compileTestJava.dependsOn compileJava
-ext.testsFailed = false
/* testTask0 is the main test task */
task testTask0(type: Test) {
group = "Verification"
if (desc.parent) return // Only summarize results for whole modules
- def summary = [,, result, TimeCategory.minus(new Date(result.endTime), new Date(result.startTime)), testTask.reports.html.entryPoint]
+ def resultsInfo = [,, result, TimeCategory.minus(new Date(result.endTime), new Date(result.startTime)), testTask.reports.html.entryPoint]
- // Add reports in `testsResults`, keep failed suites at the end
- if (result.resultType == TestResult.ResultType.SUCCESS) {
- rootProject.ext.testsResults.add(0, summary)
- } else {
- rootProject.ext.testsResults.add(summary)
- }
- if (result.resultType == TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE) {
- testsFailed = true
- }
+ rootProject.ext.testsResults.add(resultsInfo)
// from original test task
printResults allResults
allResults.each {r ->
if (r[2].resultType == TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE)
- throw GradleException("Failed tests (buildFinished)!")
+ throw new GradleException("Failed tests!")
+private static String colString(styler, col, colour, text) {
+ return col?"${styler[colour](text)}":text
+private static String getSummaryLine(s, pn, tn, rt, rc, rs, rf, rsk, t, col) {
+ def colour = 'black'
+ def nocol = false
+ switch(rt) {
+ case TestResult.ResultType.SUCCESS:
+ colour = 'green'
+ break;
+ case TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE:
+ colour = 'red'
+ break;
+ default:
+ nocol = true
+ break;
+ }
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
+ sb.append("${pn}")
+ if (tn != null)
+ sb.append(":${tn}")
+ sb.append(" results: ")
+ sb.append(colString(s, col && !nocol, colour, rt))
+ sb.append(" (")
+ sb.append("${rc} tests, ")
+ sb.append(colString(s, col && rs > 0, 'green', rs))
+ sb.append(" successes, ")
+ sb.append(colString(s, col && rf > 0, 'red', rf))
+ sb.append(" failures, ")
+ sb.append("${rsk} skipped) in ${t}")
+ return sb.toString()
private static void printResults(allResults) {
// styler from
def styler = 'black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white'.split().toList().withIndex(30).collectEntries { key, val -> [(key) : { "\033[${val}m${it}\033[0m" }] }
def maxLength = 0
def failedTests = false
def summaryLines = []
- allResults.each {
+ def totalcount = 0
+ def totalsuccess = 0
+ def totalfail = 0
+ def totalskip = 0
+ def totaltime = TimeCategory.getSeconds(0)
+ // sort on project name then task name
+ allResults.sort {a, b -> a[0] == b[0]? a[1]<=>b[1]:a[0] <=> b[0]}.each {
def projectName = it[0]
def taskName = it[1]
def result = it[2]
def time = it[3]
def report = it[4]
- def colour = 'black'
- switch(result.resultType) {
- case TestResult.ResultType.SUCCESS:
- colour = 'green'
- break;
- case TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE:
- colour = 'red'
- failedTests = true
- break;
- default:
- colour = 'yellow'
- break;
- }
- def summaryCol = "${projectName}:${taskName} results: ${styler[colour](result.resultType)} (" +
- "${result.testCount} tests, " +
- (result.successfulTestCount > 0 ? "${styler['green'](result.successfulTestCount)} successes" : "${result.successfulTestCount} successes") + ", " +
- (result.failedTestCount > 0 ? "${styler['red'](result.failedTestCount)} failures" : "${result.failedTestCount} failures") + ", " +
- "${result.skippedTestCount} skipped" +
- ") " + "in ${time}"
- def summaryPlain = "${projectName}:${taskName} results: ${result.resultType} (" +
- "${result.testCount} tests, " +
- "${result.successfulTestCount} successes, " +
- "${result.failedTestCount} failures, " +
- "${result.skippedTestCount} skipped" +
- ") " + "in ${time}"
+ def summaryCol = getSummaryLine(styler, projectName, taskName, result.resultType, result.testCount, result.successfulTestCount, result.failedTestCount, result.skippedTestCount, time, true)
+ def summaryPlain = getSummaryLine(styler, projectName, taskName, result.resultType, result.testCount, result.successfulTestCount, result.failedTestCount, result.skippedTestCount, time, false)
def reportLine = "Report file: ${report}"
def ls = summaryPlain.length()
def lr = reportLine.length()
maxLength = m
def info = [ls, summaryCol, reportLine]
+ failedTests |= result.resultType == TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE
+ totalcount += result.testCount
+ totalsuccess += result.successfulTestCount
+ totalfail += result.failedTestCount
+ totalskip += result.skippedTestCount
+ totaltime += time
+ }
+ def totalSummaryCol = getSummaryLine(styler, "OVERALL", "", failedTests?TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE:TestResult.ResultType.SUCCESS, totalcount, totalsuccess, totalfail, totalskip, totaltime, true)
+ def totalSummaryPlain = getSummaryLine(styler, "OVERALL", "", failedTests?TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE:TestResult.ResultType.SUCCESS, totalcount, totalsuccess, totalfail, totalskip, totaltime, false)
+ def tls = totalSummaryPlain.length()
+ if (tls > maxLength)
+ maxLength = tls
+ def info = [tls, totalSummaryCol, null]
+ summaryLines.add(info)
+ def allSummaries = []
+ for(sInfo : summaryLines) {
+ def ls = sInfo[0]
+ def summary = sInfo[1]
+ def report = sInfo[2]
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
+ sb.append("│" + summary + " " * (maxLength - ls) + "│")
+ if (report != null) {
+ sb.append("\n│" + report + " " * (maxLength - report.length()) + "│")
+ }
+ allSummaries += sb.toString()
println "┌${"${"─" * maxLength}"}┐"
- println summaryLines.collect {info ->
- def ls = info[0]
- def summary = info[1]
- def report = info[2]
- return "│" + summary + " " * (maxLength - ls) + "│" + "\n" +
- "│" + report + " " * (maxLength - report.length()) + "│"
- }.join("\n├${"${"─" * maxLength}"}┤\n")
+ println allSummaries.join("\n├${"${"─" * maxLength}"}┤\n")
println "└${"${"─" * maxLength}"}┘"
/* END of test tasks results summary */
-task verifyTestStatus {
- group = "Verification"
- description = "Task that FAILs the build if any tests failed"
- doLast {
- if (testsFailed) {
- throw new GradleException("There were failing tests!")
- }
- }
test {
// from original test task
if (useClover) {
dependsOn testClasses
dependsOn tasks.withType(Test).matching {t -> t.getName().startsWith("testTask")}
- finalizedBy verifyTestStatus
// not running tests in this task
exclude "**/*"