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/domains_to_forester.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/domains_to_forester.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 85af666..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/domains_to_forester - DomainsToForester class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: Exp $
-# last modified: 06/11/2007
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/sequence/protein_domain'
-require 'lib/evo/sequence/domain_structure'
-module Evoruby
-  class DomainsToForester
-    PRG_NAME       = "d2f"
-    PRG_DESC       = "parsed hmmpfam output to forester format"
-    PRG_VERSION    = "1.001"
-    PRG_DATE       = "20120807"
-    COPYRIGHT      = "2012 Christian M Zmasek"
-    CONTACT        = ""
-    WWW            = ""
-    E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION         = "e"
-    HELP_OPTION_1                    = "help"
-    HELP_OPTION_2                    = "h"
-    def parse( domains_list_file,
-        original_seqs_file,
-        outfile,
-        column_delimiter,
-        e_value_threshold,
-        overwrite_if_same_from_to )
-      Util.check_file_for_readability( domains_list_file )
-      Util.check_file_for_readability( original_seqs_file )
-      Util.check_file_for_writability( outfile )
-      domain_structures = # protein name is key, domain structure is value
-      f =
-      original_seqs = f.create_msa_from_file( original_seqs_file, )
-      if ( original_seqs.get_number_of_seqs < 1 )
-        error_msg = "\"" + original_seqs_file + "\" appears devoid of sequences in fasta-format"
-        raise ArgumentError, error_msg
-      end
- domains_list_file ) do | file |
-        while line = file.gets
-          if !is_ignorable?( line )
-            a = line.split( column_delimiter )
-            l = a.length
-            if ( ( l < 4 ) || ( e_value_threshold >= 0.0 && l < 5 ) )
-              error_msg = "unexpected format at line: " + line
-              raise IOError, error_msg
-            end
-            protein_name = a[ 0 ]
-            domain_name  = a[ 1 ]
-            seq_from     = -1
-            seq_to       = -1
-            ##########################################
-            if domain_name =~ /RRM_\d/
-              puts "ignoring " + line 
-              next
-            end
-            ##########################################
-            begin
-              seq_from = a[ 2 ].to_i
-            rescue Exception
-              error_msg = "failed to parse seq from from \"" + a[ 2 ] + "\" [line: " + line + "]"
-              raise IOError, error_msg
-            end
-            begin
-              seq_to = a[ 3 ].to_i
-            rescue Exception
-              error_msg = "failed to parse seq to from \"" + a[ 3 ] + "\" [line: " + line + "]"
-              raise IOError, error_msg
-            end
-            e_value = -1
-            if l > 4
-              begin
-                e_value = a[ 4 ].to_f
-              rescue Exception
-                error_msg = "failed to parse E-value from \"" + a[ 4 ] + "\" [line: " + line + "]"
-                raise IOError, error_msg
-              end
-            end
-            seq = original_seqs.get_by_name_start( protein_name )
-            total_length = seq.get_length
-            if ( ( ( e_value_threshold < 0.0 ) || ( e_value <= e_value_threshold ) )  )
-              pd = domain_name, seq_from, seq_to, "", e_value )
-              ds = nil
-              if ( domain_structures.has_key?( protein_name ) )
-                ds = domain_structures[ protein_name ]
-              else
-                ds = total_length )
-                domain_structures[ protein_name ] = ds
-              end
-              ds.add_domain( pd, overwrite_if_same_from_to )
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      out = outfile, "a" )
-      ds = domain_structures.sort
-      for d in ds
-        protein_name     = d[ 0 ]
-        domain_structure = d[ 1 ]
-        out.print( protein_name.to_s )
-        out.print( ": " )
-        out.print( domain_structure.to_NHX )
-        out.print( Constants::LINE_DELIMITER  )
-      end
-      out.flush()
-      out.close()
-    end # parse
-    def run()
-      Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-        PRG_VERSION,
-        PRG_DESC,
-        PRG_DATE,
-        COPYRIGHT,
-        CONTACT,
-        WWW,
-        STDOUT )
-      begin
-        cla = ARGV )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-           cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-        print_help
-        exit( 0 )
-      end
-      if cla.get_number_of_files != 3
-        print_help
-        exit( -1 )
-      end
-      allowed_opts =
-      allowed_opts.push( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( OVERWRITE_IF_SAME_FROM_TO_OPTION )
-      disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-      if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME,
-          "unknown option(s): " + disallowed,
-          STDOUT )
-      end
-      domains_list_file       = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-      original_sequences_file = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-      outfile                 = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-      e_value_threshold = -1.0
-      if cla.is_option_set?( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-        begin
-          e_value_threshold = cla.get_option_value_as_float( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-        if ( e_value_threshold < 0.0 )
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "attempt to use a negative E-value threshold", STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      overwrite_if_same_from_to = false
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( OVERWRITE_IF_SAME_FROM_TO_OPTION ) )
-        overwrite_if_same_from_to = true
-      end
-      puts
-      puts( "Domains list file                      : " + domains_list_file )
-      puts( "Fasta sequencefile (complete sequences): " + original_sequences_file )
-      puts( "Outputfile                             : " + outfile )
-      if ( e_value_threshold >= 0.0 )
-        puts( "E-value threshold                      : " + e_value_threshold.to_s )
-      else
-        puts( "E-value threshold                      : no threshold" )
-      end
-      if ( overwrite_if_same_from_to )
-        puts( "Overwrite if same from and to          : true" )
-      else
-        puts( "Overwrite if same from and to          : false" )
-      end
-      puts
-      begin
-        parse( domains_list_file,
-          original_sequences_file,
-          outfile,
-          " ",
-          e_value_threshold,
-          overwrite_if_same_from_to )
-      rescue ArgumentError, IOError, StandardError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unexpected exception: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      end
-      puts
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, 'OK' )
-      puts
-    end
-    private
-    def print_help()
-      puts
-      puts( "Usage:" )
-      puts
-      puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [options] <domains list file (parsed hmmpfam output)> <file containing complete sequences in fasta format> <outputfile>" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  options: -" + E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION  + "=<f> : E-value threshold, default is no threshold" )
-      puts( "               -" + OVERWRITE_IF_SAME_FROM_TO_OPTION  + " : overwrite domain with same start and end with domain with better E-value" )
-      puts
-    end
-    def is_ignorable?( line )
-      return ( line !~ /[A-Za-z0-9-]/ || line =~ /^\s*#/)
-    end
-  end # class DomainsToForester
-end # module Evoruby
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/evo_nursery.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/evo_nursery.rb
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e6f653f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/evo_nursery.rb - EvoNursery class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: evo_nursery.rb,v 1.11 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/soft/fastme'
-require 'lib/evo/soft/tree_puzzle'
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/phylip_sequential_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/general_msa_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/msa_writer'
-require 'iconv'
-module Evoruby
-    class EvoNursery
-        GAP_RATIO           = 0.50
-        GAP_RATIO_FOR_SEQS  = 0.75
-        MIN_LENGTH          = 30
-        MIN_SEQS            = 4
-        MAX_SEQS            = 3000
-        MAX_ALN_FILE_SIZE   = 5000000
-        MODEL               = :auto
-        RATES               = :uniform
-        ALN_NAME            = '_align_'
-        FASTME_OUTTREE      = FastMe::OUTTREE
-        FASTME_OUTPUT_D     = FastMe::OUTPUT_D
-        PRG_NAME       = "evo_nursery"
-        PRG_DATE       = "2012.03.21"
-        PRG_DESC       = "pfam alignments to evolutionary trees"
-        PRG_VERSION    = "0.20"
-        COPYRIGHT      = "2009-2012 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT        = ""
-        WWW            = ""
-        HELP_OPTION_1       = "help"
-        HELP_OPTION_2       = "h"
-        def run
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            if RUBY_VERSION !~ /1.9/
-                puts( "Your ruby version is #{RUBY_VERSION}, expected 1.9.x " )
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            forester_home = Util.get_env_variable_value( Constants::FORESTER_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE )
-            java_home = Util.get_env_variable_value( Constants::JAVA_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE )
-            decorator = java_home + '/bin/java -cp ' + forester_home + '/java/forester.jar org.forester.application.decorator'
-            if ( ARGV == nil || ARGV.length != 1 )
-                help
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-                     cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-                help
-                exit( 0 )
-            end
-            output_dir = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-            if output_dir !~ /\/$/
-                output_dir = output_dir + '/'
-            end
-            if !File.exists?( output_dir )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, output_dir.to_s + " does not exist", STDOUT )
-            end
-            ic = 'UTF-8//IGNORE', 'UTF-8' )
-            files = Dir.entries( "." )
-            skipped =
-            counter = 1
-            analyzed = 0;
-            begin
-                files.each { |pfam_aln_file|
-                    if ( ! pfam_aln_file ) &&
-                             pfam_aln_file !~ /^\./ &&
-                             pfam_aln_file !~ /.+\.tre$/  )
-                        tree_out_file = output_dir + File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + ".xml"
-                        if File.exists?( tree_out_file )
-                            puts
-                            puts
-                            puts "***** skipping " + File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + ", already exists"
-                            puts
-                            skipped.push( File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + " [already exists]" )
-                            next
-                        end
-                        puts
-                        puts counter.to_s + ": " + pfam_aln_file.to_str
-                        counter += 1
-                        if File.size( pfam_aln_file ) > MAX_ALN_FILE_SIZE
-                            puts "***** skipping, file size: " +  File.size( pfam_aln_file ).to_s
-                            skipped.push( File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + " [file size: " +  File.size( pfam_aln_file ).to_s + "]" )
-                            next
-                        end
-                        f =
-                        msa = f.create_msa_from_file( pfam_aln_file, )
-                        if msa.get_number_of_seqs < MIN_SEQS || msa.get_number_of_seqs > MAX_SEQS
-                            puts "***** skipping, seqs: " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s
-                            skipped.push( File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + " [seqs: " +  msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + "]" )
-                            next
-                        end
-                        msa.remove_gap_columns_w_gap_ratio!( GAP_RATIO )
-                        length = msa.get_length
-                        if length < MIN_LENGTH
-                            puts "***** skipping, length: " + length.to_s
-                            skipped.push( File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + " [length: " +  length.to_s + "]" )
-                            next
-                        end
-                        msa.remove_sequences_by_gap_ratio!( GAP_RATIO_FOR_SEQS )
-                        if msa.get_number_of_seqs < MIN_SEQS
-                            puts "***** skipping, seqs: " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s
-                            skipped.push( File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + " [seqs: " +  msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + "]" )
-                            next
-                        end
-                        map_file = output_dir + File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + ".map"
-                        f = map_file, 'a' )
-                        for i in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs
-                            name = msa.get_sequence( i ).get_name()
-                            name =~ /(.+)_(.+)\/.+/
-                            acc = $1
-                            tax_code = $2
-                            mapping_str = i.to_s
-                            mapping_str << "\t"
-                            mapping_str << 'TAXONOMY_CODE:'
-                            mapping_str << tax_code
-                            mapping_str << "\t"
-                            mapping_str << 'SEQ_SYMBOL:'
-                            mapping_str << ( acc + '_' + tax_code )
-                            mapping_str << "\t"
-                            if ( acc.length < 6 )
-                                acc = acc + '_' + tax_code
-                            end
-                            mapping_str << 'SEQ_ACCESSION:'
-                            mapping_str << acc
-                            mapping_str << "\t"
-                            mapping_str << 'SEQ_ACCESSION_SOURCE:UniProtKB'
-                            mapping_str << "\t"
-                            mapping_str << 'NODE_NAME:'
-                            mapping_str << name
-                            f.print( mapping_str )
-                            f.print( "\n" )
-                            name = msa.get_sequence( i ).set_name( i.to_s )
-                        end
-                        f.close
-                        io =
-                        w = MsaWriter
-                        w =
-                        w.clean( true )
-                        w.set_max_name_length( 10 )
-                        if File.exists?( output_dir + ALN_NAME )
-                            File.unlink( output_dir + ALN_NAME )
-                        end
