action.invert_selection = Invert selection\r
action.using_jmol = Using Jmol\r = Link\r
-action.group_link = Group Links\r
+action.group_link = Group Link\r
action.show_chain = Show Chain\r
action.show_group = Show Group\r
action.fetch_db_references = Fetch DB References\r
-action.edit = Edit\r
action.view_flanking_regions = Show flanking regions\r
label.view_flanking_regions = Show sequence data either side of the subsequences involved in this alignment\r
label.str = Str:\r
label.separate_multiple_accession_ids = Separate multiple accession ids with semi colon ";"\r
label.replace_commas_semicolons = Replace commas with semi-colons\r
label.parsing_failed_syntax_errors_shown_below_param = Parsing failed. Syntax errors shown below {0}\r
-label.parsing_failed_unrecoverable_exception_thrown_param = \nParsing failed. An unrecoverable exception was thrown:\n {0}\r
+label.parsing_failed_unrecoverable_exception_thrown_param = \nParsing failed. An unrecoverable exception was thrown\:\n {0}\r
label.example_query_param = Example query: {0}\r
label.enter_value_increase_conservation_visibility = Enter value to increase conservation visibility\r
label.enter_percentage_identity_above_which_colour_residues = Enter % identity above which to colour residues\r
-label.wswublast_client_credits = To display sequence features an exact Uniprot id with 100% sequence identity match must be entered.\nIn order to display these features, try changing the names of your sequences to the ids suggested below.\n\nRunning WSWUBlast at EBI.\nPlease quote Pillai S., Silventoinen V., Kallio K., Senger M., Sobhany S., Tate J., Velankar S., Golovin A., Henrick K., Rice P., Stoehr P., Lopez R.\nSOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute.\nNucleic Acids Res. 33(1):W25-W28 (2005));\r
+label.wswublast_client_credits = To display sequence features an exact Uniprot id with 100% sequence identity match must be entered.\nIn order to display these features, try changing the names of your sequences to the ids suggested below.\n\nRunning WSWUBlast at EBI.\nPlease quote Pillai S., Silventoinen V., Kallio K., Senger M., Sobhany S., Tate J., Velankar S., Golovin A., Henrick K., Rice P., Stoehr P., Lopez R.\nSOAP-based services provided by the European Bioinformatics Institute.\nNucleic Acids Res. 33(1)\:W25-W28 (2005));\r
label.blasting_for_unidentified_sequence = BLASTing for unidentified sequences
label.select_columns_containing = Select columns containing\r
label.select_columns_not_containing = Select columns that do not contain\r
option.trim_retrieved_seqs = Trim retrieved sequences\r
label.trim_retrieved_sequences = When the reference sequence is longer than the sequence that you are working with, only keep the relevant subsequences.\r
+label.use_sequence_id_1 = Use $SEQUENCE_ID$ or $SEQUENCE_ID=/<regex>/=$\r
+label.use_sequence_id_2 = \nto embed sequence id in URL\r
+label.ws_parameters_for = Parameters for {0}\r
+label.switch_server = Switch server\r
+label.open_jabaws_web_page = Opens the JABAWS server's homepage in web browser\r
+label.choose_jabaws_server = Choose a server for running this service\r
+label.services_at = Services at {0}\r
+label.rest_client_submit = {0} using {1}\r
+label.fetch_retrieve_from =Retrieve from {0}</html>\r
+label.fetch_retrieve_from_all_sources = Retrieve from all {0} sources in {1}<br>First is :{2}<html> \r
+label.feature_settings_click_drag = <html>Click/drag feature types up or down to change render order.<br/>Double click to select columns containing feature in alignment/current selection<br/>Pressing Alt will select columns outside features rather than inside<br/>Pressing Shift to modify current selection (rather than clear current selection)<br/>Press CTRL or Command/Meta to toggle columns in/outside features<br/></html>\r
+label.opt_and_params_further_details = see further details by right-clicking\r
+label.opt_and_params_show_brief_desc_image_link = <html>Click to show brief description<br><img src="{0}"/> Right click for further information.</html> \r
+label.opt_and_params_show_brief_desc = <html>Click to show brief description<br></html>\r
+label.adjusts_width_generated_eps_png = <html>Adjusts the width of the generated EPS or PNG file to ensure even the longest sequence ID or annotation label is displayed</html>\r
