import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentAnnotation;
import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry;
+import jalview.datamodel.GeneLociI;
import jalview.datamodel.IncompleteCodonException;
import jalview.datamodel.Mapping;
import jalview.datamodel.Sequence;
* Answers true if the mappings include one between the given (dataset)
* sequences.
- public static boolean mappingExists(List<AlignedCodonFrame> mappings,
+ protected static boolean mappingExists(List<AlignedCodonFrame> mappings,
SequenceI aaSeq, SequenceI cdnaSeq)
if (mappings != null)
AlignmentI dataset, SequenceI[] products)
if (dataset == null || dataset.getDataset() != null)
- {
+ {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: dataset.getDataset() must be null!");
productSeqs = new HashSet<SequenceI>();
for (SequenceI seq : products)
- {
+ {
productSeqs.add(seq.getDatasetSequence() == null ? seq : seq
- }
+ }
List<AlignedCodonFrame> seqMappings = MappingUtils
.findMappingsForSequence(dnaSeq, mappings);
for (AlignedCodonFrame mapping : seqMappings)
- {
+ {
List<Mapping> mappingsFromSequence = mapping
for (Mapping aMapping : mappingsFromSequence)
- {
+ {
MapList mapList = aMapping.getMap();
if (mapList.getFromRatio() == 1)
- {
+ {
* not a dna-to-protein mapping (likely dna-to-cds)
if (cdsSeq != null)
if (!foundSeqs.contains(cdsSeq))
- {
+ {
SequenceI derivedSequence = cdsSeq.deriveSequence();
if (!dataset.getSequences().contains(cdsSeq))
- {
+ {
+ }
- }
* add another mapping from original 'from' range to CDS
AlignedCodonFrame dnaToCdsMapping = new AlignedCodonFrame();
- MapList dnaToCdsMap = new MapList(mapList.getFromRanges(),
+ final MapList dnaToCdsMap = new MapList(mapList.getFromRanges(),
cdsRange, 1, 1);
dnaToCdsMapping.addMap(dnaSeq.getDatasetSequence(), cdsSeqDss,
+ * transfer dna chromosomal loci (if known) to the CDS
+ * sequence (via the mapping)
+ */
+ final MapList cdsToDnaMap = dnaToCdsMap.getInverse();
+ transferGeneLoci(dnaSeq, cdsToDnaMap, cdsSeq);
+ /*
* add DBRef with mapping from protein to CDS
* (this enables Get Cross-References from protein alignment)
* This is tricky because we can't have two DBRefs with the
* create a cross-reference from CDS to the source sequence's
* primary reference and vice versa
String source = primRef.getSource();
String version = primRef.getVersion();
DBRefEntry cdsCrossRef = new DBRefEntry(source, source + ":"
+ version, primRef.getAccessionId());
- cdsCrossRef.setMap(new Mapping(dnaDss, new MapList(dnaToCdsMap
- .getInverse())));
+ cdsCrossRef.setMap(new Mapping(dnaDss, new MapList(cdsToDnaMap)));
dnaSeq.addDBRef(new DBRefEntry(source, version, cdsSeq
proteinToCdsRef.setMap(new Mapping(cdsSeqDss, cdsToProteinMap
- }
+ }
* transfer any features on dna that overlap the CDS
transferFeatures(dnaSeq, cdsSeq, dnaToCdsMap, null,
+ }
- }
AlignmentI cds = new Alignment(cdsSeqs.toArray(new SequenceI[cdsSeqs
+ * Tries to transfer gene loci (dbref to chromosome positions) from fromSeq to
+ * toSeq, mediated by the given mapping between the sequences
+ *
+ * @param fromSeq
+ * @param targetToFrom
+ * Map
+ * @param targetSeq
+ */
+ protected static void transferGeneLoci(SequenceI fromSeq,
+ MapList targetToFrom, SequenceI targetSeq)
+ {
+ if (targetSeq.getGeneLoci() != null)
+ {
+ // already have - don't override
+ return;
+ }
+ GeneLociI fromLoci = fromSeq.getGeneLoci();
+ if (fromLoci == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ MapList newMap = targetToFrom.traverse(fromLoci.getMap());
+ if (newMap != null)
+ {
+ targetSeq.setGeneLoci(fromLoci.getSpeciesId(),
+ fromLoci.getAssemblyId(), fromLoci.getChromosomeId(), newMap);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* A helper method that finds a CDS sequence in the alignment dataset that is
* mapped to the given protein sequence, and either is, or has a mapping from,
* the given dna sequence.
- * add any DBRefEntrys to cdsSeq from contig that have a Mapping congruent to
+ * Adds any DBRefEntrys to cdsSeq from contig that have a Mapping congruent to
* the given mapping.