-                        io.write_to_file( msa, output_dir + ALN_NAME, w )
-                        tp =
-               output_dir + ALN_NAME,
-                            MODEL,
-                            RATES,
-                            msa.get_number_of_seqs )
-                        File.rename( output_dir + ALN_NAME, output_dir  + File.basename( pfam_aln_file ) + ".aln" )
-                        fastme =
-                        pfam_acc = nil
-                        pfam_de = nil
-               pfam_aln_file ) do |file|
-                            while line = file.gets
-                                line = ic.iconv( line )
-                                if line =~ /^#=AC\s+(.+)/
-                                    pfam_acc = $1
-                                end
-                                if line =~ /^#=DE\s+(.+)/
-                                    pfam_de = $1
-                                end
-                                if pfam_acc && pfam_de
-                                    break
-                                end
-                            end
-                        end
-                        if !pfam_acc || !pfam_de
-                            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "problem with " + pfam_aln_file.to_s, STDOUT )
-                        end
-                        puzzle_model = nil
-               TREE_PUZZLE_OUTFILE ) do |file|
-                            while line = file.gets
-                                line = ic.iconv( line )
-                                if line =~ /^Model\s+of\s+substitution:\s+(.+)/
-                                    puzzle_model = $1
-                                    break
-                                end
-                            end
-                        end
-                        if !puzzle_model
-                            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "problem with puzzle outfile: " + TREE_PUZZLE_OUTFILE.to_s, STDOUT )
-                        end
-                        desc = pfam_de
-                        desc << ' | '
-                        desc << 'ML pwd estimation by TREE-PUZZLE version '
-                        desc << TreePuzzle::VERSION
-                        desc << ', model: '
-                        desc << puzzle_model
-                        desc << ', rates: '
-                        desc << RATES.to_s
-                        desc << '; tree estimation by FastME version '
-                        desc << FastMe::VERSION
-                        desc << ', initial tree: '
-                        desc << FASTME_INITIAL_TREE.to_s
-                        desc << '; aln length: '
-                        desc << msa.get_length.to_s
-                        cmd = decorator + " -table -p -pn=\"" + pfam_aln_file +
-                         "\" -pi=pfam:" + pfam_acc +
-                         " -pd=\"" + desc + "\" " +
-                         FASTME_OUTTREE + ' ' +
-                         map_file + ' ' + tree_out_file
-                        IO.popen( cmd , 'r+' ) do | pipe |
-                            pipe.close_write
-                        end
-                        analyzed += 1
-                        File.unlink( map_file )
-                        File.unlink(TREE_PUZZLE_OUTDIST)
-                        File.unlink( TREE_PUZZLE_OUTFILE )
-                        File.unlink( FASTME_OUTPUT_D )
-                    end
-                }
-            rescue ArgumentError, IOError, StandardError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-            end
-            puts()
-            puts( 'Skipped:' )
-            puts()
-            for i in 0 ... skipped.size
-                puts i.to_s + ": " + skipped[ i ]
-            end
-            puts()
-            puts( 'Skipped : ' + skipped.size.to_s + ' alignments' )
-            puts( 'Analyzed: ' +  analyzed.to_s    + ' alignments' )
-            puts( 'Min gap ratio for col del  : ' + GAP_RATIO.to_s )
-            puts( 'Min gap ratio for seq del  : ' + GAP_RATIO_FOR_SEQS.to_s )
-            puts( 'Minimal aln length         : ' + MIN_LENGTH.to_s )
-            puts( 'Minimal number of sequences: ' + MIN_SEQS.to_s )
-            puts( 'Maximal number of sequences: ' + MAX_SEQS.to_s )
-            puts( 'Maximal aln file size      : ' + MAX_ALN_FILE_SIZE.to_s )
-            puts( 'Model              : ' + MODEL.to_s )
-            puts( 'FastME initial tree: ' + FASTME_INITIAL_TREE.to_s )
-            puts()
-            puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > OK' )
-            puts()
-        end  # run
-        private
-        def help
-            puts( "Usage:" )
-            puts()
-            puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb <output dir> " )
-            puts()
-        end
-    end # class EvoNursery
-end # module Evoruby
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/fasta_extractor.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/fasta_extractor.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b2d0d5c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/fasta_extractor.rb - FastaExtractor class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: fasta_extractor.rb,v 1.2 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-module Evoruby
-    class FastaExtractor
-        PRG_NAME                           = "fae"
-        PRG_VERSION                        = "1.0.0"
-        PRG_DESC                           = "extraction of nucleotide sequences from a fasta file by names from wublast search"
-        PRG_DATE                           = "2008.08.09"
-        COPYRIGHT                          = "2008-2009 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT                            = ""
-        WWW                                = ""
-        HELP_OPTION_1                      = 'help'
-        HELP_OPTION_2                      = 'h'
-        def run()
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC ,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            ld = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-                     cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-                print_help
-                exit( 0 )
-            end
-            if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 3 )
-                print_help
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            allowed_opts =
-            disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-            if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME,
-                    "unknown option(s): " + disallowed,
-                    STDOUT )
-            end
-            input_file  = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-            names_file  = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-            output_file = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-            if  !File.exist?( input_file )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: input file [#{input_file}] does not exist" )
-            end
-            if  !File.exist?( names_file )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: names file [#{names_file}] does not exist" )
-            end
-            if File.exist?( output_file   )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{output_file }] already exists" )
-            end
-            names = extract_names_with_frames( names_file )
-            extract_sequences( names, input_file, output_file )
-            puts
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-            puts
-        end
-        def extract_names_with_frames( names_file )
-            names =
-   names_file ) do | file |
-                while line = file.gets
-                    if ( !Util.is_string_empty?( line ) && !(line =~ /\s*#/ ) )
-                        if ( line =~ /(\S+)\s+([+|-]\d)\s+\d+\s+(\S+)/ )
-                            name  = $1
-                            frame = $2
-                            e     = $3
-                            names[ name ] =  "[" + frame + "] [" + e + "]"
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            names
-        end
-        def extract_sequences( names, fasta_file, output_file )
-            output = output_file, "a" )
-            matching_state = false
-            counter = 0
-   fasta_file ) do | file |
-                while line = file.gets
-                    if !Util.is_string_empty?( line )
-                        if ( line =~ /\s*>\s*(.+)/ )
-                            name = $1
-                            if names.has_key?( name )
-                                matching_state = true
-                                counter += 1
-                                puts counter.to_s + ". " +name + " " + names[ name ]
-                                output.print( ">" + name + " " + names[ name ] )
-                                output.print( Evoruby::Constants::LINE_DELIMITER )
-                            else
-                                matching_state = false
-                            end
-                        elsif matching_state
-                            output.print( line )
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            output.close()
-        end
-        def print_help()
-            puts( "Usage:" )
-            puts()
-            puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb <input fasta file> <names file based on blast output> <output file>" )
-            puts()
-        end
-    end # class FastaExtractor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/fasta_taxonomy_processor.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/fasta_taxonomy_processor.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6ae3cf1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/fasta_taxonomy_processor - FastaTaxonomyProcessor class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: fasta_taxonomy_processor.rb,v 1.4 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa'
-require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/sp_taxonomy_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/phylip_sequential_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-require 'lib/evo/apps/tseq_taxonomy_processor'
-module Evoruby
-    class FastaTaxonomyProcessor
-        PRG_NAME       = "fasta_tap"
-        PRG_DATE       = "2009.01.20"
-        PRG_DESC       = "preprocessing of multiple sequence files in ncbi fasta format"
-        PRG_VERSION    = "1.00"
-        COPYRIGHT      = "2009 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT        = ""
-        WWW            = ""
-        def initialize()
-            @tax_ids_to_sp_taxonomies =
-        end
-        def run()
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            if  ARGV == nil || ARGV.length != 4
-                puts( "Usage: #{PRG_NAME}.rb <sp taxonomy file> <sequences in ncbi fasta format> <name for fasta outfile> <name for map outfile>" )
-                puts()
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            allowed_opts =
-            disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-            if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed )
-            end
-            sp_taxonomy_infile = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-            sequences_infile = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-            sequences_outfile = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-            mapping_outfile = cla.get_file_name( 3 )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_readable( PRG_NAME, sp_taxonomy_infile )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_readable( PRG_NAME, sequences_infile )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_writable( PRG_NAME, mapping_outfile )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_writable( PRG_NAME, sequences_outfile )
-            sp_taxonomies = SpTaxonomyParser.parse( sp_taxonomy_infile )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "read in taxonomic data for " + sp_taxonomies.size.to_s + " species from: " + sp_taxonomy_infile )
-            fasta_parser =
-            msa_fac =
-            seqs = msa_fac.create_msa_from_file( sequences_infile, fasta_parser )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "read in " + seqs.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " sequences from: " + sequences_infile )
-            removed = seqs.remove_redundant_sequences!( true, true )
-            if removed.size > 0
-                Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "going to ignore the following " + removed.size.to_s + " redundant sequences:" )
-                removed.each { | seq_name |
-                    puts seq_name
-                }
-                Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "will process " + seqs.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non-redundant sequences" )
-            end
-            mapping_out = mapping_outfile, "a" )
-            for i in 0 ... seqs.get_number_of_seqs
-                seq = seqs.get_sequence( i )
-                seq.set_name( Util::normalize_seq_name( modify_name( seq, i, sp_taxonomies, mapping_out ), 10 ) )
-            end
-            io =
-            w =
-            w.set_max_name_length( 10 )
-            w.clean( true )
-            begin
-                io.write_to_file( seqs, sequences_outfile, w )
-            rescue Exception => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to write file: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            mapping_out.close()
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + mapping_outfile )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + sequences_outfile )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-        end
-        private
-        def modify_name( seq, i, sp_taxonomies, mapping_outfile )
-            #i = i + 1792
-            seq_desc = seq.get_name
-            taxonomy_sn = nil
-            if seq_desc =~ /\[(.+)\]/
-                taxonomy_sn = $1
-            else
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "no taxonomy in [" + seq_desc + "]"  )
-            end
-            matching_sp_taxonomy = nil
-            sp_taxonomies.each { |sp_taxonomy|
-                if ( sp_taxonomy.scientific_name == taxonomy_sn )
-                    matching_sp_taxonomy = sp_taxonomy
-                end
-            }
-            if  matching_sp_taxonomy == nil
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "taxonomy [" + taxonomy_sn + "] for [" + seq_desc + "] not found" )
-            end
-            new_name = i.to_s( 16 ) + "_" + matching_sp_taxonomy.code
-            gi = nil
-            if seq_desc =~ /gi\|(.+?)\|/
-                gi = $1
-            else
-              Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "no gi in [" + seq_desc + "]"  )
-            end
-            seq_name = ""
-            if seq_desc =~ /\|\s*([^|]+?)\s*\[/
-                seq_name = $1
-            end
-            if  seq_name =~ /\[.+\]$/
-                # Redundant taxonomy information hides here.
-                seq_name = seq_name.sub(/\[.+\]$/, '')
-            end
-            if  seq_name =~ /^\s*hypothetical\s+protein\s*/i
-                # Pointless information.
-                seq_name = seq_name.sub( /^\s*hypothetical\s+protein\s*/i, '' )
-            end
-            if  seq_name =~ /^\s*conserved\s+hypothetical\s+protein\s*/i
-                # Pointless information.
