<li><!-- JAL-2123 -->Show residue labels in Chimera when mousing over sequences in Jalview</li>
<li><!-- JAL-2027-->Support for reverse-complement coding regions in ENA and EMBL</li>
<li><!-- JAL-1855, JAL-2113, JAL-2114-->Upgrade to EMBL XML 1.2 for ENA record retrieval</li>
+ <li><!-- JAL-2027 -->Support for ENA CDS records with reverse complement operator</li>
<li><!-- JAL 1812 -->New 'execute Groovy script' option in an alignment window's Calculate menu</li>
<li><!-- JAL 1812 -->Allow groovy scripts that call Jalview.getAlignFrames() to run in headless mode</li>
<li><!-- JAL-1369 --->Store/restore reference sequence in Jalview projects</li>