<p>You can also save the current set of alignments and their colours, annotations and\r
trees in a Jalview archive file using <strong>Desktop→Save project</strong>. </p>\r
<p> </p>\r
-<p><strong>Export<a name="export"></a></strong></p>\r
-<p>The alignment view can be printed using\r
-<strong>File→Print</strong>, or exported in a number of ways via the\r
-<strong>File→Export</strong> menu:\r
-<li>HTML<br><em>for viewing in a web browser</em>\r
-<li>PNG - a Portable Networks Graphics image<br><em>For low quality\r
-diagrams and powerpoint presentations</em>\r
-<li>EPS - an Encapsulated Postscript Document<br><em>For high quality\r
-diagrams and publications.</em>\r
- \r
-<p><em>Tips for working with EPS Files</em></p><ul><li>The EPS file generated by jalview contains vector\r
- graphics which are directly editable in graphics applications such as\r
- Adobe Illustrator.</li>\r
-<li>When importing an EPS into to a Microsoft office document, a snapshot image of the\r
- file will be displayed which often looks blurred. Right-click the\r
- image and choose "Edit image." to convert it to word\r
- drawing objects which give a truer WYSIWIG representation.\r
- </li>\r
- <li>\r
- Mac OSX users will find that eps files are automatically converted into\r
- PDF files. \r
- </li>\r