usage() {
- echo "Usage: $( basename $0 ) [-h] [[-g gitdir] | [-e entfile]] [-d devid] [[-a appname] [-v appver ] [-j arch] [-w jver] | [-i dmgfile]] [-o outputdmg] [-O] [-t tmpdir] [-s] [-S] [-p] [-P] [-z icnsfile] [-Z] [-y] [-C] [-V] [-q]"
+ echo "Usage: $( basename $0 ) [-h] [[-g gitdir] | [-e entfile]] [-d devid] [[-a appname] [-v appver ] [-j arch] [-w jver] | [-i dmgfile]] [-o outputdmg] [-x file] [-O] [-t tmpdir] [-s] [-S] [-p] [-P] [-z icnsfile] [-Z] [-y] [-C] [-V] [-q]"
echo " "
echo " This script is used in the signing process of DMG disk image files for macOS."
echo " Either -g GITDIR or -e ENTFILE should be given."
echo " -z icnsfile Use icnsfile as the volume icon file (defaults to using existing '$DEFAULTVOLUMEICONFILE' file or 'GITDIR/${VOLUMEICONPATH}'."
echo " -Z Don't set the volume icon, even if it already exists in the existing DMG volume (default is to set volume icons if one is there/given)."
echo " -o outputdmg Output DMG file (defaults to existing dmgfile in a 'signed' sub-directory)."
+ echo " -x file Change the sha256 checksums for the DMG found in file (a simple search and replace of the old checksum to the new)."
echo " -O Overwrite the output DMG file if it already exists."
echo " -y Assume 'yes' to all confirmation requests."
echo " -C Cleanup temporary folders for the given DMG file or equivalent (Runs INSTEAD of all other activities. Cleanup can be narrowed down with either -i or some/all of -a -v -j -w)."
echo " will use entitlements.txt from the gitdir (-g), and output a signed (-s) and stapled (-p) DMG file in build/install4j/11/stapled with a volume icon for Jalview Develop (-z)."
-while getopts "hg:e:d:a:v:j:w:i:t:sSpPz:Zo:OyCVq" opt; do
+while getopts "hg:e:d:a:v:j:w:i:t:sSpPz:Zo:x:OyCVq" opt; do
case ${opt} in
+ x)
+ ;;
echo Working in temporary directory ''$TEMPDIR''
+if [ ! -z "$SHA256FILE" ]; then
+ OLDSHA256=$(sha256sum "$DMGFILE" | cut -d" " -f1)
myecho() {
local MSG="$1"
local LEVEL="$2"
myecho "* -- Going to copy volume contents to '${TEMPDMGDIR}'"
-if [ "$VOLUMEICON" = 1 ]; then
+if [ "$USEVOLUMEICON" = 1 ]; then
myecho "* -- Going to try and set a volume icon to '${VOLUMEICON}'"
if [ "$STAPLE" = 1 ]; then
myecho "* Creating temporary RW DMG file '${TEMPDMGFILE}' to sign"
- mycommand 1 hdiutil create $HDIUTILV -format UDRW -megabytes 260 -srcfolder "$TEMPDMGDIR" -volname "$VOLNAME" "$TEMPDMGFILE" || myexit "Could not create temporary DMG file '${TEMPDMGFILE}'" 15
+ mycommand 1 hdiutil create $HDIUTILV -format UDRW -megabytes 260 -srcfolder "$TEMPDMGDIR" -volname "$VOLNAME" "$TEMPDMGFILE" || myexit "Could not create temporary DMG file '${TEMPDMGFILE}'" 16
myecho "* Mounting temporary disk image '${TEMPDMGFILE}' on '${TEMPMOUNTDIR}'"
mycommand 1 hdiutil attach $HDIUTILV -mountpoint "${TEMPMOUNTDIR}" "${TEMPDMGFILE}" || myexit "Could not mount '${TEMPDMGFILE}' on '${TEMPMOUNTDIR}'. Aborting." 16
[ "$STAPLED" = 1 ] && STAPLED=" stapled"
myecho "***${SIGNED}${AND}${STAPLED} DMG file at '${NEWDMGFILE}'"
+if [ ! -z "$SHA256FILE" -a ! -z "$OLDSHA256" ]; then
+ NEWSHA256=$(sha256sum "$NEWDMGFILE" | cut -d" " -f1)
+ if [ ! -e "$SHA256FILE" ]; then
+ myecho "# File to change SHA256 checksum in '${SHA256FILE}' doesn't exist."
+ myecho "* The old SHA256 checksum is '${OLDSHA256}'"
+ myecho "* The new SHA256 checksum is '${NEWSHA256}'"
+ exit 18
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$NEWSHA256" ]; then
+ myecho "# New checksum is empty. Not doing replacements."
+ exit 19
+ fi
+ myecho "* ---- Going to use replace checksums in '${SHA256FILE}'"
+ myecho "* from '${OLDSHA256}'"
+ myecho "* to '${NEWSHA256}'"
+ # Confirmation of checksum replacement in file
+ if [ "${YES}" != 1 ]; then
+ read -r -p "* Continue? [y/N] " response
+ case $(echo "${response}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') in
+ yes|y)
+ myecho "* Continuing."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ myexit "Aborting due to negative confirmation." 0
+ exit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ # be very careful here!
+ if [ -e "$SHA256FILE" -a ! -z "$OLDSHA256" -a ! -z "$NEWSHA256" ]; then
+ OLD="$OLDSHA256" NEW="$NEWSHA256" perl -p -i -e 's/$ENV{OLD}/$ENV{NEW}/g;' "$SHA256FILE"
+ myecho "*** Replaced checksums in '$SHA256FILE'"
+ fi