label.viewer_path_tip = Jalview will first try any path entered here, else standard installation locations.<br>Double-click to browse for file.
label.invalid_viewer_path = Path not found or not executable
label.viewer_missing = Structure viewer not found.<br/>Please enter the path to the executable (if installed),<br/>or download and install the program.
-label.open_viewer_failed = Error opening {0} - is it installed?\nCheck configured path in the Preferences' Structure tab
+label.open_viewer_failed = Error opening {0} - is it installed?\nCheck configured path in Structure tab of Jalview''s Preferences
label.min_colour = Minimum Colour
label.max_colour = Maximum Colour
label.no_colour = No Colour
label.couldnt_load_file = Couldn't load file
label.couldnt_find_pdb_id_in_file = Couldn't find a PDB id in the file supplied. Please enter an Id to identify this structure.
label.no_pdb_id_in_file = No PDB Id in File
-label.couldnt_read_pasted_text = Couldn't read the pasted text {0}
+label.couldnt_read_pasted_text = Couldn''t read the pasted text {0}
label.error_parsing_text = Error parsing text
label.input_alignment_from_url = Input Alignment From URL
label.input_alignment = Input Alignment
label.set_proxy_settings = Please set up your proxy settings in the 'Connections' tab of the Preferences window
label.proxy_authorization_failed = Proxy Authorization Failed
label.internal_jalview_error = Internal Jalview Error
-label.secondary_structure_prediction_service_couldnt_be_located = The Secondary Structure Prediction Service named {0} at {1} couldn't be located.
+label.secondary_structure_prediction_service_couldnt_be_located = The Secondary Structure Prediction Service named {0} at {1} couldn''t be located.
label.service_called_is_not_msa_service = The Service called \n{0}\nis not a \nMultiple Sequence Alignment Service\!
label.msa_service_is_unknown = The Multiple Sequence Alignment Service named {0} is unknown
label.service_called_is_not_seq_search_service = The Service called \n{0}\nis not a \nSequence Search Service\!
error.implementation_error_runner_config_not_available = Implementation Error: Runner Config not available for a JABAWS service of type {0} ({1})
error.implementation_error_cannot_handle_jaba_param = Implementation Error: Cannot handle Jaba parameter object {0}
error.implementation_error_attempt_to_delete_service_preset = Implementation error: Attempt to delete a service preset!
-error.implementation_error_cannot_locate_oldname_presetname = Implementation error: Can't locate either oldname ({0}) or presetName ({1}in the datastore!"
+error.implementation_error_cannot_locate_oldname_presetname = Implementation error: Can''t locate either oldname ({0}) or presetName ({1}) in the datastore!"
error.implementation_error_jabaws_param_set_only_handled_by = Implementation error: JabaWsParamSets can only be handled by JabaParamStore
error.cannot_set_source_file_for = Cannot set source file for {0}
error.mismatch_service_instance_preset = Probable mismatch between service instance and preset!
error.implementation_error_can_only_instantiate_jaba_param_sets = Implementation error: Can only instantiate Jaba parameter sets
error.no_aacon_service_found = No AACon service found
error.implementation_error_couldnt_copy_value_constraint = Implementation error: could not copy ValueConstrain!
-error.couldnt_encode_as_utf8 = Couldn't encode {0} as UTF-8.
+error.couldnt_encode_as_utf8 = Couldn''t encode {0} as UTF-8.
error.tree_inputtype_not_yet_implemented = Tree InputType not yet implemented
error.implementation_error_need_to_have_httpresponse = Implementation Error: need to have an HttpResponse to process
error.dbrefsource_implementation_exception =DBRefSource Implementation Exception
exception.number_of_residues_in_query_sequence_differ_from_prediction = Number of residues in {0} supposed query sequence ({1}\n{2})\ndiffer from number of prediction sites in prediction ({3})
label.mapped = mapped
exception.jpredconcide_entry_has_unexpected_number_of_columns = JPredConcise: Entry ({0}) has an unexpected number of columns
-exception.couldnt_parse_concise_annotation_for_prediction = Couldn't parse concise annotation for prediction profile.\n{0}
+exception.couldnt_parse_concise_annotation_for_prediction = Couldn''t parse concise annotation for prediction profile.\n{0}
exception.newfile = NewickFile\: {0}\n
label.no_tree_read_in = No Tree read in
-exception.rnaml_couldnt_access_datasource = Couldn't access datasource ({0})
-exception.ranml_couldnt_process_data = Couldn't process data as RNAML file ({0})
+exception.rnaml_couldnt_access_datasource = Couldn''t access datasource ({0})
+exception.ranml_couldnt_process_data = Couldn''t process data as RNAML file ({0})
exception.ranml_invalid_file = Invalid RNAML file ({0})
exception.ranml_problem_parsing_data = Problem parsing data as RNAML ({0})
exception.pfam_no_sequences_found = No sequences found (PFAM input)
exception.stockholm_invalid_format = This file is not in valid STOCKHOLM format: First line does not contain '# STOCKHOLM'
exception.couldnt_parse_sequence_line = Could not parse sequence line: {0}
exception.unknown_annotation_detected = Unknown annotation detected: {0} {1}
-exception.couldnt_store_sequence_mappings = Couldn't store sequence mappings for {0}
+exception.couldnt_store_sequence_mappings = Couldn''t store sequence mappings for {0}
exception.matrix_too_many_iteration = Too many iterations in {0} (max is {1})
exception.browser_not_found = Exception in finding browser: {0}
exception.browser_unable_to_locate = Unable to locate browser: {0}
warn.input_is_too_big = Input is too big!
warn.invalid_job_param_set = Invalid job parameter set!
warn.oneseq_msainput_selection = The current selection only contains a single sequence. Do you want to submit all sequences for alignment instead ?
-info.job_couldnt_be_run_server_doesnt_support_program = Job could not be run because the server doesn't support this program.\n{0}
+info.job_couldnt_be_run_server_doesnt_support_program = Job could not be run because the server doesn''t support this program.\n{0}
info.job_couldnt_be_run_exceeded_hard_limit = Job could not be run because it exceeded a hard limit on the server.\n{0}
info.job_couldnt_be_run_incorrect_param_setting = Job could not be run because some of the parameter settings are not supported by the server.\n{0}\nPlease check to make sure you have used the correct parameter set for this service\!\n
info.no_jobs_ran = No jobs ran