-                seq_name = seq_name.sub( /^\s*conserved\s+hypothetical\s+protein\s*/i, '' )
-            end
-            if gi != nil
-            mapping_outfile.print( new_name + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_CODE + matching_sp_taxonomy.code + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_ID + + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_ID_TYPE + "ncbi" + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_SN + matching_sp_taxonomy.scientific_name + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::SEQ_ACCESSION + gi.to_s + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::SEQ_ACCESSION_SOURCE + "gi" + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::SEQ_NAME + seq_name + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::SEQ_MOL_SEQ + seq.get_sequence_as_string +
-                 Constants::LINE_DELIMITER )
-            else
-                 mapping_outfile.print( new_name + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_CODE + matching_sp_taxonomy.code + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_ID + + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_ID_TYPE + "ncbi" + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::TAXONOMY_SN + matching_sp_taxonomy.scientific_name + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::SEQ_NAME + seq_name + "\t" +
-                 TseqTaxonomyProcessor::SEQ_MOL_SEQ + seq.get_sequence_as_string +
-                 Constants::LINE_DELIMITER )
-            end    
-            new_name
-        end
-    end
-end # module Evoruby
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/hmmscan_parser.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/hmmscan_parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c2f8177..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/hmmscan_parser.rb - HmmscanParser class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: hmmscan_parser.rb,v 1.5 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-# last modified: 11/24/2009
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-module Evoruby
-    class HmmscanParser
-        PRG_NAME       = "hsp"
-        PRG_VERSION    = "1.0.1"
-        PRG_DESC       = "hmmscan parser"
-        PRG_DATE       = "2009.11.24"
-        COPYRIGHT      = "2009 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT        = ""
-        WWW            = ""
-        DELIMITER_OPTION              = "d"
-        E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION      = "e"
-        IGNORE_DUF_OPTION             = "i"
-        HELP_OPTION_1                 = "help"
-        HELP_OPTION_2                 = "h"
-        def initialize
-            @domain_counts =
-        end
-        # raises ArgumentError, IOError
-        def parse( inpath,
-                outpath,
-                column_delimiter,
-                e_value_threshold,
-                ignore_dufs,
-                get_descriptions )
-            Util.check_file_for_readability( inpath )
-            Util.check_file_for_writability( outpath )
-            outfile = outpath, "a" )
-            query    =
-            desc     =
-            model    =
-            env_from =
-            env_to   =
-            i_e_value  =
-            queries_count = 0
-            nl = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-   inpath ) do | file |
-                while line = file.gets
-                    if !HmmscanParser.is_ignorable?( line ) && line =~ /^\S+\s+\S/
-                        #         tn      acc     tlen    query   acc     qlen    Evalue  score   bias    #       of      c-E     i-E     score   bias    hf      ht      af      at      ef      et      acc     desc
-                        #         1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20      21      22      23
-                        line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/
-                        model     = $1
-                        query     = $4
-                        i_e_value = $13.to_f
-                        env_from  = $20.to_i
-                        env_to    = $21.to_i
-                        if ( ( ( e_value_threshold < 0.0 ) || ( i_e_value <= e_value_threshold ) ) &&
-                                 ( !ignore_dufs || ( model !~ /^DUF\d+/ ) ) )
-                            count_model( model )
-                            outfile.print( query +
-                                 column_delimiter )
-                            if ( get_descriptions )
-                                outfile.print( desc +
-                                     column_delimiter )
-                            end
-                            outfile.print( model +
-                                 column_delimiter +
-                                 env_from.to_s +
-                                 column_delimiter +
-                                 env_to.to_s +
-                                 column_delimiter +
-                                 i_e_value.to_s )
-                            outfile.print( nl )
-                        end
-                    end
-                end # while line = file.gets
-            end
-            outfile.flush()
-            outfile.close()
-            return queries_count
-        end # def parse
-        def count_model( model )
-            if ( @domain_counts.has_key?( model ) )
-                count = @domain_counts[ model ].to_i
-                count += 1
-                @domain_counts[ model ] = count
-            else
-                @domain_counts[ model ] = 1
-            end
-        end
-        def get_domain_counts()
-            return @domain_counts
-        end
-        def run()
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-            end
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-                     cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-                print_help
-                exit( 0 )
-            end
-            if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 2 )
-                print_help
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            allowed_opts =
-            allowed_opts.push( DELIMITER_OPTION )
-            allowed_opts.push( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-            allowed_opts.push( IGNORE_DUF_OPTION )
-            allowed_opts.push( PARSE_OUT_DESCRIPITION_OPTION )
-            disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-            if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME,
-                    "unknown option(s): " + disallowed,
-                    STDOUT )
-            end
-            inpath = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-            outpath = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-            column_delimiter = "\t"
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( DELIMITER_OPTION ) )
-                begin
-                    column_delimiter = cla.get_option_value( DELIMITER_OPTION )
-                rescue ArgumentError => e
-                    Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-                end
-            end
-            e_value_threshold = -1.0
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION ) )
-                begin
-                    e_value_threshold = cla.get_option_value_as_float( E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION )
-                rescue ArgumentError => e
-                    Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-                end
-                if ( e_value_threshold < 0.0 )
-                    Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "attempt to use a negative E-value threshold", STDOUT )
-                end
-            end
-            ignore_dufs = false
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( IGNORE_DUF_OPTION ) )
-                ignore_dufs = true
-            end
-            parse_descriptions = false
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( PARSE_OUT_DESCRIPITION_OPTION ) )
-                parse_descriptions = true
-            end
-            puts()
-            puts( "hmmpfam outputfile: " + inpath )
-            puts( "outputfile        : " + outpath )
-            if ( e_value_threshold >= 0.0 )
-                puts( "E-value threshold : " + e_value_threshold.to_s )
-            else
-                puts( "E-value threshold : no threshold" )
-            end
-            if ( parse_descriptions )
-                puts( "parse descriptions: true" )
-            else
-                puts( "parse descriptions: false" )
-            end
-            if ( ignore_dufs )
-                puts( "ignore DUFs       : true" )
-            else
-                puts( "ignore DUFs       : false" )
-            end
-            if ( column_delimiter == "\t" )
-                puts( "column delimiter  : TAB" )
-            else
-                puts( "column delimiter  : " + column_delimiter )
-            end
-            puts()
-            begin
-                queries_count = parse( inpath,
-                    outpath,
-                    column_delimiter,
-                    e_value_threshold,
-                    ignore_dufs,
-                    parse_descriptions )
-            rescue ArgumentError, IOError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-            end
-            domain_counts = get_domain_counts()
-            puts
-            puts( "read output for a total of " + queries_count.to_s + " query sequences" )
-            puts
-            puts( "domain counts (considering potential E-value threshold and ignoring of DUFs):" )
-            puts( "(number of different domains: " + domain_counts.length.to_s + ")" )
-            puts
-            puts( Util.draw_histogram( domain_counts, "#" ) )
-            puts
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, 'OK' )
-            puts
-        end # def run()
-        def print_help()
-            puts( "Usage:" )
-            puts()
-            puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [options] <hmmscan outputfile> <outputfile>" )
-            puts()
-            puts( "  options: -" + DELIMITER_OPTION + ": column delimiter for outputfile, default is TAB" )
-            puts( "           -" + E_VALUE_THRESHOLD_OPTION  + ": E-value threshold, default is no threshold" )
-            puts( "           -" + PARSE_OUT_DESCRIPITION_OPTION  + ": parse query description (in addition to query name)" )
-            puts( "           -" + IGNORE_DUF_OPTION  + ": ignore DUFs" )
-            puts()
-        end
-        private
-        def HmmscanParser.is_ignorable?( line )
-            return ( line !~ /[A-Za-z0-9-]/ || line =~/^#/ )
-        end
-    end # class HmmscanParser
-end # module Evoruby
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/msa_processor.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/msa_processor.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6299417..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,848 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/msa_processor.rb - MsaProcessor class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: msa_processor.rb,v 1.33 2010/12/13 19:00:10 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'date'
-require 'set'
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/phylip_sequential_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/nexus_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/general_msa_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/msa_writer'
-module Evoruby
-  class MsaProcessor
-    PRG_NAME       = "msa_pro"
-    PRG_DATE       = "2012.05.11"
-    PRG_DESC       = "processing of multiple sequence alignments"
-    PRG_VERSION    = "1.06"
-    COPYRIGHT      = "2008-2010 Christian M Zmasek"
-    CONTACT        = ""
-    WWW            = ""
-    NAME_LENGTH_DEFAULT                = 10
-    WIDTH_DEFAULT_FASTA                = 60
-    INPUT_TYPE_OPTION                  = "i"
-    OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION                 = "o"
-    WIDTH_OPTION                       = "w"
-    CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION                = "c"
-    REM_RED_OPTION                     = "rem_red"
-    REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION          = "rgc"
-    REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS            = "rgoc"
-    TRIM_OPTION                        = "t"
-    REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION       = "rsgr"
-    SPLIT                              = "split"
-    LOG_SUFFIX                         = "_msa_pro.log"
-    HELP_OPTION_1                      = "help"
-    HELP_OPTION_2                      = "h"
-    def initialize()
-      @input_format_set = false
-      @output_format_set = false
-      @fasta_input      = false
-      @phylip_input     = true
-      @name_length      = NAME_LENGTH_DEFAULT
-      @name_length_set  = false
-      @width            = WIDTH_DEFAULT_FASTA     # fasta only
-      @pi_output        = true
-      @fasta_output     = false
-      @nexus_output     = false
-      @clean            = false  # phylip only
-      @rgc              = false
-      @rgoc             = false
-      @rg               = false  # fasta only
-      @rem_red          = false
-      @rgr              = -1
-      @rsgr             = -1
-      @rsl              = -1
-      @remove_matching  = nil
-      @keep_matching    = nil
-      @seqs_name_file   = nil
-      @remove_seqs      = false
-      @keep_seqs        = false
-      @trim             = false
-      @split            = -1
-      @first            = -1
-      @last             = -1
-    end
-    def run()
-      Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-        PRG_VERSION,
-        PRG_DESC,
-        PRG_DATE,
-        COPYRIGHT,
-        CONTACT,
-        WWW,
-        STDOUT )
-      if ( ARGV == nil || ARGV.length < 1 )
-        Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Illegal number of arguments" )
-        print_help
-        exit( -1 )
-      end
-      begin
-        cla = ARGV )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "Error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-           cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-        print_help
-        exit( 0 )
-      end
-      if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 2 || ARGV.length < 2 )
-        Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Illegal number of arguments" )
-        print_help
-        exit( -1 )
-      end
-      allowed_opts =
-      allowed_opts.push( INPUT_TYPE_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( WIDTH_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_ALL_GAP_CHARACTERS_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( TRIM_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( SPLIT )
-      allowed_opts.push( REM_RED_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION )
-      allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION )
-      disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-      if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME,
-          "unknown option(s): " + disallowed )
-      end
-      input = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-      output = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-      analyze_command_line( cla )
-      begin
-        Util.check_file_for_readability( input )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      begin
-        Util.check_file_for_writability( output )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      if ( @rg )
-        set_pi_output( false )
-        set_fasta_output( true )
-        set_nexus_output( false )
-      end
-      if ( !@input_format_set )
-        fasta_like = false
-        begin
-          fasta_like = Util.looks_like_fasta?( input )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-        end
-        @fasta_input = fasta_like
-        @phylip_input = !fasta_like
-        if ( !@output_format_set )
-          @fasta_output = fasta_like
-          @pi_output = !fasta_like
-          @nexus_output = false
-        end
-      end
-      ld = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-      log = PRG_NAME + " " + PRG_VERSION + " [" + PRG_DATE + "]" + " LOG" + ld
-      now =
-      log << "Date/time: " + now.to_s + ld
-      puts()
-      puts( "Input alignment  : " + input )
-      log << "Input alignment  : " + input + ld
-      puts( "Output alignment : " + output )
