+def hugoTemplateSubstitutions(String input, Map extras=null) {
+ def replacements = [
+ DATE: getDate("yyyy-MM-dd"),
+ CHANNEL: propertiesChannelName,
+ APPLICATION_NAME: applicationName,
+ GIT_HASH: gitHash,
+ GIT_BRANCH: gitBranch,
+ DRAFT: "false",
+ ]
+ def output = input
+ if (extras != null) {
+ extras.each{ k, v ->
+ output = output.replaceAll("__${k}__", ((v == null)?"":v))
+ }
+ }
+ replacements.each{ k, v ->
+ output = output.replaceAll("__${k}__", ((v == null)?"":v))
+ }
+ return output
+def mdFileComponents(File mdFile, def dateOnly=false) {
+ def map = [:]
+ def content = ""
+ if (mdFile.exists()) {
+ def inFrontMatter = false
+ def firstLine = true
+ mdFile.eachLine { line ->
+ if (line.matches("---")) {
+ def prev = inFrontMatter
+ inFrontMatter = firstLine
+ if (inFrontMatter != prev)
+ return false
+ }
+ if (inFrontMatter) {
+ def m = null
+ if (m = line =~ /^date:\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/) {
+ map["date"] = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", m[0][1])
+ } else if (m = line =~ /^date:\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/) {
+ map["date"] = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd", m[0][1])
+ } else if (m = line =~ /^channel:\s*(\S+)/) {
+ map["channel"] = m[0][1]
+ } else if (m = line =~ /^version:\s*(\S+)/) {
+ map["version"] = m[0][1]
+ } else if (m = line =~ /^\s*([^:]+)\s*:\s*(\S.*)/) {
+ map[ m[0][1] ] = m[0][2]
+ }
+ if (dateOnly && map["date"] != null) {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (dateOnly)
+ return false
+ content += line+"\n"
+ }
+ firstLine = false
+ }
+ }
+ return dateOnly ? map["date"] : [map, content]
+task hugoTemplates {
+ group "website"
+ description "Create partially populated md pages for hugo website build"
+ def hugoTemplatesDir = file("${jalviewDir}/${hugo_templates_dir}")
+ def hugoBuildDir = "${jalviewDir}/${hugo_build_dir}"
+ def templateFiles = fileTree(dir: hugoTemplatesDir)
+ def releaseMdFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${releases_dir}/release-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.md")
+ def whatsnewMdFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${whatsnew_dir}/whatsnew-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.md")
+ def oldJvlFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${hugo_old_jvl}")
+ def jalviewjsFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${hugo_jalviewjs}")
+ doFirst {
+ // specific release template for version archive
+ def changes = ""
+ def whatsnew = null
+ def givenDate = null
+ def givenChannel = null
+ def givenVersion = null
+ if (CHANNEL == "RELEASE") {
+ def (map, content) = mdFileComponents(releaseMdFile)
+ givenDate = map.date
+ givenChannel = map.channel
+ givenVersion = map.version
+ changes = content
+ if (givenVersion != null && givenVersion != JALVIEW_VERSION) {
+ throw new GradleException("'version' header (${givenVersion}) found in ${releaseMdFile} does not match JALVIEW_VERSION (${JALVIEW_VERSION})")
+ }
+ if (whatsnewMdFile.exists())
+ whatsnew = whatsnewMdFile.text
+ }
+ def oldJvl = oldJvlFile.exists() ? oldJvlFile.collect{it} : []
+ def jalviewjsLink = jalviewjsFile.exists() ? jalviewjsFile.collect{it} : []
+ def changesHugo = null
+ if (changes != null) {
+ changesHugo = '<div class="release_notes">\n\n'
+ def inSection = false
+ changes.eachLine { line ->
+ def m = null
+ if (m = line =~ /^##([^#].*)$/) {
+ if (inSection) {
+ changesHugo += "</div>\n\n"
+ }
+ def section = m[0][1].trim()
+ section = section.toLowerCase()
+ section = section.replaceAll(/ +/, "_")
+ section = section.replaceAll(/[^a-z0-9_\-]/, "")
+ changesHugo += "<div class=\"${section}\">\n\n"
+ inSection = true
+ } else if (m = line =~ /^(\s*-\s*)<!--([^>]+)-->(.*?)(<br\/?>)?\s*$/) {
+ def comment = m[0][2].trim()
+ if (comment != "") {
+ comment = comment.replaceAll('"', """)
+ def issuekeys = []
+ comment.eachMatch(/JAL-\d+/) { jal -> issuekeys += jal }
+ def newline = m[0][1]
+ if (comment.trim() != "")
+ newline += "{{<comment>}}${comment}{{</comment>}} "
+ newline += m[0][3].trim()
+ if (issuekeys.size() > 0)
+ newline += " {{< jal issue=\"${issuekeys.join(",")}\" alt=\"${comment}\" >}}"
+ if (m[0][4] != null)
+ newline += m[0][4]
+ line = newline
+ }
+ }
+ changesHugo += line+"\n"
+ }
+ if (inSection) {
+ changesHugo += "\n</div>\n\n"
+ }
+ changesHugo += '</div>'
+ }
+ templateFiles.each{ templateFile ->