* @param cdsSeq
* @param contig
+ * @param proteinProduct
* @param mapping
- * @return list of DBRefEntrys added.
+ * @return list of DBRefEntrys added
- public static List<DBRefEntry> propagateDBRefsToCDS(SequenceI cdsSeq,
+ protected static List<DBRefEntry> propagateDBRefsToCDS(SequenceI cdsSeq,
SequenceI contig, SequenceI proteinProduct, Mapping mapping)
- // gather direct refs from contig congrent with mapping
+ // gather direct refs from contig congruent with mapping
List<DBRefEntry> direct = new ArrayList<DBRefEntry>();
HashSet<String> directSources = new HashSet<String>();
if (contig.getDBRefs() != null)
* subtypes in the Sequence Ontology)
* @param omitting
- public static int transferFeatures(SequenceI fromSeq, SequenceI toSeq,
+ protected static int transferFeatures(SequenceI fromSeq, SequenceI toSeq,
MapList mapping, String select, String... omitting)
SequenceI copyTo = toSeq;
* @param dnaSeq
* @return
- public static List<int[]> findCdsPositions(SequenceI dnaSeq)
+ protected static List<int[]> findCdsPositions(SequenceI dnaSeq)
List<int[]> result = new ArrayList<int[]>();
import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
import jalview.datamodel.Annotation;
import jalview.datamodel.DBRefEntry;
+import jalview.datamodel.GeneLociI;
import jalview.datamodel.Mapping;
import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultMatchI;
import jalview.datamodel.SearchResultsI;
- public static Sequence ts = new Sequence("short",
+ private static Sequence ts = new Sequence("short",
@Test(groups = { "Functional" })
assertEquals(s_as3, uas3.getSequenceAsString());
+ @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
+ public void testTransferGeneLoci()
+ {
+ SequenceI from = new Sequence("transcript",
+ "aaacccgggTTTAAACCCGGGtttaaacccgggttt");
+ SequenceI to = new Sequence("CDS", "TTTAAACCCGGG");
+ MapList map = new MapList(new int[] { 1, 12 }, new int[] { 10, 21 }, 1,
+ 1);
+ /*
+ * first with nothing to transfer
+ */
+ AlignmentUtils.transferGeneLoci(from, map, to);
+ assertNull(to.getGeneLoci());
+ /*
+ * next with gene loci set on 'from' sequence
+ */
+ int[] exons = new int[] { 100, 105, 155, 164, 210, 229 };
+ MapList geneMap = new MapList(new int[] { 1, 36 }, exons, 1, 1);
+ from.setGeneLoci("human", "GRCh38", "7", geneMap);
+ AlignmentUtils.transferGeneLoci(from, map, to);
+ GeneLociI toLoci = to.getGeneLoci();
+ assertNotNull(toLoci);
+ // DBRefEntry constructor upper-cases 'source'
+ assertEquals("HUMAN", toLoci.getSpeciesId());
+ assertEquals("GRCh38", toLoci.getAssemblyId());
+ assertEquals("7", toLoci.getChromosomeId());
+ /*
+ * transcript 'exons' are 1-6, 7-16, 17-36
+ * CDS 1:12 is transcript 10-21
+ * transcript 'CDS' is 10-16, 17-21
+ * which is 'gene' 158-164, 210-214
+ */
+ MapList toMap = toLoci.getMap();
+ assertEquals(1, toMap.getFromRanges().size());
+ assertEquals(2, toMap.getFromRanges().get(0).length);
+ assertEquals(1, toMap.getFromRanges().get(0)[0]);
+ assertEquals(12, toMap.getFromRanges().get(0)[1]);
+ assertEquals(1, toMap.getToRanges().size());
+ assertEquals(4, toMap.getToRanges().get(0).length);
+ assertEquals(158, toMap.getToRanges().get(0)[0]);
+ assertEquals(164, toMap.getToRanges().get(0)[1]);
+ assertEquals(210, toMap.getToRanges().get(0)[2]);
+ assertEquals(214, toMap.getToRanges().get(0)[3]);
+ // or summarised as (but toString might change in future):
+ assertEquals("[ [1, 12] ] 1:1 to [ [158, 164, 210, 214] ]",
+ toMap.toString());
+ /*
+ * an existing value is not overridden
+ */
+ geneMap = new MapList(new int[] { 1, 36 }, new int[] { 36, 1 }, 1, 1);
+ from.setGeneLoci("inhuman", "GRCh37", "6", geneMap);
+ AlignmentUtils.transferGeneLoci(from, map, to);
+ assertEquals("GRCh38", toLoci.getAssemblyId());
+ assertEquals("7", toLoci.getChromosomeId());
+ toMap = toLoci.getMap();
+ assertEquals("[ [1, 12] ] 1:1 to [ [158, 164, 210, 214] ]",
+ toMap.toString());
+ }