+label.manually_specify_width_left_column = <html>Manually specify the width of the left hand column where sequence IDs and annotation labels will be rendered in exported alignment figures. This setting will be ignored if 'Automatically set ID width' is set</html>\r
+label.job_created_when_checked = <html>When checked, a job is created for every sequence in the current selection.</html>\r
+label.when_checked_job_visible_region_and_results = <html>When checked, a single job is created for the visible region and results mapped back onto their location in the alignment. Otherwise, a job would be created for every contiguous region visible in the alignment or current selection (e.g. a multiple alignment).</html>\r
+label.flat_file_representation = <html>Flat file representation of this rest service using the Really Simple Bioinformatics Service formalism</html>\r
+label.result_of_parsing_rsbs = <html>Results of parsing the RSBS representation</html>\r
+label.user_preset = User Preset\r
+label.service_preset = Service Preset\r
+label.run_with_preset = Run {0} with preset\r
+label.view_service_doc_url = <html>View <a href="{0}">{1}</a></html>\r
+label.submit_sequence = <html>Submit {0} {1} {2} {3} to<br/>{4}</html>\r
+action.by_title_param = by {0}\r
+label.alignment = Alignment\r
+label.secondary_structure_prediction = Secondary Structure Prediction\r
+label.sequence_database_search = Sequence Database Search\r
+label.analysis = Analysis\r
+label.protein_disorder = Protein Disorder \r
+label.source_from_db_source = Sources from {0}\r
+label.from_msname = from '{0}'\r
+label.superpose_with = Superpose with ...\r = Do\r
+label.scale_label_to_column = Scale Label to Column\r
+label.add_new_row = Add New Row\r
+label.edit_label_description = Edit Label/Description\r
+label.hide_row = Hide This Row\r
+label.delete_row = Delete This Row\r
+label.show_all_hidden_rows = Show All Hidden Rows\r
+label.export_annotation = Export Annotation\r
+label.copy_consensus_sequence = Copy Consensus Sequence\r
+label.helix = Helix\r
+label.sheet = Sheet\r
+label.rna_helix = RNA Helix\r
+label.remove_annotation = Remove Annotation\r
+label.colour_by = Colour by...\r
- noColourmenuItem.setLabel("None");
+ noColourmenuItem.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.none"));
- clustalColour.setLabel("Clustalx colours");
+ clustalColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.clustalx_colours"));
- zappoColour.setLabel("Zappo");
+ zappoColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.zappo"));
- taylorColour.setLabel("Taylor");
+ taylorColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.taylor"));
- hydrophobicityColour.setLabel("Hydrophobicity");
+ hydrophobicityColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.hydrophobicity"));
- helixColour.setLabel("Helix propensity");
+ helixColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.helix_propensity"));
- strandColour.setLabel("Strand propensity");
+ strandColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.strand_propensity"));
- turnColour.setLabel("Turn propensity");
+ turnColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.turn_propensity"));
- buriedColour.setLabel("Buried Index");
+ buriedColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.buried_index"));
- abovePIDColour.setLabel("Above % Identity");
+ abovePIDColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.above_identity_percentage"));
- userDefinedColour.setLabel("User Defined");
+ userDefinedColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.user_defined"));
- PIDColour.setLabel("Percentage Identity");
+ PIDColour.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("action.percentage_identity"));
- conservationMenuItem.setLabel("Conservation");
+ conservationMenuItem.setLabel(MessageManager.getString("label.conservation"));
public void addSortByOrderMenuItem(String title,
final AlignmentOrder order)
- final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem("by " + title);
+ final JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(MessageManager.formatMessage("action.by_title_param", new String[]{title}));
item.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
// object broker mechanism.