+ def newFileName = string(hugoTemplateSubstitutions(templateFile.getName()))
+ def relPath = hugoTemplatesDir.toPath().relativize(templateFile.toPath()).getParent()
+ def newRelPathName = hugoTemplateSubstitutions( relPath.toString() )
+ def outPathName = string("${hugoBuildDir}/$newRelPathName")
+ copy {
+ from templateFile
+ rename(templateFile.getName(), newFileName)
+ into outPathName
+ }
+ def newFile = file("${outPathName}/${newFileName}".toString())
+ def content = newFile.text
+ newFile.text = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(content,
+ [
+ WHATSNEW: whatsnew,
+ CHANGES: changesHugo,
+ DATE: givenDate == null ? "" : givenDate.format("yyyy-MM-dd"),
+ DRAFT: givenDate == null ? "true" : "false",
+ JALVIEWJSLINK: jalviewjsLink.contains(JALVIEW_VERSION) ? "true" : "false",
+ JVL_HEADER: oldJvl.contains(JALVIEW_VERSION) ? "jvl: true" : ""
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.file(oldJvlFile)
+ inputs.dir(hugoTemplatesDir)
+ inputs.property("JALVIEW_VERSION", { JALVIEW_VERSION })
+ inputs.property("CHANNEL", { CHANNEL })
+def getMdDate(File mdFile) {
+ return mdFileComponents(mdFile, true)
+def getMdSections(String content) {
+ def sections = [:]
+ def sectionContent = ""
+ def sectionName = null
+ content.eachLine { line ->
+ def m = null
+ if (m = line =~ /^##([^#].*)$/) {
+ if (sectionName != null) {
+ sections[sectionName] = sectionContent
+ sectionName = null
+ sectionContent = ""
+ }
+ sectionName = m[0][1].trim()
+ sectionName = sectionName.toLowerCase()
+ sectionName = sectionName.replaceAll(/ +/, "_")
+ sectionName = sectionName.replaceAll(/[^a-z0-9_\-]/, "")
+ } else if (sectionName != null) {
+ sectionContent += line+"\n"
+ }
+ }
+ if (sectionContent != null) {
+ sections[sectionName] = sectionContent
+ }
+ return sections
+task releasesTemplates {
+ group "help"
+ description "Recreate whatsNew.html and releases.html from markdown files and templates in help"
+ def releasesTemplateFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${releases_template}")
+ def whatsnewTemplateFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${whatsnew_template}")
+ def releasesHtmlFile = file("${helpSourceDir}/${releases_html}")
+ def whatsnewHtmlFile = file("${helpSourceDir}/${whatsnew_html}")
+ def releasesMdDir = "${jalviewDir}/${releases_dir}"
+ def whatsnewMdDir = "${jalviewDir}/${whatsnew_dir}"
+ doFirst {
+ def releaseMdFile = file("${releasesMdDir}/release-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.md")
+ def whatsnewMdFile = file("${whatsnewMdDir}/whatsnew-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.md")
+ if (CHANNEL == "RELEASE") {
+ if (!releaseMdFile.exists()) {
+ throw new GradleException("File ${releaseMdFile} must be created for RELEASE")
+ }
+ if (!whatsnewMdFile.exists()) {
+ throw new GradleException("File ${whatsnewMdFile} must be created for RELEASE")
+ }
+ }
+ def releaseFiles = fileTree(dir: releasesMdDir, include: "release-*.md")
+ def releaseFilesDates = releaseFiles.collectEntries {
+ [(it): getMdDate(it)]
+ }
+ releaseFiles = releaseFiles.sort { a,b -> releaseFilesDates[a].compareTo(releaseFilesDates[b]) }
+ def releasesTemplate = releasesTemplateFile.text
+ def m = releasesTemplate =~ /(?s)__VERSION_LOOP_START__(.*)__VERSION_LOOP_END__/
+ def versionTemplate = m[0][1]
+ MutableDataSet options = new MutableDataSet()
+ def extensions = new ArrayList<>()
+ options.set(Parser.EXTENSIONS, extensions)
+ options.set(Parser.HTML_BLOCK_COMMENT_ONLY_FULL_LINE, true)
+ Parser parser = Parser.builder(options).build()
+ HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder(options).build()
+ def actualVersions = releaseFiles.collect { rf ->
+ def (rfMap, rfContent) = mdFileComponents(rf)
+ return rfMap.version
+ }
+ def versionsHtml = ""
+ def linkedVersions = []
+ releaseFiles.reverse().each { rFile ->
+ def (rMap, rContent) = mdFileComponents(rFile)
+ def versionLink = ""
+ def partialVersion = ""
+ def firstPart = true
+ rMap.version.split("\\.").each { part ->
+ def displayPart = ( firstPart ? "" : "." ) + part
+ partialVersion += displayPart
+ if (
+ linkedVersions.contains(partialVersion)
+ || ( actualVersions.contains(partialVersion) && partialVersion != rMap.version )
+ ) {
+ versionLink += displayPart
+ } else {
+ versionLink += "<a id=\"Jalview.${partialVersion}\">${displayPart}</a>"
+ linkedVersions += partialVersion
+ }
+ firstPart = false
+ }
