<td width="60" nowrap>
<div align="center">
- <strong><a name="Jalview.2.10.4">2.10.4</a><br /> <em>8/05/2018</em></strong>
+ <strong><a name="Jalview.2.10.4">2.10.4</a><br /> <em>10/05/2018</em></strong>
<td><div align="left">
overlapping alignment panel
- <!-- JAL-2929 -->overview doesn't show end of unpadded
+ <!-- JAL-2929 -->Overview doesn't show end of unpadded
sequence as gaps
- <!-- JAL-2789, JAL-2893 -->Cross-reference handling improved: CDS not handled correctly if transcript has no UTR
+ <!-- JAL-2789, JAL-2893 -->Cross-reference handling
+ improved: CDS not handled correctly if transcript has no
<!-- JAL-2321 -->Secondary structure and temperature
+ <!-- JAL-2984 -->Answering 'No' to PDB Autoassociate
+ dialog doesn't import PDB files dropped on an alignment
+ </li>
+ <li>
<!-- JAL-2666 -->Linked scrolling via protein horizontal
scroll bar doesn't work for some CDS/Protein views
columns in annotation row
- <!-- JAL-2913 -->Preferences panel's ID Width control is
- honored in interactive and batch mode
+ <!-- JAL-2913 -->Preferences panel's ID Width control is not
+ honored in batch mode
<!-- JAL-2945 -->Linked sequence highlighting doesn't work