final Vector<JMenu> wsmenu = new Vector<JMenu>();
final IProgressIndicator af = me;
- final JMenu msawsmenu = new JMenu("Alignment");
- final JMenu secstrmenu = new JMenu(
- "Secondary Structure Prediction");
- final JMenu seqsrchmenu = new JMenu("Sequence Database Search");
- final JMenu analymenu = new JMenu("Analysis");
- final JMenu dismenu = new JMenu("Protein Disorder");
+ final JMenu msawsmenu = new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.alignment"));
+ final JMenu secstrmenu = new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.secondary_structure_prediction"));
+ final JMenu seqsrchmenu = new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.sequence_database_search"));
+ final JMenu analymenu = new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.analysis"));
+ final JMenu dismenu = new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.protein_disorder"));
// JAL-940 - only show secondary structure prediction services from
// the legacy server
if (// Cache.getDefault("SHOW_JWS1_SERVICES", true)
- + JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip("Retrieve from "
- + src.getDbName()) + "<html>");
+ + JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.fetch_retrieve_from", new String[]{src.getDbName()})));
- + JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip("Retrieve from all "
- + otherdb.size() + " sources in "
- + src.getDbSource() + "<br>First is :"
- + src.getDbName()) + "<html>");
+ + JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.fetch_retrieve_from_all_sources", new String[]{Integer.valueOf(otherdb.size()).toString(), src.getDbSource(), src.getDbName()})));
// and then build the rest of the individual menus
- ifetch = new JMenu("Sources from " + src.getDbSource());
+ ifetch = new JMenu(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.source_from_db_source", new String[]{src.getDbSource()}));
icomp = 0;
String imname = null;
int i = 0;
0, 10) + "..." : dbname;
if (imname == null)
- imname = "from '" + sname + "'";
+ imname = MessageManager.formatMessage("label.from_msname", new String[]{sname});
fetchr = new JMenuItem(msname);
final DbSourceProxy[] dassrc =
- + JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip("Retrieve from "
- + dbname) + "</html>");
+ + MessageManager.formatMessage("label.fetch_retrieve_from", new String[]{dbname}));
if (++icomp >= mcomp || i == (otherdb.size()))
public class AnnotationLabels extends JPanel implements MouseListener,
MouseMotionListener, ActionListener
- static String TOGGLE_LABELSCALE = "Scale Label to Column";
+ String TOGGLE_LABELSCALE = MessageManager.getString("label.scale_label_to_column");
- static String ADDNEW = "Add New Row";
+ String ADDNEW = MessageManager.getString("label.add_new_row");
- static String EDITNAME = "Edit Label/Description";
+ String EDITNAME = MessageManager.getString("label.edit_label_description");
- static String HIDE = "Hide This Row";
+ String HIDE = MessageManager.getString("label.hide_row");
- static String DELETE = "Delete This Row";
+ String DELETE = MessageManager.getString("label.delete_row");
- static String SHOWALL = "Show All Hidden Rows";
+ String SHOWALL = MessageManager.getString("label.show_all_hidden_rows");
- static String OUTPUT_TEXT = "Export Annotation";
+ String OUTPUT_TEXT = MessageManager.getString("label.export_annotation");
- static String COPYCONS_SEQ = "Copy Consensus Sequence";
+ String COPYCONS_SEQ = MessageManager.getString("label.copy_consensus_sequence");
boolean resizePanel = false;
MouseListener, MouseWheelListener, MouseMotionListener,
ActionListener, AdjustmentListener, Scrollable
- final String HELIX = "Helix";
+ String HELIX = MessageManager.getString("label.helix");
- final String SHEET = "Sheet";
+ String SHEET = MessageManager.getString("label.sheet");
* For RNA secondary structure "stems" aka helices
- final String STEM = "RNA Helix";
+ String STEM = MessageManager.getString("label.rna_helix");
- final String LABEL = "Label";
+ String LABEL = MessageManager.getString("label.label");
- final String REMOVE = "Remove Annotation";
+ String REMOVE = MessageManager.getString("label.remove_annotation");
- final String COLOUR = "Colour";
+ String COLOUR = MessageManager.getString("action.colour");
public final Color HELIX_COLOUR =;
_alignwith = new Vector<AlignmentPanel>();
- seqColourBy = new ViewSelectionMenu("Colour by ..", this, _colourwith,
+ seqColourBy = new ViewSelectionMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.colour_by"), this, _colourwith,
new ItemListener()
final ItemListener handler;
- JMenu alpanels = new ViewSelectionMenu("Superpose with ..", this,
+ JMenu alpanels = new ViewSelectionMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.superpose_with"), this,
_alignwith, handler = new ItemListener()
_alignwith = new Vector<AlignmentPanel>();
- seqColourBy = new ViewSelectionMenu("Colour by ..", this, _colourwith,
+ seqColourBy = new ViewSelectionMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.colour_by"), this, _colourwith,
new ItemListener()
final ItemListener handler;
- JMenu alpanels = new ViewSelectionMenu("Superpose with ..", this,
+ JMenu alpanels = new ViewSelectionMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.superpose_with"), this,
_alignwith, handler = new ItemListener()
- table.setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Click/drag feature types up or down to change render order.<br/>Double click to select columns containing feature in alignment/current selection<br/>Pressing Alt will select columns outside features rather than inside<br/>Pressing Shift to modify current selection (rather than clear current selection)<br/>Press CTRL or Command/Meta to toggle columns in/outside features<br/>")
- + "</html>");
+ table.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils
+ .wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.feature_settings_click_drag")));
dassourceBrowser = new DasSourceBrowser(this);
+ JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip(((desc == null || desc.trim().length() == 0) ? "see further details by right-clicking"
+ .wrapTooltip(((desc == null || desc.trim().length() == 0) ? MessageManager.getString("label.opt_and_params_further_details ")
: desc)
+ "<br><img src=\"" + linkImageURL + "\"/>")
+ "</html>");
// Only create description boxes if there actually is a description.
if (finfo != null)
- showDesc.setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Click to show brief description<br><img src=\""
- + linkImageURL
- + "\"/> Right click for further information.")