-      log << "Output alignment : " + output + ld
-      if ( @phylip_input )
-        puts( "Input is         : Phylip, or something like it" )
-        log << "Input is         : Phylip, or something like it" + ld
-      elsif ( @fasta_input )
-        puts( "Input is         : Fasta" )
-        log << "Input is         : Fasta" + ld
-      end
-      if( @rgr >= 0 )
-        puts( "Max col gap ratio: " + @rgr.to_s )
-        log << "Max col gap ratio: " + @rgr.to_s + ld
-      elsif ( @rgc )
-        puts( "Remove gap colums" )
-        log << "Remove gap colums" + ld
-      elsif( @rgoc )
-        puts( "Remove gap only colums" )
-        log << "Remove gap only colums" + ld
-      end
-      if ( @clean )
-        puts( "Clean up         : true" )
-        log << "Clean up         : true" + ld
-      end
-      if ( @pi_output )
-        puts( "Output is        : Phylip interleaved" )
-        log << "Output is        : Phylip interleaved" + ld
-      elsif ( @fasta_output )
-        puts( "Output is        : Fasta" )
-        log << "Output is        : Fasta" + ld
-        if ( @width )
-          puts( "Width            : " + @width.to_s )
-          log << "Width            : " + @width.to_s + ld
-        end
-        if ( @rg )
-          puts( "Remove all gap characters (alignment is destroyed)" )
-          log << "Remove all gap characters (alignment is destroyed)" + ld
-        end
-      elsif ( @nexus_output )
-        puts( "Output is        : Nexus" )
-        log << "Output is        : Nexus" + ld
-      end
-      if ( @name_length_set || !@fasta_output )
-        puts( "Max name length  : " + @name_length.to_s )
-        log << "Max name length  : " + @name_length.to_s + ld
-      end
-      if( @rsgr >= 0 )
-        puts( "Remove sequences for which the gap ratio > " + @rsgr.to_s )
-        log << "Remove sequences for which the gap ratio > " + @rsgr.to_s + ld
-      end
-      if( @rsl >= 0 )
-        puts( "Remove sequences with less than "  + @rsl.to_s + " non-gap characters" )
-        log << "Remove sequences with less than "  + @rsl.to_s + " non-gap characters" + ld
-      end
-      if ( @remove_seqs )
-        puts( "Remove sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file )
-        log << "Remove sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file + ld
-      elsif ( @keep_seqs )
-        puts( "Keep only sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file )
-        log << "Keep only sequences listed in: " + @seqs_name_file + ld
-      end
-      if ( @trim )
-        puts( "Keep only columns from: "+ @first.to_s + " to " + @last.to_s )
-        log << "Keep only columns from: "+ @first.to_s + " to " + @last.to_s + ld
-      end
-      if ( @rem_red )
-        puts( "Remove redundant sequences: true" )
-        log << "Remove redundant sequences: true" + ld
-      end
-      if ( @split > 0 )
-        puts( "Split            : " + @split.to_s )
-        log << "Split            : " + @split.to_s + ld
-      end
-      puts()
-      f =
-      msa = nil
-      begin
-        if ( @phylip_input )
-          msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, )
-        elsif ( @fasta_input )
-          msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, )
-        end
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      end
-      if ( msa.is_aligned() )
-        Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Length of original alignment         : " + msa.get_length.to_s )
-        log << "Length of original alignment         : " + msa.get_length.to_s + ld
-        gp = msa.calculate_gap_proportion
-        Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Gap-proportion of original alignment : " + gp.to_s )
-        log << "Gap-proportion of original alignment : " +  gp.to_s + ld
-      else
-        Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "the input is not aligned" )
-        log << "The input is not aligned" + ld
-      end
-      all_names =
-      for i in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs()
-        current_name = msa.get_sequence( i ).get_name
-        if all_names.include?( current_name )
-          Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "sequence name [" + current_name + "] is not unique" )
-        else
-          all_names.add( current_name )
-        end
-      end
-      begin
-        if ( @remove_seqs || @keep_seqs )
-          names = Util.file2array( @seqs_name_file, true )
-          if ( names == nil ||  names.length() < 1 )
-            error_msg = "file \"" + @seqs_name_file.to_s + "\" appears empty"
-            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, error_msg )
-          end
-          if ( @remove_seqs )
-            c = 0
-            for i in 0 ... names.length()
-              to_delete = msa.find_by_name( names[ i ], true, false )
-              if ( to_delete.length() < 1 )
-                error_msg = "sequence name \"" + names[ i ] + "\" not found"
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, error_msg )
-              elsif ( to_delete.length() > 1 )
-                error_msg = "sequence name \"" + names[ i ] + "\" is not unique"
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, error_msg )
-              else
-                msa.remove_sequence!( to_delete[ 0 ] )
-                c += 1
-              end
-            end
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + c.to_s + " sequences" )
-            log <<  "Removed " + c.to_s + " sequences" + ld
-          elsif ( @keep_seqs )
-            msa_new =
-            r = 0
-            k = 0
-            for j in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs()
-              if ( names.include?( msa.get_sequence( j ).get_name() ) )
-                msa_new.add_sequence( msa.get_sequence( j ) )
-                k += 1
-              else
-                r += 1
-              end
-            end
-            msa = msa_new
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Kept    " + k.to_s + " sequences" )
-            log << "Kept    " + k.to_s + " sequences" + ld
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences" )
-            log << "removed " + r.to_s + " sequences" + ld
-          end
-        end
-        if ( @trim )
-          msa.trim!( @first, @last )
-        end
-        if( @rgr >= 0 )
-          msa.remove_gap_columns_w_gap_ratio!( @rgr )
-        elsif ( @rgc )
-          msa.remove_gap_columns!()
-        elsif( @rgoc )
-          msa.remove_gap_only_columns!()
-        end
-        if( @rsgr >= 0 )
-          n = msa.get_number_of_seqs()
-          removed = msa.remove_sequences_by_gap_ratio!( @rsgr )
-          k = msa.get_number_of_seqs()
-          r = n - k
-          Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Kept    " + k.to_s + " sequences" )
-          log << "Kept    " + k.to_s + " sequences" + ld
-          Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences"  )
-          log << "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences:" + ld
-          removed.each { | seq_name |
-            log << "         " + seq_name  + ld
-          }
-        end
-        if( @rsl >= 0 )
-          n = msa.get_number_of_seqs()
-          removed = msa.remove_sequences_by_non_gap_length!( @rsl )
-          k = msa.get_number_of_seqs()
-          r = n - k
-          Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Kept    " + k.to_s + " sequences" )
-          log << "Kept    " + k.to_s + " sequences" + ld
-          Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences" )
-          log << "Removed " + r.to_s + " sequences:" + ld
-          removed.each { | seq_name |
-            log << "         " + seq_name  + ld
-          }
-        end
-        if ( @keep_matching )
-          n = msa.get_number_of_seqs
-          to_be_removed =
-          for ii in 0 ...  n
-            seq = msa.get_sequence( ii )
-            if !seq.get_name.downcase.index( @keep_matching.downcase )
-              to_be_removed.add( ii )
-            end
-          end
-          to_be_removed_ary = to_be_removed.to_a.sort.reverse
-          to_be_removed_ary.each { | index |
-            msa.remove_sequence!( index )
-          }
-          # msa = sort( msa )
-        end
-        if ( @remove_matching )
-          n = msa.get_number_of_seqs
-          to_be_removed =
-          for iii in 0 ... n
-            seq = msa.get_sequence( iii )
-            if seq.get_name.downcase.index( @remove_matching.downcase )
-              to_be_removed.add( iii )
-            end
-          end
-          to_be_removed_ary = to_be_removed.to_a.sort.reverse
-          to_be_removed_ary.each { | index |
-            msa.remove_sequence!( index )
-          }
-          msa = sort( msa )
-        end
-        if ( @split > 0 )
-          begin
-            msas = msa.split( @split, true )
-            io =
-            w = MsaWriter
-            if ( @pi_output )
-              w =
-              w.clean( @clean )
-              w.set_max_name_length( @name_length )
-            elsif( @fasta_output )
-              w =
-              w.set_line_width( @width )
-              if ( @rg )
-                w.remove_gap_chars( true )
-                Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "removing gap character, the output is likely to become unaligned" )
-                log << "removing gap character, the output is likely to become unaligned" + ld
-              end
-              w.clean( @clean )
-              if ( @name_length_set )
-                w.set_max_name_length( @name_length )
-              end
-            elsif( @nexus_output )
-              w =
-              w.clean( @clean )
-              w.set_max_name_length( @name_length )
-            end
-            i = 0
-            for m in msas
-              i = i + 1
-              io.write_to_file( m, output + "_" + i.to_s, w )
-            end
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote " + msas.length.to_s + " files"  )
-            log << "wrote " + msas.length.to_s + " files" + ld
-          rescue Exception => e
-            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-          end
-        end
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-      end
-      if ( @split <= 0 )
-        unless ( @rg )
-          if ( msa.is_aligned() )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Length of processed alignment        : " + msa.get_length.to_s )
-            log <<  "Length of processed alignment        : " + msa.get_length.to_s + ld
-            gp = msa.calculate_gap_proportion
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "Gap-proportion of processed alignment: " + gp.to_s )
-            log << "Gap-proportion of processed alignment: " +  gp.to_s + ld
-          else
-            Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "output is not aligned" )
-            log << "output is not aligned" + ld
-          end
-        end
-        if @rem_red
-          removed = msa.remove_redundant_sequences!( true, false )
-          if removed.size > 0
-            identicals = msa.get_identical_seqs_detected
-            log << "the following " + identicals.size.to_s + " sequences are identical:" + ld
-            identicals.each { | s |
-              log << s + ld
-            }
-            log << "ignoring the following " + removed.size.to_s + " redundant sequences:" + ld
-            removed.each { | seq_name |
-              log << seq_name + ld
-            }
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "will store " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non-redundant sequences" )
-            log << "will store " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non-redundant sequences" + ld
-          end
-        end
-        io =
-        w = MsaWriter
-        if ( @pi_output )
-          w =
-          w.clean( @clean )
-          w.set_max_name_length( @name_length )
-        elsif( @fasta_output )
-          w =
-          w.set_line_width( @width )
-          if ( @rg )
-            w.remove_gap_chars( true )
-            Util.print_warning_message( PRG_NAME, "removing gap characters, the output is likely to become unaligned"  )
-            log << "removing gap character, the output is likely to become unaligned" + ld
-          end
-          w.clean( @clean )
-          if ( @name_length_set )
-            w.set_max_name_length( @name_length )
-          end
-        elsif( @nexus_output )
-          w =
-          w.clean( @clean )
-          w.set_max_name_length( @name_length )
-        end
-        begin
-          io.write_to_file( msa, output, w )
-        rescue Exception => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-        end
-        begin
-          f = output + LOG_SUFFIX, 'a' )
-          f.print( log )
-          f.close
-        rescue Exception => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-        end
-      end
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-      puts
-    end
-    private
-    def sort( msa )
-      names =
-      for i in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs
-        name = msa.get_sequence( i ).get_name
-        names.add( name )
-      end
-      sorted_ary = names.to_a.sort
-      new_msa =
-      sorted_ary.each { | seq_name |
-        seq = msa.get_sequence( msa.find_by_name( seq_name, true, false )[ 0 ] )
-        new_msa.add_sequence( seq )
-      }
-      new_msa
-    end
-    def set_fasta_input( fi = true )
-      @fasta_input = fi
-      @input_format_set = true
-    end
-    def set_phylip_input( pi = true )
-      @phylip_input = pi
-      @input_format_set = true
-    end
-    def set_name_length( i )
-      @name_length = i
-      @name_length_set = true
-    end
-    def set_width( i )
-      @width = i
-    end
-    def set_fasta_output( fo = true )
-      @fasta_output = fo
-      @output_format_set = true
-    end
-    def set_pi_output( pso = true )
-      @pi_output = pso
-      @output_format_set = true
-    end
-    def set_nexus_output( nexus = true )
-      @nexus_output = nexus
-      @output_format_set = true
-    end
-    def set_clean( c = true )
-      @clean = c
-    end
-    def set_remove_gap_columns( rgc = true )
-      @rgc = rgc
-    end
-    def set_remove_gap_only_columns( rgoc = true )
-      @rgoc = rgoc
-    end
-    def set_remove_gaps( rg = true )
-      @rg = rg
-    end
-    def set_remove_gap_ratio( rgr )
-      @rgr = rgr
-    end
-    def set_remove_seqs_gap_ratio( rsgr )
-      @rsgr = rsgr
-    end
-    def set_remove_seqs_min_non_gap_length( rsl )
-      @rsl = rsl
-    end
-    def set_remove_seqs( file )
-      @seqs_name_file = file
-      @remove_seqs    = true
-      @keep_seqs      = false
-    end
-    def set_keep_seqs( file )
-      @seqs_name_file = file
-      @keep_seqs      = true
-      @remove_seqs    = false
-    end
-    def set_trim( first, last )
-      @trim            = true
-      @first           = first
-      @last            = last
-    end
-    def set_remove_matching( remove )
-      @remove_matching  = remove
-    end
-    def set_keep_matching( keep )
-      @keep_matching = keep
-    end
-    def set_rem_red( rr )
-      @rem_red = rr
-    end
-    def set_split( s )
-      if ( s > 0 )
-        @split            = s
-        @clean            = false  # phylip only
-        @rgc              = false
-        @rgoc             = false
-        @rg               = false  # fasta only
-        @rgr              = -1
-        @rsgr             = -1
-        @rsl              = -1
-        @seqs_name_file   = nil
-        @remove_seqs      = false
-        @keep_seqs        = false
-        @trim             = false
-        @first            = -1
-        @last             = -1
-      end
-    end
-    def analyze_command_line( cla )
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( INPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          type = cla.get_option_value( INPUT_TYPE_OPTION )
-          if ( type == "p" )
-            set_phylip_input( true )
-            set_fasta_input( false )
-          elsif ( type == "f" )
-            set_fasta_input( true )
-            set_phylip_input( false )
-          end
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          type = cla.get_option_value( OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION )
-          if ( type == "p" )
-            set_pi_output( true )
-            set_fasta_output( false )
-            set_nexus_output( false )
-          elsif ( type == "f" )
-            set_pi_output( false )
