Assert.assertEquals(sq, DBRefUtils.processQueryToAccessionFor(esq, sq),
"Regex for " + esq.getClass().toString() + " not correct.");
+ // TODO:
+ // sequence query with ENSG and anything other than a genomic type will yield
+ // sequences with different IDs which will
+ // break the post-processing stage where DBRefs are assigned to sequences.
+ // -> multiple_sequences = true is needed additional parameter
+ //;type=protein;multiple_sequences=true
+ // result with four transcripts, cds, cdna, and protein products.
+ // *
+ // features for ENG -
+ //
+ // transcript: gives locus, all transcript products with ENSG parents
+ // gene: give all ENSG on locus
+ // exon: all exon boundaries. CDS same info.
// @Test(dataProvider = "ens_seqs", suiteName = "live")
// public void testGetOneSeqs(EnsemblSeqType type, String sq, String fastasq)
// throws Exception