- + "</html>");
+ showDesc.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.opt_and_params_show_brief_desc_image_link", new String[]{linkImageURL.toExternalForm()})));
- showDesc.setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Click to show brief description.")
- + "</html>");
+ showDesc.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.opt_and_params_show_brief_desc")));
showDesc.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
WsJobParameters pgui = new WsJobParameters(lastserv,
new JabaPreset(lastserv, pr));
- JFrame jf = new JFrame("Parameters for "
- + lastserv.getActionText());
+ JFrame jf = new JFrame(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.ws_parameters_for", new String[]{lastserv.getActionText()}));
JPanel cont = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
- .setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Adjusts the width of the generated EPS or PNG file to ensure even the longest sequence ID or annotation label is displayed")
- + "</html>");
+ .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.adjusts_width_generated_eps_png")));
autoIdWidth.setBounds(new Rectangle(228, 96, 188, 23));
autoIdWidth.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
- .setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Manually specify the width of the left hand column where sequence IDs and annotation labels will be rendered in exported alignment figures. This setting will be ignored if 'Automatically set ID width' is set")
- + "</html>");
+ .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.manually_specify_width_left_column")));
- .setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Manually specify the width of the left hand column where sequence IDs and annotation labels will be rendered in exported alignment figures. This setting will be ignored if 'Automatically set ID width' is set")
- + "</html>");
+ .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.manually_specify_width_left_column")));
userIdWidthlabel.setBounds(new Rectangle(236, 120, 168, 23));
// cpanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
hSeparable = new JCheckBox(MessageManager.getString("label.per_seq"));
- .setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("When checked, a job is created for every sequence in the current selection.")
- + "<html>");
+ .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils
+ .wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.job_created_when_checked")));
hSeparable.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
vSeparable = new JCheckBox(
- .setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("When checked, a single job is created for the visible region and results"
- + " mapped back onto their location in the alignment. Otherwise, a job would be"
- + " created for every contiguous region visible in the alignment or current"
- + " selection (e.g. a multiple alignment).")
- + "</html>");
+ .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.when_checked_job_visible_region_and_results")));
vSeparable.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
urldescPane.add(urldescVp, "span");
paste.add(urldescPane, "span");
- .setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Flat file representation of this rest service using the Really Simple Bioinformatics Service formalism"));
+ .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.flat_file_representation")));
parseRes = new JTextArea();
parseResVp = new JScrollPane();
parseWarnings.setBorder(new TitledBorder(MessageManager
- .setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils
- .wrapTooltip("Results of parsing the RSBS representation")
- + "</html>");
+ .setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.result_of_parsing_rsbs")));
parseWarnings.add(parseResVp, "center");
paste.add(parseWarnings, "span");
jLabel2.setBounds(new Rectangle(17, 37, 54, 27));
jLabel3.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Verdana", Font.ITALIC, 11));
- jLabel3.setText("Use $SEQUENCE_ID$ or $SEQUENCE_ID=/<regex>/=$");
+ jLabel3.setText(MessageManager.getString("label.use_sequence_id_1"));
jLabel3.setBounds(new Rectangle(21, 72, 351, 15));
jLabel4.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Verdana", Font.ITALIC, 11));
- jLabel4.setText("\nto embed sequence id in URL");
+ jLabel4.setText(MessageManager.getString("label.use_sequence_id_2"));
jLabel4.setBounds(new Rectangle(21, 93, 351, 15));
import jalview.gui.Desktop;
import jalview.gui.JvSwingUtils;
import jalview.util.GroupUrlLink;
+import jalview.util.MessageManager;
import jalview.util.GroupUrlLink.UrlStringTooLongException;
import java.awt.Component;
dbname = "";
- item.setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip("Submit " + i + " " + dbname + " "
- + (seqsorids ? "sequence" : "sequence id")
- + (i > 1 ? "s" : "")
- + " to<br/>" + descr) + "</html>");
+ item.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.submit_sequence", new String[]{Integer.valueOf(i).toString(), dbname, (seqsorids ? "sequence" : "sequence id"), (i > 1 ? "s" : "")})));
item.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
// menu appears asap
// sequence only URLs
// ID/regex match URLs
- JMenu groupLinksMenu = new JMenu("Group Link");
+ JMenu groupLinksMenu = new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("action.group_link"));
String[][] idandseqs = GroupUrlLink.formStrings(seqs);
Hashtable commonDbrefs = new Hashtable();
for (int sq = 0; sq < seqs.length; sq++)
// three types of url that might be
// created.