-            set_fasta_output( true )
-            set_nexus_output( false )
-          elsif ( type == "n" )
-            set_pi_output( false )
-            set_fasta_output( false )
-            set_nexus_output( true )
-          end
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          l = cla.get_option_value_as_int( MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION )
-          set_name_length( l )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( WIDTH_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          w = cla.get_option_value_as_int( WIDTH_OPTION )
-          set_width( w )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION ) )
-        set_clean( true )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION ) )
-        set_remove_gap_columns( true )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REM_RED_OPTION ) )
-        set_rem_red( true )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS ) )
-        set_remove_gap_only_columns( true )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_ALL_GAP_CHARACTERS_OPTION ) )
-        set_remove_gaps( true )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          f = cla.get_option_value_as_float( REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION )
-          set_remove_gap_ratio( f )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          s = cla.get_option_value( REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION )
-          set_remove_seqs( s )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          s = cla.get_option_value( KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION )
-          set_keep_seqs( s )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( TRIM_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          s = cla.get_option_value( TRIM_OPTION )
-          if ( s =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/ )
-            set_trim( $1.to_i(), $2.to_i() )
-          else
-            puts( "illegal argument" )
-            print_help
-            exit( -1 )
-          end
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          f = cla.get_option_value_as_float( REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION )
-          set_remove_seqs_gap_ratio( f )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          f = cla.get_option_value_as_int( REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION )
-          set_remove_seqs_min_non_gap_length( f )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( SPLIT ) )
-        begin
-          s = cla.get_option_value_as_int( SPLIT )
-          set_split( s )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          s = cla.get_option_value( REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION )
-          set_remove_matching( s )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION ) )
-        begin
-          s = cla.get_option_value( KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION )
-          set_keep_matching( s )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s, STDOUT )
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def print_help()
-      puts()
-      puts( "Usage:" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [options] <input alignment> <output>" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  options: -" + INPUT_TYPE_OPTION + "=<input type>: f for fasta, p for phylip selex type" )
-      puts( "           -" + OUTPUT_TYPE_OPTION + "=<output type>: f for fasta, n for nexus, p for phylip sequential (default)" )
-      puts( "           -" + MAXIMAL_NAME_LENGTH_OPTION + "=<n>: n=maximal name length (default for phylip 10, for fasta: unlimited )" )
-      puts( "           -" + WIDTH_OPTION + "=<n>: n=width (fasta output only, default is 60)" )
-      puts( "           -" + CLEAN_UP_SEQ_OPTION + ": clean up sequences" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_GAP_COLUMNS_OPTION + ": remove gap columns" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_GAP_ONLY_COLUMNS + ": remove gap-only columns" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_COLUMNS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION + "=<n>: remove columns for which ( seqs with gap / number of sequences > n )" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_ALL_GAP_CHARACTERS_OPTION + ": remove all gap characters (destroys alignment, fasta output only)" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_ALL_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION + "=<file>: remove all sequences listed in file" )
-      puts( "           -" + KEEP_ONLY_SEQUENCES_LISTED_OPTION + "=<file>: keep only sequences listed in file" )
-      puts( "           -" + TRIM_OPTION + "=<first>-<last>: remove columns before first and after last" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_SEQS_GAP_RATIO_OPTION + "=<n>: remove sequences for which the gap ratio > n (after column operations)" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_SEQS_NON_GAP_LENGTH_OPTION + "=<n> remove sequences with less than n non-gap characters (after column operations)" )
-      puts( "           -" + REMOVE_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION + "=<s> remove all sequences with names containing s" )
-      puts( "           -" + KEEP_MATCHING_SEQUENCES_OPTION + "=<s> keep only sequences with names containing s" )
-      puts( "           -" + SPLIT + "=<n> split a fasta file into n files of equal number of sequences (expect for " )
-      puts( "            last one), cannot be used with other options" )
-      puts( "           -" + REM_RED_OPTION + ": remove redundant sequences" )
-      puts()
-    end
-  end # class MsaProcessor
-end # module Evoruby
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/multi_sequence_extractor.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/multi_sequence_extractor.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b499c72..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/multi_sequence_extractor.rb - MultiSequenceExtractor class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: multi_sequence_extractor.rb,v 1.10 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-module Evoruby
-  class MultiSequenceExtractor
-    PRG_NAME                           = "mse"
-    PRG_VERSION                        = "1.02"
-    PRG_DESC                           = "extraction of sequences by name from multiple multi-sequence ('fasta') files"
-    PRG_DATE                           = "2012.07.20"
-    COPYRIGHT                          = "2008-2012 Christian M Zmasek"
-    CONTACT                            = ""
-    WWW                                = ""
-    HELP_OPTION_1                      = 'help'
-    HELP_OPTION_2                      = 'h'
-    EXT_OPTION                          = 'e'
-    EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION              = 'l'
-    LOG_SUFFIX                          = ".mse_log"
-    LINKERS_SUFFIX                      = ".linkers"
-    FASTA_SUFFIX                        = ".fasta"
-    NORMALIZED_IDS_MAP_SUFFIX           = ".nim"
-    def run()
-      Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-        PRG_VERSION,
-        PRG_DESC ,
-        PRG_DATE,
-        COPYRIGHT,
-        CONTACT,
-        WWW,
-        STDOUT )
-      ld = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-      begin
-        cla = ARGV )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-           cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-        print_help
-        exit( 0 )
-      end
-      if ( cla.get_number_of_files != 4 && cla.get_number_of_files != 5 )
-        print_help
-        exit( -1 )
-      end
-      allowed_opts =
-      allowed_opts.push(EXT_OPTION)
-      allowed_opts.push(EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION)
-      disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-      if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME,
-          "unknown option(s): " + disallowed,
-          STDOUT )
-      end
-      seq_names_files_suffix = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-      input_dir              = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-      out_dir                = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-      out_dir_doms           = cla.get_file_name( 3 )
-      mapping_file            = nil
-      if ( cla.get_number_of_files == 5 )
-        mapping_file = cla.get_file_name( 4 )
-        begin
-          Util.check_file_for_readability( mapping_file )
-        rescue ArgumentError => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-        end
-      end
-      extension = 0
-      if cla.is_option_set?(EXT_OPTION)
-        extension = cla.get_option_value_as_int(EXT_OPTION)
-        if extension < 0
-          extension = 0
-        end
-      end
-      extract_linkers = false
-      if cla.is_option_set?(EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION)
-        extract_linkers = true
-      end
-      if  !File.exist?( input_dir )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: input directory [#{input_dir}] does not exist" )
-      end
-      if  !File.exist?( out_dir )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: output directory [#{out_dir}] does not exist" )
-      end
-      if  !File.exist?( out_dir_doms )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: output directory [#{out_dir_doms}] does not exist" )
-      end
-      if ! input_dir )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{input_dir}] is not a directory" )
-      end
-      if ! out_dir )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error:  [#{out_dir}] is not a directory" )
-      end
-      if ! out_dir_doms )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error:  [#{out_dir_doms}] is not a directory" )
-      end
-      log =
-      log << "Program            : " + PRG_NAME + ld
-      log << "Version            : " + PRG_VERSION + ld
-      log << "Program date       : " + PRG_DATE + ld
-      puts()
-      puts( "Sequence names files suffix: " + seq_names_files_suffix )
-      log << "Sequence names files suffix: " + seq_names_files_suffix + ld
-      puts( "Input dir                  : " + input_dir )
-      log << "Input dir                  : " + input_dir + ld
-      puts( "Output dir                 : " + out_dir )
-      log << "Output dir                 : " + out_dir + ld
-      puts( "Output dir domains         : " + out_dir_doms )
-      log << "Output dir domains         : " + out_dir_doms + ld
-      if ( mapping_file != nil )
-        puts( "Mapping file               : " + mapping_file )
-        log << "Mapping file               : " + mapping_file + ld
-      end
-      if extension > 0
-        puts( "Extension                  : " + extension.to_s )
-        log << "Extension                  : " + extension.to_s + ld
-      end
-      if extract_linkers
-        puts( "Extract linkers            : true" )
-        log << "Extract linkers            : true" + ld
-      end
-      log << "Date                       : " + + ld
-      puts
-      if ( mapping_file != nil )
-        species_codes_to_paths = extract_mappings( mapping_file )
-      end
-      input_files = obtain_inputfiles( input_dir, seq_names_files_suffix )
-      counter = 0
-      input_files.each { |input_file|
-        counter += 1
-        puts
-        puts
-        puts counter.to_s + "/" + input_files.size.to_s
-        read_seq_family_file( input_file,
-          seq_names_files_suffix,
-          input_dir,
-          species_codes_to_paths,
-          log,
-          out_dir,
-          out_dir_doms,
-          mapping_file,
-          extension,
-          extract_linkers )
-      }
-      puts
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-      puts
-    end
-    def read_seq_family_file( input_file,
-        seq_names_files_suffix,
-        input_dir,
-        species_codes_to_paths,
-        log,
-        out_dir,
-        out_dir_doms,
-        mapping_file,
-        extension,
-        extract_linkers )
-      begin
-        Util.check_file_for_readability( input_file )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      basename = File.basename( input_file, seq_names_files_suffix )
-      out_file_path_fasta_file                = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + FASTA_SUFFIX
-      out_file_path_normalized_ids_fasta_file = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + FASTA_WITH_NORMALIZED_IDS_SUFFIX
-      out_file_path_ids_map                   = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + NORMALIZED_IDS_MAP_SUFFIX
-      doms_out_file_path_fasta_file           = out_dir_doms + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + "_domains" + FASTA_SUFFIX
-      doms_ext_out_file_path_fasta_file           = nil
-      if extension > 0
-        doms_ext_out_file_path_fasta_file = out_dir_doms + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename + "_domains_ext_" + extension.to_s + FASTA_SUFFIX
-      end
-      begin
-        Util.check_file_for_writability( out_file_path_fasta_file )
-        Util.check_file_for_writability( out_file_path_normalized_ids_fasta_file )
-        Util.check_file_for_writability( out_file_path_ids_map  )
-        Util.check_file_for_writability( doms_out_file_path_fasta_file  )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      ids_map_writer = nil
-      begin
-        ids_map_writer = out_file_path_ids_map, 'a' )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      current_species         = ""
-      current_msa            = nil
-      new_msa                =
-      new_msa_normalized_ids =
-      new_msa_domains =
-      new_msa_domains_extended =
-      per_species_counter = 0
-      linkers = ""
-      puts basename
- input_file ) do | file |
-        while line = file.gets
-          line.strip!
-          if !Util.is_string_empty?( line ) && !(line =~ /\s*#/ )
-            values = line.split( PROTEINS_LIST_FILE_SEPARATOR )
-            mod_line = nil
-            if ( values.length < 2 )
-              Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unexpected format: " + line )
-            end
-            species = values[ 0 ]
-            if species == "BRADI" || species == "ASPNG" || species == "SCLSC" || species == "PTEVA"  || species == "EIMTE"
-              next
-            end
-            seq_name = values[ 1 ]
-            domain_ranges = nil
-            if ( values.length > 3 )
-              domain_ranges_block = values[ 3 ]
-              domain_ranges = domain_ranges_block.split( "/" )
-            end
-            if ( species != current_species )
-              current_species = species
-              my_file = input_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + current_species
-              if ( !File.exist?( my_file ) )
-                if species_codes_to_paths == nil
-                  Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{my_file}] not found and no mapping file provided" )
-                elsif ( !species_codes_to_paths.has_key?( current_species ) )
-                  Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: species [#{current_species}] not found in mapping file [#{mapping_file}]" )
-                end
-                my_file = species_codes_to_paths[ current_species ]
-              end
-              my_path = File.expand_path( my_file )
-              my_readlink = my_path
-              if ( File.symlink?( my_path ) )
-                my_readlink = File.readlink( my_path )
-              end
-              current_msa = read_fasta_file( my_file )
-              if ( per_species_counter > 0 )
-                print_counts( per_species_counter, log, Constants::LINE_DELIMITER )
-                per_species_counter = 0
-              end
-              puts " " + current_species + " [" + my_readlink + "]"
-              log << current_species + " [" + my_readlink + "]" + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-            end
-            puts "   " + seq_name
-            log << "   " + seq_name + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-            per_species_counter = per_species_counter + 1
-            seq = nil
-            if current_msa.find_by_name_start( seq_name, true ).size > 0
-              begin
-                seq = current_msa.get_by_name_start( seq_name, true ).copy
-              rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-              end
-            else
-              # Not found, try finding by partial match.
