<p>Jalview allows the columns of an alignment to be coloured using
any numerical annotation rows added to that alignment.</p>
Select "Colour"
- <strong>→</strong> ".. by Annotation" to bring up the
+ <strong>→</strong> "by Annotation..." to bring up the
Colour by Annotation settings window.
+ <br>You can also apply Colour by annotation for a particular annotation
+ (or per-sequence set) by right-clicking an annotation row's label and selecting "Colour by Annotation..." or "Colour by Annotation (per Sequence)..." from the
+ <strong>Annotation label popup menu</strong>. (<em>Since Jalview 2.11.3</em>)
+ <br>
+ <div align="center">
+ <img src="../features/annotationsubmenucolbyannot.png" width="414" height="266">
+ </div>
+ <p><strong>The Colour by Annotation Settings Window</strong></p>
<div align="center">
<img src="annotationColourSetting.gif" width="471" height="256">