-<p><strong>Alignment Window Select Menu</strong></p>\r
- \r
- <li><a href="../features/search.html"><strong>Find... (Control F)</strong></a><br>\r
- <em>Opens the Find dialog box to search for residues, sequence name or residue \r
- position within the alignment and create new sequence features from the queries. \r
- </em>\r
- <li><strong>Select All (Control A)</strong><strong><br>\r
- </strong><em>Selects all the sequences and residues in the alignment. <br>\r
- Use <CTRL> and A (<APPLE> and A on a MacOSX) to select all.</em></em></li>\r
- <li><strong>Deselect All (Escape)<br>\r
- </strong><em>Removes the current selection box (red dashed box) from the\r
- alignment window. All selected sequences, residues and marked columns\r
- will be deselected. </em><em> <br>\r
- Use <ESCAPE> to deselect all.</em></li>\r
- <li><strong>Invert Sequence Selection (Control I)<br>\r
- </strong><em>Any sequence ids currently not selected will replace the\r
- current selection. </em></li>\r
- <li><strong>Invert Column Selection (Control Alt I)<br>\r
- </strong><em>Any columns currently not selected will replace the current\r
- column selection. </em></li>\r
- <li><strong>Undefine Groups (Control U)<br>\r
- </strong><em>The alignment will be reset with no defined groups.<br>\r
- <strong>WARNING</strong>: This cannot be undone.</em></li>\r
+<p><strong>Alignment Window Select Menu</strong></p>
+ <li><a href="../features/search.html"><strong>Find... (Control F)</strong></a><br>
+ <em>Opens the Find dialog box to search for residues, sequence name or residue
+ position within the alignment and create new sequence features from the queries.
+ </em>
+ <li><strong>Select All (Control A)</strong><strong><br>
+ </strong><em>Selects all the sequences and residues in the alignment. <br>
+ Use <CTRL> and A (<APPLE> and A on a MacOSX) to select all.</em></em></li>
+ <li><strong>Deselect All (Escape)<br>
+ </strong><em>Removes the current selection box (red dashed box) from the
+ alignment window. All selected sequences, residues and marked columns
+ will be deselected. </em><em> <br>
+ Use <ESCAPE> to deselect all.</em></li>
+ <li><strong>Invert Sequence Selection (Control I)<br>
+ </strong><em>Any sequence ids currently not selected will replace the
+ current selection. </em></li>
+ <li><strong>Invert Column Selection (Control Alt I)<br>
+ </strong><em>Any columns currently not selected will replace the current
+ column selection. </em></li>
+ <li><strong>Undefine Groups (Control U)<br>
+ </strong><em>The alignment will be reset with no defined groups.<br>
+ <strong>WARNING</strong>: This cannot be undone.</em></li>
+ <li><strong>Make Groups<br/></strong>
+ <em>The currently selected groups of the alignment will be subdivided according to the contents of the currently selected region. <br/>Use this to subdivide an alignment based on the different combinations of residues observed at specific positions. (new in jalview 2.5)</em></li>