-              begin
-                seq = current_msa.get_by_name( seq_name, true, true )
-              rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-              end
-            end
-            normalized_id = per_species_counter.to_s( 16 ).upcase +
-             "_" + current_species
-            per_species_counter.to_i
-            ids_map_writer.write( normalized_id + ": " + seq.get_name + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER )
-            orig_name = nil
-            if seq != nil
-              orig_name = seq.get_name
-              seq.set_name( seq.get_name + " [" + current_species + "]" )
-              new_msa.add_sequence( seq )
-            else
-              Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unexected error: seq is nil" )
-            end
-            if domain_ranges != nil
-              first = true
-              prev_to = -1
-              domain_ranges.each { |range|
-                if range != nil && range.length > 0
-                  s = range.split("-")
-                  from = s[ 0 ].to_i
-                  to = s[ 1 ].to_i
-                  new_msa_domains.add_sequence( orig_name +
-                       " [" + from.to_s +
-                       "-" + to.to_s +
-                       "] [" + basename + "] [" +
-                       current_species + "]",
-                      seq.get_sequence_as_string[] ) )
-                  if extension > 0
-                    from_e = from - extension
-                    if from_e < 0
-                      from_e = 0
-                    end
-                    to_e = to + extension
-                    if to_e > seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1
-                      to_e = seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1
-                    end
-                    new_msa_domains_extended.add_sequence( orig_name +
-                         " [" + from.to_s +
-                         "-" + to.to_s  +
-                         "] [extended by " +
-                         extension.to_s +
-                         "] [" + basename + "] [" +
-                         current_species + "]",
-                        seq.get_sequence_as_string[ from_e..to_e ] ) )
-                  end # extension > 0
-                  if  extract_linkers
-                    if first
-                      first = false
-                      f = 0
-                      t = from - 1
-                      if extension > 0
-                        f = from - extension
-                      end
-                      mod_line = line + "\t[" + get_linker_sequence( f, t, seq ) + "|"
-                    else
-                      mod_line += get_linker_sequence( prev_to + 1, from - 1, seq ) + "|"
-                    end
-                    prev_to = to
-                  end
-                end # range != nil && range.length > 0
-              }
-              if extract_linkers && prev_to > 0
-                f = prev_to + 1
-                t = seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1
-                if extension > 0
-                  t = prev_to + extension
-                end
-                mod_line += get_linker_sequence( f, t, seq ) + "]"
-              end
-            end
-            new_msa_normalized_ids.add_sequence( normalized_id, seq.get_sequence_as_string ) )
-            if mod_line
-              linkers << mod_line + Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-            end
-          end # !Util.is_string_empty?( line ) && !(line =~ /\s*#/ )
-        end # while line = file.gets
-      end
-      ids_map_writer.close
-      if ( per_species_counter > 0 )
-        print_counts( per_species_counter, log, Constants::LINE_DELIMITER )
-      end
-      io =
-      fasta_writer =
-      fasta_writer.remove_gap_chars
-      fasta_writer.clean
-      begin
-        io.write_to_file( new_msa, out_file_path_fasta_file, fasta_writer )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      if new_msa_domains != nil
-        begin
-          io.write_to_file( new_msa_domains, doms_out_file_path_fasta_file, fasta_writer )
-        rescue Exception => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-        end
-      end
-      if extension > 0 && new_msa_domains_extended != nil
-        begin
-          io.write_to_file( new_msa_domains_extended, doms_ext_out_file_path_fasta_file, fasta_writer )
-        rescue Exception => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-        end
-      end
-      begin
-        io.write_to_file( new_msa_normalized_ids, out_file_path_normalized_ids_fasta_file, fasta_writer )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      begin
-        f = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename +  LOG_SUFFIX , 'a' )
-        f.print( log )
-        f.close
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      if extract_linkers && linkers != nil
-        begin
-          f = out_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + basename +  LINKERS_SUFFIX , 'a' )
-          f.print( linkers )
-          f.close
-        rescue Exception => e
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def get_linker_sequence( from, to, seq )
-      if from < 0
-        from = 0
-      end
-      if to > seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1
-        to = seq.get_sequence_as_string.length - 1
-      end
-      if from > to
-        return ""
-      else
-        return from.to_s + "-" + to.to_s + ":" + seq.get_sequence_as_string[ ]
-      end
-    end
-    def obtain_inputfiles( input_dir, seq_names_files_suffix )
-      input_files =
-      Dir.foreach( input_dir ) { |file_name|
-        if file_name.index( seq_names_files_suffix ) == ( file_name.size - seq_names_files_suffix.size )
-          input_files.push( input_dir + Constants::FILE_SEPARATOR + file_name )
-        end
-      }
-      input_files
-    end
-    def extract_mappings( mapping_file )
-      species_code_to_path =
- mapping_file ) do | file |
-        while line = file.gets
-          if ( !Util.is_string_empty?( line ) && !(line =~ /\s*#/ ) )
-            if ( line =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
-              species = $1
-              path = $2
-              if ( species_code_to_path.has_key?( species ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: species code [#{species}] is not unique" )
-              end
-              if ( species_code_to_path.has_value?( path ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: path [#{path}] is not unique" )
-              end
-              if ( !File.exist?( path ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] does not exist" )
-              end
-              if ( !File.file?( path ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: [#{path}] is not a regular file" )
-              end
-              if ( !File.readable?( path ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] is not readable" )
-              end
-              if ( File.size( path ) < 10000 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] appears too small" )
-              end
-              if ( !Util.looks_like_fasta?( path ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: file [#{path}] does not appear to be a fasta file" )
-              end
-              species_code_to_path[ species ] = path
-              puts species + " -> " + path
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      species_code_to_path
-    end
-    def print_counts( per_species_counter, log, ld )
-      puts "   [sum: " + per_species_counter.to_s + "]"
-      log << "   [sum: " + per_species_counter.to_s + "]" + ld
-    end
-    def read_fasta_file( input )
-      f =
-      msa = nil
-      begin
-        msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      msa
-    end
-    def print_help()
-      puts( "Usage:" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb <sequence names file suffix> <input dir containing sequence names files " +
-         "and possibly genome multiple-sequence ('fasta') files> <output directory for sequences> <output directory for domains> [mapping file for " +
-         "genome multiple-sequence ('fasta') files not in input dir]" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  option: -" + EXT_OPTION  + "=<int>: to extend extracted domains" )
-      puts( "          -" + EXTRACT_LINKERS_OPTION  + "      : to extract linkers" )
-      puts()
-      puts( "  " + "Example: \"mse.rb .prot . protein_seqs domain_seqs ../genome_locations.txt\"" )
-      puts()
-    end
-  end # class MultiSequenceExtractor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/new_tap.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/new_tap.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1dc7431..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/ -  class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2009 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: new_tap.rb,v 1.4 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa'
-require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/general_msa_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/phylip_sequential_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-module Evoruby
-    class TaxonomyProcessor
-        PRG_NAME       = ""
-        PRG_DATE       = "2009.10.09"
-        PRG_DESC       = "replacement of labels in multiple sequence files"
-        PRG_VERSION    = "1.00"
-        COPYRIGHT      = "2009 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT        = ""
-        WWW            = ""
-        def initialize()
-            @taxonomies =
-        end
-        def run()
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            if ( ARGV == nil || ( ARGV.length != 3 && ARGV.length != 4 ) )
-                puts( "Usage: #{PRG_NAME}.rb <input sequences> <output sequences> <output map>" )
-                puts()
-                puts( "  options: -" + REMOVE_REDUNDANT_SEQS_OPTION + ": to remove redundant sequences" )
-                puts()
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            input     = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-            output    = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-            map_file = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-            allowed_opts =
-            allowed_opts.push( REMOVE_REDUNDANT_SEQS_OPTION ) 
-            disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-            if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed )
-            end
-            remove_redudant = false
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( REMOVE_REDUNDANT_SEQS_OPTION ) )
-                remove_redudant = true
-            end
-            if ( File.exists?( output ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "outfile [" + output + "] already exists" )
-            end
-            if ( File.exists?( map_file ) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "map file [" + map_file + "] already exists" )
-            end
-            if ( !File.exists?( input) )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "infile [" + input + "] does not exist" )
-            end
-            fasta_like = Util.looks_like_fasta?( input )
-            puts()
-            puts( "Input alignment : " + input )
-            puts( "Output alignment: " + output )
-            puts( "Output map      : " + map_file )
-            if ( fasta_like )
-                puts( "Format          : Fasta"  )
-            else
-                puts( "Format          : Phylip like" )
-            end
-            puts()
-            species_map =
-            f =
-            begin
-                if ( fasta_like )
-                    msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, )
-                else
-                    msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, )
-                end
-            rescue Exception => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to read file: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            if ( msa == nil || msa.get_number_of_seqs() < 1 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to read MSA" )
-            end
-            begin
-                Util.check_file_for_writability( map_file )
-            rescue Exception => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_, STDOUT )
-            end
-            if ( remove_redudant ) 
-                removed = msa.remove_redundant_sequences!( true )
-                if removed.size > 0
-                    Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "going to ignore the following " + removed.size.to_s + " redundant sequences:" )
-                    removed.each { | seq_name |
-                        puts seq_name
-                    }
-                    Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "will process " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non redundant sequences" )
-                end
-            end
-            lf = map_file, "a" )
-            for i in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs
-                seq  = msa.get_sequence( i )
-            end
-            io =
-            w = nil
-            if ( fasta_like )
-                w =
-            else
-                w =
-            end
-            w.set_max_name_length( 10 )
-            w.clean( true )
-            begin
-                io.write_to_file( msa, output, w )
-            rescue Exception => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to write file: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            lf.close()
-            if ( @taxonomies.length > 0 )
-                Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "number of unique taxonomies: " + @taxonomies.length.to_s )
-            end
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + map_file )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + output )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-        end
-    end # class 
-end # module Evoruby
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/phylogenies_decorator.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/phylogenies_decorator.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 69a6bc4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
-# = lib/evo/apps/phylogenies_decorator
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# decoration of phylogenies with sequence/species names and domain architectures
-# $Id: phylogenies_decorator.rb,v 1.34 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-# Environment variable FORESTER_HOME needs to point to the appropriate
-# directory (e.g. setenv FORESTER_HOME $HOME/SOFTWARE_DEV/ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE/forester-atv/)
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-require 'date'
-module Evoruby
-    class PhylogeniesDecorator
-        DECORATOR_OPTIONS_SEQ_NAMES = '-r=1 -mdn'
-        # -mdn is a hidden expert option to rename e.g. "6_ORYLA3" to "6_[3]_ORYLA"
-        #DECORATOR_OPTIONS_SEQ_NAMES = '-sn -r=1'
-        IDS_MAPFILE_SUFFIX        = '.nim'
-        DOMAINS_MAPFILE_SUFFIX    = '.dff'
-        SLEEP_TIME                = 0.1
-        REMOVE_NI                 = true
-        TMP_FILE                  = '___PD___'
-        LOG_FILE                  = '00_phylogenies_decorator.log'
-        FORESTER_HOME             = ENV[Constants::FORESTER_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE]
-        JAVA_HOME                 = ENV[Constants::JAVA_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE]
-        PRG_NAME       = "phylogenies_decorator"
-        PRG_DATE       = "2008.09.02"
-        PRG_DESC       = "decoration of phylogenies with sequence/species names and domain architectures"
-        PRG_VERSION    = "1.0.1"
-        COPYRIGHT      = "2008-2009 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT        = ""
-        WWW            = ""
-        IDS_ONLY_OPTION     = "n"
-        DOMAINS_ONLY_OPTION = "d"
-        HELP_OPTION_1       = "help"
-        HELP_OPTION_2       = "h"
-        NL = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-        def run
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            if ( ARGV == nil || ARGV.length > 3 || ARGV.length < 2  )
-                print_help
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            if FORESTER_HOME == nil || FORESTER_HOME.length < 1
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "apparently environment variable #{Constants::FORESTER_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE} has not been set" )
-            end
-            if JAVA_HOME == nil ||  JAVA_HOME.length < 1
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "apparently environment variable #{Constants::JAVA_HOME_ENV_VARIABLE} has not been set" )
-            end
-            if !File.exist?( FORESTER_HOME )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, '[' + FORESTER_HOME + '] does not exist' )
-            end
-            if !File.exist?( JAVA_HOME )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, '[' + JAVA_HOME + '] does not exist' )
-            end
-            decorator = JAVA_HOME + '/bin/java -cp ' + FORESTER_HOME + '/java/forester.jar org.forester.application.decorator'
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            if ( cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_1 ) ||
-                     cla.is_option_set?( HELP_OPTION_2 ) )
-                print_help
-                exit( 0 )
-            end
-            if File.exist?( LOG_FILE )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, 'logfile [' + LOG_FILE + '] already exists' )
-            end
-            allowed_opts =
-            allowed_opts.push( IDS_ONLY_OPTION )
-            allowed_opts.push( DOMAINS_ONLY_OPTION )
-            disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-            if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed )
-            end
-            ids_only = false
-            domains_only = false
-            in_suffix = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-            out_suffix = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-            if cla.is_option_set?( IDS_ONLY_OPTION )
-                ids_only = true
-            end
-            if cla.is_option_set?( DOMAINS_ONLY_OPTION )
-                domains_only = true
-            end
-            if ( ids_only && domains_only )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, 'attempt to use ids only and domains only at the same time' )
-            end
-            log =
-            now =
-            log << "Program              : " + PRG_NAME + NL
-            log << "Version              : " + PRG_VERSION + NL
-            log << "Program date         : " + PRG_DATE + NL
-            log << "Options for seq names: " + DECORATOR_OPTIONS_SEQ_NAMES + NL
-            log << "Options for domains  : " + DECORATOR_OPTIONS_DOMAINS + NL
-            log << "FORESTER_HOME        : " + FORESTER_HOME + NL
-            log << "JAVA_HOME            : " + JAVA_HOME + NL + NL
-            log << "Date/time: " + now.to_s + NL
-            log << "Directory: " + Dir.getwd  + NL + NL
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, 'input suffix     : ' + in_suffix )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, 'output suffix    : ' + out_suffix )
-            log << 'input suffix     : ' + in_suffix + NL
-            log << 'output suffix    : ' + out_suffix + NL
-            if ( File.exists?( TMP_FILE ) )
-                File.delete( TMP_FILE )
-            end
-            files = Dir.entries( "." )
-            counter = 0
-            files.each { | phylogeny_file |
-                if ( ! phylogeny_file ) &&
-                         phylogeny_file !~ /^\./ &&
-                         phylogeny_file !~ /^00/ &&
-                         phylogeny_file !~ /#{out_suffix}$/ &&
-                         phylogeny_file =~ /#{in_suffix}$/ )
-                    begin
-                        Util.check_file_for_readability( phylogeny_file )
-                    rescue ArgumentError
-                        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, 'can not read from: ' + phylogeny_file + ': '+ $! )
-                    end
-                    counter += 1
-                    outfile = phylogeny_file.sub( /#{in_suffix}$/, out_suffix )
-                    if REMOVE_NI
-                        outfile = outfile.sub( /_ni_/, '_' )
-                    end
-                    if File.exists?( outfile )
-                        msg = counter.to_s + ': ' + phylogeny_file + ' -> ' +  outfile +
-                         ' : already exists, skipping'
-                        Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, msg  )
-                        log << msg + NL
-                        next
-                    end
-                    Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, counter.to_s + ': ' + phylogeny_file + ' -> ' +  outfile )
-                    log << counter.to_s + ': ' + phylogeny_file + ' -> ' +  outfile + NL
-                    phylogeny_id = get_id( phylogeny_file )
-                    ids_mapfile_name = nil
-                    domains_mapfile_name = nil
-                    if ids_only
-                        ids_mapfile_name = get_file( files, phylogeny_id, IDS_MAPFILE_SUFFIX )
-                    elsif domains_only
-                        domains_mapfile_name = get_file( files, phylogeny_id, DOMAINS_MAPFILE_SUFFIX )
