- <!-- JAL-3981 --> Sequence Details report can take a long
- time to be displayed for heavily annotated sequences (such
- as single genome contigs for highly studied organisms)
- </li>
- <li>
<!-- JAL-3886 -->Pfam and Rfam alignment retrieval as
gzipped stockholm doesn't work on JalviewJS build of 2.11.2
<strong>Welcome to Jalview Version $$Version-Rel$$ !!</strong><br/>
- <p>
- This Jalview release provides support for two popular 3D structure
- visualisation tools, new features for discovery of 3D structures,
- improved platform integration and a new command line tool allowing
- Jalview to be more easily called from scripts.
- </p>
+ <p>This is a patch release for the Jalview 2.11.2 series.</p>
+ <p>This release series provides support for two popular 3D
+ structure visualisation tools, new features for discovery of 3D
+ structures, improved platform integration and a new command line
+ tool allowing Jalview to be more easily called from scripts.</p>
<strong>View predicted protein structures via 3D-Beacons</strong> <br>
- For the full release notes, see <a
- href="releases.html#Jalview.">the Jalview
+ For the full details, see <a
+ href="releases.html#Jalview.">the Jalview
release notes</a>.