wflinkMenus = new JMenu[]
- { null, new JMenu("IDS"), new JMenu("Sequences"),
- new JMenu("IDS and Sequences") };
+ { null, new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("action.ids")), new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("action.sequences")),
+ new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("action.ids_sequences")) };
gurlMenus.put(label, wflinkMenus);
import jalview.gui.AlignFrame;
import jalview.gui.Desktop;
import jalview.gui.JvSwingUtils;
+import jalview.util.MessageManager;
- .wrapTooltip("Opens the JABAWS server's homepage in web browser"));
+ .wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.open_jabaws_web_page ")));
service.attachWSMenuEntry(atpoint, alignFrame);
if (alternates.containsKey(service.serviceType))
- atpoint.add(hitm = new JMenu("Switch server"));
+ atpoint.add(hitm = new JMenu(MessageManager.getString("label.switch_server")));
- .wrapTooltip("Choose a server for running this service"));
+ .wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.choose_jabaws_server")));
for (final Jws2Instance sv : alternates.get(service.serviceType))
JMenuItem itm;
atpoint = JvSwingUtils.findOrCreateMenu(atpoint, host);
if (atpoint.getToolTipText() == null)
- atpoint.setToolTipText("Services at " + host);
+ atpoint.setToolTipText(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.services_at", new String[]{host}));
if (bytype)
- .wrapTooltip("Opens the JABAWS server's homepage in web browser"));
+ .wrapTooltip(MessageManager.getString("label.open_jabaws_web_page")));
lasthostFor.put(service.action, host);
hostLabels.add(host + service.serviceType
final JMenuItem methodR = new JMenuItem(preset.getName());
+ JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip("<strong>"
- + (preset.isModifiable() ? "User Preset"
- : "Service Preset") + "</strong><br/>"
+ + (preset.isModifiable() ? MessageManager.getString("label.user_preset")
+ : MessageManager.getString("label.service_preset")) + "</strong><br/>"
+ preset.getDescription() + "</p>") + "</html>");
methodR.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
List<WsParamSetI> presets = service.getParamStore().getPresets();
if (presets != null && presets.size() > 0)
- JMenu presetlist = new JMenu("Run " + calcName + "with preset");
+ JMenu presetlist = new JMenu(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.run_with_preset", new String[]{calcName}));
for (final WsParamSetI preset : presets)
final JMenuItem methodR = new JMenuItem(preset.getName());
+ JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip("<strong>"
- + (preset.isModifiable() ? "User Preset"
- : "Service Preset") + "</strong><br/>"
+ + (preset.isModifiable() ? MessageManager.getString("label.user_preset")
+ : MessageManager.getString("label.service_preset")) + "</strong><br/>"
+ preset.getDescription() + "</p>") + "</html>");
methodR.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
- annotservice.setToolTipText("<html>"
- + JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip("View <a href=\""
- + service.docUrl + "\">" + service.docUrl + "</a>")
- + "</html>");
+ annotservice.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.view_service_doc_url", new String[]{service.docUrl,service.docUrl})));
import jalview.gui.Desktop;
import jalview.gui.WebserviceInfo;
+import jalview.util.MessageManager;
final AlignFrame alignFrame)
JMenuItem submit = new JMenuItem(service.details.Name);
- submit.setToolTipText(service.details.Action + " using "
- + service.details.Name);
+ submit.setToolTipText(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.rest_client_submit", new String[]{service.details.Action,service.details.Name}));
submit.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import jalview.gui.WsJobParameters;
+import jalview.util.MessageManager;
WsJobParameters pgui = new WsJobParameters(lastserv,
new JabaPreset(lastserv, pr));
- JFrame jf = new JFrame("Parameters for "
- + lastserv.getActionText());
+ JFrame jf = new JFrame(MessageManager.formatMessage("label.ws_parameters_for", new String[]{lastserv.getActionText()}));
JPanel cont = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());