-                    else
-                        ids_mapfile_name = get_file( files, phylogeny_id, IDS_MAPFILE_SUFFIX )
-                        domains_mapfile_name = get_file( files, phylogeny_id, DOMAINS_MAPFILE_SUFFIX )
-                    end
-                    if domains_mapfile_name != nil
-                        begin
-                            Util.check_file_for_readability( domains_mapfile_name )
-                        rescue ArgumentError
-                            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, 'failed to read from [#{domains_mapfile_name}]: ' + $! )
-                        end
-                    end
-                    if ids_mapfile_name != nil
-                        begin
-                            Util.check_file_for_readability( ids_mapfile_name )
-                        rescue ArgumentError
-                            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, 'failed to read from [#{ids_mapfile_name}]: ' + $! )
-                        end
-                    end
-                    if domains_mapfile_name != nil
-                        if ids_mapfile_name != nil
-                            my_outfile = TMP_FILE
-                        else
-                            my_outfile = outfile
-                        end
-                        cmd = decorator + ' ' + DECORATOR_OPTIONS_DOMAINS + ' ' +
-                         '-f=d ' + phylogeny_file + ' ' +
-                         domains_mapfile_name + ' ' + my_outfile
-                        execute_cmd( cmd, log )
-                    end
-                    if ids_mapfile_name != nil
-                        if domains_mapfile_name != nil
-                            my_infile = TMP_FILE
-                        else
-                            my_infile = phylogeny_file
-                        end
-                        cmd = decorator + ' ' +  DECORATOR_OPTIONS_SEQ_NAMES + ' ' +
-                         '-f=s ' + my_infile + ' ' +
-                         ids_mapfile_name + ' ' + outfile
-                        execute_cmd( cmd, log )
-                    end
-                    if ( File.exists?( TMP_FILE ) )
-                        File.delete( TMP_FILE )
-                    end
-                end
-            }
-            open( LOG_FILE, 'w' ) do | f |
-                f.write( log )
-            end
-            puts
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, 'OK' )
-            puts
-        end # def run
-        def execute_cmd( cmd, log )
-            log << 'excuting ' + cmd + NL
-            IO.popen( cmd , 'r+' ) do | pipe |
-                pipe.close_write
-                log << + NL + NL
-            end
-            sleep( SLEEP_TIME )
-        end
-        def get_id( phylogeny_file_name )
-            phylogeny_file_name =~ /^([^_]+)/
-            $1
-        end
-        def get_file( files_in_dir, phylogeny_id, suffix_pattern )
-            matching_files =
-            files_in_dir.each { | file |
-                if ( ! file ) &&
-                         file !~ /^\./ &&
-                         file !~ /^00/ &&
-                         file =~ /^#{phylogeny_id}.*#{suffix_pattern}$/ )
-                    matching_files << file
-                end
-            }
-            if matching_files.length < 1
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, 'no file matching [' + phylogeny_id +
-                     '_] [' + suffix_pattern + '] present in current directory' )
-            elsif matching_files.length > 1
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, 'more than one file matching [' + phylogeny_id +
-                     '_] [' + suffix_pattern + '] present in current directory' )
-            end
-            matching_files[ 0 ]
-        end
-        def print_help()
-            puts( "Usage:" )
-            puts()
-            puts( "  " + PRG_NAME + ".rb [options] <suffix of intrees to be decorated> <suffix for decorated outtrees> " )
-            puts()
-            puts( "  options: -" + IDS_ONLY_OPTION + ": decorate with sequence/species names only" )
-            puts( "           -" + DOMAINS_ONLY_OPTION + ": decorate with domain structures" )
-            puts()
-        end
-    end # class PhylogenyiesDecorator
-end # module Evoruby
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/phylogeny_factory.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/phylogeny_factory.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 999541e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/phylogeny_factory - PhylogenyFactory class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: phylogeny_factory.rb,v 1.32 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/constants'
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-require 'set'
-require 'date'
-module Evoruby
-    class PhylogenyFactory
-        PRG_NAME       = "phylogeny_factory"
-        PRG_DATE       = "2010.05.26"
-        PRG_DESC       = "automated phylogeny reconstruction using queing system"
-        PRG_VERSION    = "1.1"
-        COPYRIGHT      = "2010 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT        = ""
-        WWW            = ""
-        LOG_FILE                          = '00_phylogeny_factory.log'
-        TEMPLATE_FILE                     = '00_phylogeny_factory.template'
-        PBS_O_WORKDIR                     = '$PBS_O_WORKDIR/'
-        MIN_LENGTH_DEFAULT                = 40
-        WALLTIME                          = '100:00:00'
-        QUEUE                             = 'default'
-        HMM                 = 'HMM'
-        RSL                 = 'RSL'
-        OPTION_OPEN          = '%['
-        OPTION_CLOSE          = ']%'
-        WAIT                 = 1.0
-        NL = Constants::LINE_DELIMITER
-        def run
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            allowed_opts =
-            allowed_opts.push( USE_JOB_SUBMISSION_SYSTEM_OPTION )
-            disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-            if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME,
-                    "unknown option(s): " + disallowed,
-                    STDOUT )
-            end
-            if File.exists?( LOG_FILE )
-                puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > log file [' + LOG_FILE + '] already exists' )
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            if !File.exists?( TEMPLATE_FILE )
-                puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > template file [' + TEMPLATE_FILE + '] not found' )
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            use_job_submission_system = false
-            if cla.is_option_set?( USE_JOB_SUBMISSION_SYSTEM_OPTION )
-                use_job_submission_system = true
-            end
-            log =
-            now =
-            log << "Program     : " + PRG_NAME + NL
-            log << "Version     : " + PRG_VERSION + NL
-            log << "Program date: " + PRG_DATE + NL + NL
-            log << "Date/time   : " + now.to_s + NL
-            log << "Directory   : " + Dir.getwd  + NL + NL
-            puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > reading ' + TEMPLATE_FILE )
-            paths       =  # path placeholder -> full path
-            min_lengths =  # alignment id -> minimal length
-            hmms        =  # alignment id -> hmm
-            options     =  # option placeholder -> option
-            ids         =
-            commands    =
-            log <<  "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #{NL}"
-            log << "Template file [" + TEMPLATE_FILE + "]:#{NL}"
-            command =
-            open( TEMPLATE_FILE ).each { | line |
-                log << line
-                if ( line =~ /^#/ )
-                elsif ( line =~ /^\$\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/ )
-                    paths[ $1 ] = $2
-                    puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > paths      : ' + $1 + ' => ' + $2 )
-                elsif ( line =~ /^%\s*#{HMM}\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/ )
-                    hmms[ $1 ] = $2
-                    puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > hmms       : ' + $1 + ' => ' + $2 )
-                elsif ( line =~ /^%\s*#{RSL}\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/ )
-                    min_lengths[ $1 ] = $2
-                    puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > min lengths: ' + $1 + ' => ' + $2 )
-                elsif ( line =~ /^%\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)/ )
-                    options[ $1 ] = $2
-                    puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > options    : ' + $1 + ' => ' + $2 )
-                elsif ( line =~ /^>\s*(.+)/ )
-                    command = command + $1 + ";#{NL}"
-                elsif ( line =~ /^-/  )
-                    commands << prepare( command, paths )
-                    command =
-                end
-            }
-            log << "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #{NL}#{NL}"
-            files = Dir.entries( "." )
-            files.each { | file |
-                if ( ! file ) &&
-                         file !~ /^\./ &&
-                         file !~ /#{TEMPLATE_FILE}/ &&
-                         file !~ /.bck$/ &&
-                         file !~ /.log$/ &&
-                         file !~ /nohup/ &&
-                         file !~ /^00/ )
-                    aln_name = file.to_str
-                    id = get_id( aln_name )
-                    if !ids.include?( id )
-                        ids.add( id )
-                    end
-                    puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > file [id]  : ' + aln_name + ' [' + id + ']' )
-                    commands.each do | cmd |
-                        cmd = subst_hmm( cmd, aln_name, hmms )
-                        cmd = subst_min_length( cmd, aln_name, min_lengths )
-                        cmd = subst_options( cmd, options )
-                        if use_job_submission_system
-                            cmd = subst_aln_name( cmd, PBS_O_WORKDIR + aln_name )
-                        else
-                            cmd = subst_aln_name( cmd, aln_name )
-                        end
-                        if ( cmd =~ /%/ )
-                            cmd =~ /(%.*?%)/
-                            problem = $1
-                            puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > WARNING    : [' + id + '] command still contains placeholder: ' + problem )
-                            log << "WARNING: command still contains placeholder: " + cmd + NL
-                        else
-                            tmp_cmd_file = file.to_str[ 0..4 ] + TMP_CMD_FILE_SUFFIX
-                            if ( File.exists?( tmp_cmd_file ) )
-                                File.delete( tmp_cmd_file )
-                            end
-                            if use_job_submission_system
-                                open( tmp_cmd_file, 'w' ) do |f|
-                                    f.write( cmd )
-                                end
-                            end
-                            log << cmd + NL
-                            if use_job_submission_system
-                                IO.popen( 'qsub -q ' + QUEUE  + ' -l walltime=' + WALLTIME + ' ' + tmp_cmd_file , 'r+' ) do | pipe |
-                                    pipe.close_write
-                                end
-                            else
-                                spawn( 'nohup ' + cmd + ' &', STDERR => "/dev/null" )
-                            end
-                            sleep( WAIT )
-                            if ( File.exists?( tmp_cmd_file ) )
-                                File.delete( tmp_cmd_file )
-                            end
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            }
-            open( LOG_FILE, 'w' ) do | f |
-                f.write( log )
-            end
-            puts()
-            puts( '[' + PRG_NAME + '] > OK' )
-            puts()
-        end # def run
-        def prepare( command, paths )
-            paths.each_pair{ | name, full |
-                command = command.gsub( name, full )
-            }
-            command
-        end
-        def subst_options( command, options )
-            opt_placeholders = command.scan( /%\[\S+\]%/ )
-            opt_placeholders.each { | opt_placeholder |
-                opt_placeholder = opt_placeholder.gsub( OPTION_OPEN , '' )
-                opt_placeholder = opt_placeholder.gsub( OPTION_CLOSE, '' )
-                opt_value = options[ opt_placeholder ]
-                if ( opt_value != nil && opt_value.size > 0 )
-                    command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + opt_placeholder + OPTION_CLOSE, opt_value )
-                end
-            }
-            command
-        end
-        def subst_aln_name( command, aln_name )
-            command = command.gsub( '$', aln_name )
-            command
-        end
-        def subst_hmm( command, aln_name, hmms )
-            id = get_id( aln_name )
-            hmm = hmms[ id ]
-            if ( hmm != nil && hmm.size > 0 )
-                command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + HMM + OPTION_CLOSE, hmm )
-            end
-            command
-        end
-        def subst_min_length( command, aln_name, min_lengths )
-            id = get_id( aln_name )
-            min_length = min_lengths[ id ]
-            if ( min_length != nil && min_length.size > 0 )
-                command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + RSL + OPTION_CLOSE, min_length )
-            else
-                command = command.gsub( OPTION_OPEN + RSL + OPTION_CLOSE, MIN_LENGTH_DEFAULT.to_s )
-            end
-            command
-        end
-        def get_id( aln_name )
-            aln_name =~ /^([^_]+)/
-            $1
-        end
-    end # class PhylogenyFactory
-end # module Evoruby
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/taxonomy_processor.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/taxonomy_processor.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d316f85..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/taxonomy_processor - TaxonomyProcessor class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: taxonomy_processor.rb,v 1.26 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa'
-require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/fasta_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/general_msa_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/phylip_sequential_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-module Evoruby
-  class TaxonomyProcessor
-    PRG_NAME       = "tap"
-    PRG_DATE       = "2012.09.27"
-    PRG_DESC       = "replacement of species names in multiple sequence files"
-    PRG_VERSION    = "1.02"
-    COPYRIGHT      = "2012 Christian M Zmasek"
-    CONTACT        = ""
-    WWW            = ""
-    SIMPLE = true
-    def initialize()
-      @taxonomies =
-    end
-    def run()
-      Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-        PRG_VERSION,
-        PRG_DESC,
-        PRG_DATE,
-        COPYRIGHT,
-        CONTACT,
-        WWW,
-        STDOUT )
-      if ( ARGV == nil || (  ARGV.length != 1 && ARGV.length != 3 && ARGV.length != 4 && ARGV.length != 5 && ARGV.length != 6 ) )
-        puts( "Usage: #{PRG_NAME}.rb [options] [input map file] <input sequences> [output sequences] [output id list]" )
-        puts()
-        puts( "  options: -" + EXTRACT_TAXONOMY_OPTION + ": to extract taxonomy information from bracketed expression" )
-        puts()
-        exit( -1 )
-      end
-      begin
-        cla = ARGV )
-      rescue ArgumentError => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      mapfile   = nil
-      input     = nil
-      output    = nil
-      list_file = nil
-      if cla.get_number_of_files == 4
-        mapfile   = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-        input     = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-        output    = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-        list_file = cla.get_file_name( 3 )
-      elsif cla.get_number_of_files == 3
-        input     = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-        output    = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-        list_file = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-      elsif cla.get_number_of_files == 1
-        input     = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-        i = nil
-        if input.downcase.end_with?( ".fasta" )
-          i = input[ 0 .. input.length - 7 ]
-        elsif input.downcase.end_with?( ".fsa" )
-          i = input[ 0 .. input.length - 5 ]
-        else
-          i = input
-        end
-        output    = i + "_ni.fasta"
-        list_file = i + ".nim"
-      end
-      allowed_opts =
-      allowed_opts.push( EXTRACT_TAXONOMY_OPTION )
-      disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-      if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed )
-      end
-      extract_taxonomy = false
-      if ( cla.is_option_set?( EXTRACT_TAXONOMY_OPTION ) )
-        extract_taxonomy = true
-      end
-      if ( File.exists?( output ) )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "outfile [" + output + "] already exists" )
-      end
-      if ( File.exists?( list_file ) )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "list file [" + list_file + "] already exists" )
-      end
-      if ( !File.exists?( input) )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "infile [" + input + "] does not exist" )
-      end
-      if ( mapfile != nil && !File.exists?( mapfile ) )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "mapfile [" + mapfile + "] does not exist" )
-      end
-      fasta_like = Util.looks_like_fasta?( input )
-      puts()
-      if mapfile != nil
-        puts( "Map file        : " + mapfile )
-      end
-      puts( "Input alignment : " + input )
-      puts( "Output alignment: " + output )
-      puts( "Name list       : " + list_file )
-      if ( fasta_like )
-        puts( "Format          : Fasta"  )
-      else
-        puts( "Format          : Phylip like" )
-      end
-      if ( extract_taxonomy )
-        puts( "Extract taxonomy: true"  )
-      end
-      puts()
-      species_map =
-      if mapfile != nil
- mapfile ) do | file |
-          while line = file.gets
-            if ( line =~/(.+)#(.+)/ || line =~/(.+)\s+(.+)/ )
-              species_map[ $1 ] = $2
-              Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "mapping: " + $1 + ' => ' + $2 )
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      f =
-      begin
-        if ( fasta_like )
-          msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, )
-        else
-          msa = f.create_msa_from_file( input, )
-        end
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to read file: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      if ( msa == nil || msa.get_number_of_seqs() < 1 )
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to read MSA" )
-      end
-      begin
-        Util.check_file_for_writability( list_file )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_, STDOUT )
-      end
-      #removed = msa.remove_redundant_sequences!( true )
-      #if removed.size > 0
-      #  Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "going to ignore the following " + removed.size.to_s + " redundant sequences:" )
-      #  removed.each { | seq_name |
-      #    puts seq_name
-      #  }
-      #  Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "will process " + msa.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non redundant sequences" )
-      #end
-      lf = list_file, "a" )
-      for i in 0 ... msa.get_number_of_seqs
-        seq  = msa.get_sequence( i )
-        seq.set_name( Util::normalize_seq_name( modify_name( seq.get_name(), i, lf, species_map, extract_taxonomy ), 10 ) )
-      end
-      io =
-      w = nil
-      if ( fasta_like )
-        w =
-      else
-        w =
-      end
-      w.set_max_name_length( 10 )
-      w.clean( true )
-      begin
-        io.write_to_file( msa, output, w )
-      rescue Exception => e
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to write file: " + e.to_s )
-      end
-      lf.close()
-      if ( @taxonomies.length > 0 )
-        Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "number of unique taxonomies: " + @taxonomies.length.to_s )
-      end
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + list_file )
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + output )
-      Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-    end
-    private
-    def modify_name( desc, counter, file, species_map, extract_taxonomy )
-      new_desc = nil
-      my_species = nil
-      # if desc =~ /^>?\s*\S{1,10}_([0-9A-Z]{3,5})/
-      if desc =~ /^>?\s*\S{1,10}_([A-Z]{3,5})/
-        new_desc = counter.to_s( 16 ) + "_" + $1
-      elsif SIMPLE
-        new_desc = counter.to_s( 16 )
-      elsif extract_taxonomy
-        if ( desc.count( "[" ) != desc.count( "]" ) )
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "illegal bracket count in: " + desc )
-        end
-        species = nil
-        species_map.each_key do | key |
-          if desc =~ /[\b|_]#{key}\b/  # Added boundaries to prevent e.g. RAT matching ARATH.
