.get( lineage.size() - 1 ) );
if ( ( up_taxonomies != null ) && ( up_taxonomies.size() > 0 ) ) {
for( final UniProtTaxonomy up_taxonomy : up_taxonomies ) {
- System.out.println( "up_taxonomy=" + up_taxonomy.getScientificName() );
boolean match = true;
I: for( int i = 0; i < lineage.size(); ++i ) {
if ( !lineage.get( i ).equalsIgnoreCase( up_taxonomy.getLineage().get( i ) ) ) {
if ( match ) {
if ( up_tax != null ) {
+ //TODO this is dead code?!
throw new AncestralTaxonomyInferenceException( "lineage \""
+ ForesterUtil.stringListToString( lineage, " > " ) + "\" is not unique" );
public final class ForesterConstants {
- public final static String FORESTER_VERSION = "1.007";
+ public final static String FORESTER_VERSION = "1.007+";
public final static String FORESTER_DATE = "121130";
public final static String PHYLO_XML_VERSION = "1.10";
public final static String PHYLO_XML_LOCATION = "http://www.phyloxml.org";
final int max_taxonomies_return )
throws IOException {
// Hack! Craniata? ..
- // if ( sn.equals( "Drosophila" ) ) {
- // return uniProtTaxonomyToList( UniProtTaxonomy.DROSOPHILA_GENUS );
- // }
- /* else*/if ( sn.equals( "Xenopus" ) ) {
+ if ( sn.equals( "Drosophila" ) ) {
+ return uniProtTaxonomyToList( UniProtTaxonomy.DROSOPHILA_GENUS );
+ }
+ else if ( sn.equals( "Xenopus" ) ) {
return uniProtTaxonomyToList( UniProtTaxonomy.XENOPUS_GENUS );
// else if ( sn.equals( "Nucleariidae and Fonticula group" ) ) {
// return hack( UniProtTaxonomy.NUCLEARIIDAE_AND_FONTICULA );
// }
final List<String> result = getTaxonomyStringFromScientificName( sn, max_taxonomies_return );
- System.out.println( "SN=" + sn );
- for( final String string : result ) {
- System.out.println( "|" + string );
- }
if ( result.size() > 0 ) {
return parseUniProtTaxonomy( result );
public final static String CELLULAR_ORGANISMS = "cellular organisms";
public final static String VIRUSES = "Viruses";
public final static UniProtTaxonomy DROSOPHILA_GENUS = new UniProtTaxonomy( new String[] {
- CELLULAR_ORGANISMS, EUKARYOTA, "Metazoa", "Arthropoda", "Hexapoda", "Insecta", "Pterygota", "Neoptera",
- "Endopterygota", "Diptera", "Brachycera", "Muscomorpha", "Ephydroidea", "Drosophilidae", "Drosophila" },
+ CELLULAR_ORGANISMS, EUKARYOTA, "Metazoa", "Ecdysozoa", "Arthropoda", "Hexapoda", "Insecta", "Pterygota",
+ "Neoptera", "Endopterygota", "Diptera", "Brachycera", "Muscomorpha", "Ephydroidea", "Drosophilidae",
+ "Drosophila" },
"fruit flies",
"283909" );
- // public final static UniProtTaxonomy NUCLEARIIDAE_AND_FONTICULA = new UniProtTaxonomy( new String[] {
- // CELLULAR_ORGANISMS, EUKARYOTA, "Nucleariidae and Fonticula group" }, "", "", "", "", "", "1001604" );
public UniProtTaxonomy( final String line ) {
final String[] items = line.split( "\t" );
if ( items.length < 5 ) {