-            species = species_map[ key ]
-            new_desc = counter.to_s( 16 ) + "_" + species
-            break
-          end
-        end
-        if species == nil
-          if desc =~/.*\[(\S{3,}?)\]/
-            species = $1
-            species.strip!
-            species.upcase!
-            species.gsub!( /\s+/, " " )
-            species.gsub!( /-/, "" )
-            species.gsub!( /\)/, "" )
-            species.gsub!( /\(/, "" )
-            species.gsub!( /\'/, "" )
-            if species =~ /\S+\s\S+/ || species =~ /\S{3,5}/
-              if species =~ /(\S+)\s(\S+)/
-                code = $1[ 0..2 ] + $2[ 0..1 ]
-              elsif  species =~ /\S{3,5}/
-                code = species
-              elsif species.count( " " ) > 2
-                species =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/
-                third_last = $1
-                second_last = $2
-                last = $3
-                code = code[ 0 ] + third_last[ 0 ] + second_last[ 0 ] + last[ 0 ] + last[ last.size - 1 ]
-              elsif species.count( " " ) > 1
-                species =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)$/
-                second_last = $1
-                last = $2
-                code = code[ 0..1 ] + second_last[ 0 ] + last[ 0 ] + last[ last.size - 1 ]
-              end
-              new_desc = counter.to_s( 16 ) + "_" + code
-              if @taxonomies.has_key?( code )
-                if ( !@taxonomies.has_value?( species ) )
-                  Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "code [#{code}] is not unique in [#{desc}]" )
-                end
-              else
-                if ( @taxonomies.has_value?( species ) )
-                  Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "genome [#{species}] is not unique in [#{desc}]" )
-                else
-                  @taxonomies[ code ] = species
-                end
-              end
-            else
-              Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "illegal format [#{species}] in: " + desc )
-            end
-          else
-            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "illegal format in: " + desc )
-          end
-        end
-      else
-        species = nil
-        my_species = nil
-        species_map.each_key do | key |
-          if desc =~ /#{key}/
-            species = species_map[ key ]
-            species = species.gsub( /\s+/, "" )
-            species = species.gsub( /_/, " " )
-            my_species = species
-            if species =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/
-              species = $1[0..2] + $2[0..1]
-            end
-            species = species.gsub( /\s+/, "" )
-            species = species.slice(0, 5)
-            species.upcase!
-            break
-          end
-        end
-        if species == nil
-          Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "species not found in: " + desc  )
-        else
-          new_desc = counter.to_s( 16 ) + "_" + species
-        end
-      end
-      if new_desc == nil
-        Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to extract species from: " + desc  )
-      end
-      if my_species != nil
-        file.print( new_desc + ": " + desc + " [" + my_species + "]" + "\n" )
-      else
-        file.print( new_desc + ": " + desc + "\n" )
-      end
-      new_desc
-    end
-  end # class TaxonomyProcessor
-end # module Evoruby
diff --git a/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/tseq_taxonomy_processor.rb b/forester/ruby/evoruby/lib/evo/apps/tseq_taxonomy_processor.rb
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f708247..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# = lib/evo/apps/tseq_taxonomy_processor - TseqTaxonomyProcessor class
-# Copyright::  Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Christian M. Zmasek
-# License::    GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
-# $Id: tseq_taxonomy_processor.rb,v 1.6 2010/12/13 19:00:11 cmzmasek Exp $
-require 'lib/evo/util/util'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa_factory'
-require 'lib/evo/msa/msa'
-require 'lib/evo/io/msa_io'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/sp_taxonomy_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/parser/ncbi_tseq_parser'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/fasta_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/io/writer/phylip_sequential_writer'
-require 'lib/evo/util/command_line_arguments'
-module Evoruby
-    class TseqTaxonomyProcessor
-        PRG_NAME       = "tseq_tap"
-        PRG_DATE       = "2009.01.06"
-        PRG_DESC       = "preprocessing of multiple sequence files in ncbi tseq xml format"
-        PRG_VERSION    = "1.02"
-        COPYRIGHT      = "2009 Christian M Zmasek"
-        CONTACT        = ""
-        WWW            = ""
-        TAXONOMY_CODE           = "TAXONOMY_CODE:"
-        TAXONOMY_ID             = "TAXONOMY_ID:"
-        TAXONOMY_SN             = "TAXONOMY_SN:"
-        TAXONOMY_CN             = "TAXONOMY_CN:"
-        SEQ_ACCESSION           = "SEQ_ACCESSION:"
-        SEQ_SYMBOL              = "SEQ_SYMBOL:"
-        SEQ_NAME                = "SEQ_NAME:"
-        SEQ_MOL_SEQ             = "SEQ_MOL_SEQ:"
-        def initialize()
-            @tax_ids_to_sp_taxonomies =
-        end
-        def run()
-            Util.print_program_information( PRG_NAME,
-                PRG_VERSION,
-                PRG_DESC,
-                PRG_DATE,
-                COPYRIGHT,
-                CONTACT,
-                WWW,
-                STDOUT )
-            if  ARGV == nil || ARGV.length != 4
-                puts( "Usage: #{PRG_NAME}.rb <sp taxonomy file> <sequences in tseq xml format> <name for fasta outfile> <name for map outfile>" )
-                puts()
-                exit( -1 )
-            end
-            begin
-                cla = ARGV )
-            rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "error: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            allowed_opts =
-            disallowed = cla.validate_allowed_options_as_str( allowed_opts )
-            if ( disallowed.length > 0 )
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "unknown option(s): " + disallowed )
-            end
-            sp_taxonomy_infile = cla.get_file_name( 0 )
-            sequences_infile = cla.get_file_name( 1 )
-            sequences_outfile = cla.get_file_name( 2 )
-            mapping_outfile = cla.get_file_name( 3 )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_readable( PRG_NAME, sp_taxonomy_infile )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_readable( PRG_NAME, sequences_infile )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_writable( PRG_NAME, mapping_outfile )
-            Util.fatal_error_if_not_writable( PRG_NAME, sequences_outfile )
-            sp_taxonomies = SpTaxonomyParser.parse( sp_taxonomy_infile )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "read in taxonomic data for " + sp_taxonomies.size.to_s + " species from: " + sp_taxonomy_infile )
-            tseq_parser =
-            msa_fac =
-            seqs = msa_fac.create_msa_from_file( sequences_infile, tseq_parser )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "read in " + seqs.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " sequences from: " + sequences_infile )
-            removed = seqs.remove_redundant_sequences!( true, true )
-            if removed.size > 0
-                Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "going to ignore the following " + removed.size.to_s + " redundant sequences:" )
-                removed.each { | seq_name |
-                    puts seq_name
-                }
-                Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "will process " + seqs.get_number_of_seqs.to_s + " non-redundant sequences" )
-            end
-            mapping_out = mapping_outfile, "a" )
-            for i in 0 ... seqs.get_number_of_seqs
-                seq = seqs.get_sequence( i )
-                if seq.get_taxonomy == nil
-                    Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "sequence [" + seq.get_name + "] has no taxonomy information" )
-                end
-                seq.set_name( Util::normalize_seq_name( modify_name( seq, i, sp_taxonomies, mapping_out ), 10 ) )
-            end
-            io =
-            w =
-            w.set_max_name_length( 10 )
-            w.clean( true )
-            begin
-                io.write_to_file( seqs, sequences_outfile, w )
-            rescue Exception => e
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "failed to write file: " + e.to_s )
-            end
-            mapping_out.close()
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + mapping_outfile )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "wrote: " + sequences_outfile )
-            Util.print_message( PRG_NAME, "OK" )
-        end
-        private
-        def modify_name( seq, i, sp_taxonomies, mapping_outfile )
-            tax_id = seq.get_taxonomy.get_id
-            matching_sp_taxonomy = nil
-            if @tax_ids_to_sp_taxonomies.has_key?( tax_id )
-                # This is so that a second lookup will be much faster.
-                matching_sp_taxonomy = @tax_ids_to_sp_taxonomies[ tax_id ]
-            else
-                sp_taxonomies.each { |sp_taxonomy|
-                    if ( == tax_id )
-                        if  matching_sp_taxonomy != nil
-                            Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "taxonomy id [" + tax_id.to_s + "] is not unique" )
-                        end
-                        matching_sp_taxonomy = sp_taxonomy
-                        @tax_ids_to_sp_taxonomies[ tax_id ] = sp_taxonomy
-                    end
-                }
-            end
-            if  matching_sp_taxonomy == nil
-                Util.fatal_error( PRG_NAME, "taxonomy id [" + tax_id.to_s + "] for [" +  seq.get_taxonomy.get_name + "] not found" )
-            end
-            new_name = i.to_s( 16 ) + "_" + matching_sp_taxonomy.code
-            seq_name = seq.get_name
-            if  seq_name =~ /\[.+\]$/
-                # Redundant taxonomy information hides here.
-                seq_name = seq_name.sub(/\[.+\]$/, '')
-            end
-            if  seq_name =~ /^\s*hypothetical\s+protein\s*/i
-                # Pointless information.
-                seq_name = seq_name.sub( /^\s*hypothetical\s+protein\s*/i, '' )
-            end
-            mapping_outfile.print( new_name + "\t" +
-                 TAXONOMY_CODE + matching_sp_taxonomy.code + "\t" +
-                 TAXONOMY_ID + tax_id + "\t" +
-                 TAXONOMY_ID_TYPE + seq.get_taxonomy.get_id_source + "\t" +
-                 TAXONOMY_SN + matching_sp_taxonomy.scientific_name + "\t" +
-                 SEQ_ACCESSION + seq.get_accession + "\t" +
-                 SEQ_ACCESSION_SOURCE + seq.get_accession_source + "\t" +
-                 SEQ_SYMBOL + seq.get_symbol + "\t" +
-                 SEQ_NAME + seq_name + "\t" +
-                 SEQ_MOL_SEQ + seq.get_sequence_as_string +
-                 Constants::LINE_DELIMITER )
-            new_name
-        end
-    end 
-end # module Evoruby
\ No newline at end of file