+ def displayDate = releaseFilesDates[rFile].format("d MMMMM yyyy")
+ def lm = null
+ def rContentProcessed = ""
+ rContent.eachLine { line ->
+ if (lm = line =~ /^(\s*-)(\s*<!--[^>]*?-->)(.*)$/) {
+ line = "${lm[0][1]}${lm[0][3]}${lm[0][2]}"
+ } else if (lm = line =~ /^###([^#]+.*)$/) {
+ line = "_${lm[0][1].trim()}_"
+ }
+ rContentProcessed += line + "\n"
+ }
+ def rContentSections = getMdSections(rContentProcessed)
+ def rVersion = versionTemplate
+ if (rVersion != "") {
+ def rNewFeatures = rContentSections["new_features"]
+ def rIssuesResolved = rContentSections["issues_resolved"]
+ Node newFeaturesNode = parser.parse(rNewFeatures)
+ String newFeaturesHtml = renderer.render(newFeaturesNode)
+ Node issuesResolvedNode = parser.parse(rIssuesResolved)
+ String issuesResolvedHtml = renderer.render(issuesResolvedNode)
+ rVersion = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(rVersion,
+ [
+ VERSION: rMap.version,
+ VERSION_LINK: versionLink,
+ DISPLAY_DATE: displayDate,
+ NEW_FEATURES: newFeaturesHtml,
+ ISSUES_RESOLVED: issuesResolvedHtml
+ ]
+ )
+ versionsHtml += rVersion
+ }
+ }
+ releasesTemplate = releasesTemplate.replaceAll("(?s)__VERSION_LOOP_START__.*__VERSION_LOOP_END__", versionsHtml)
+ releasesTemplate = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(releasesTemplate)
+ releasesHtmlFile.text = releasesTemplate
+ if (whatsnewMdFile.exists()) {
+ def whatsnewMd = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(whatsnewMdFile.text)
+ Node whatsnewNode = parser.parse(whatsnewMd)
+ String whatsnewHtml = renderer.render(whatsnewNode)
+ whatsnewHtml = whatsnewTemplateFile.text.replaceAll("__WHATS_NEW__", whatsnewHtml)
+ whatsnewHtmlFile.text = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(whatsnewHtml,
+ [:]
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ inputs.file(releasesTemplateFile)
+ inputs.file(whatsnewTemplateFile)
+ inputs.dir(releasesMdDir)
+ inputs.dir(whatsnewMdDir)
+ outputs.file(releasesHtmlFile)
+ outputs.file(whatsnewHtmlFile)
task copyHelp(type: Copy) {
+ dependsOn releasesTemplates
def inputDir = helpSourceDir
def outputDir = "${helpBuildDir}/${help_dir}"
from(inputDir) {
} else {
// remove the examples subdir from Full File Set
def files = install4jConfigXml.files[0]
- def fileset = files.filesets.fileset.find { fs -> fs.'@customizedId' == "FULL_FILE_SET" }
- def root = files.roots.root.find { r -> r.'@fileset' == fileset.'@id' }
- def mountPoint = files.mountPoints.mountPoint.find { mp -> mp.'@root' == root.'@id' }
- def dirEntry = files.entries.dirEntry.find { de -> de.'@mountPoint' == mountPoint.'@id' && de.'@subDirectory' == "examples" }
- dirEntry.parent().remove(dirEntry)
- }
- install4jConfigXml.'**'.action.any { a ->
- if (a.'@customizedId' == customizedIdToDelete) {
- def parent = a.parent()
- parent.remove(a)
- return true
- }
- }
- // write install4j file
- install4jConfFile.text = XmlUtil.serialize(install4jConfigXml)
- }
-clean {
- doFirst {
- delete install4jConfFile
- }
-task cleanInstallersDataFiles {
- def installersOutputTxt = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/output.txt")
- def installersSha256 = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/sha256sums")
- def hugoDataJsonFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/installers-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.json")
- doFirst {
- delete installersOutputTxt
- delete installersSha256
- delete hugoDataJsonFile
- }
-task installerFiles(type: com.install4j.gradle.Install4jTask) {
- group = "distribution"
- description = "Create the install4j installers"
- dependsOn getdown
- dependsOn copyInstall4jTemplate
- dependsOn cleanInstallersDataFiles
- projectFile = install4jConfFile
- // create an md5 for the input files to use as version for install4j conf file
- def digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
- digest.update(
- (file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_template}").text +
- file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_info_plist_file_associations}").text +
- file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_installer_file_associations}").text).bytes)
- def filesMd5 = new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()).toString(16)
- if (filesMd5.length() >= 8) {
- filesMd5 = filesMd5.substring(0,8)
- }
- def install4jTemplateVersion = "${JALVIEW_VERSION}_F${filesMd5}_C${gitHash}"
- variables = [
- 'JALVIEW_NAME': jalview_name,
- 'JALVIEW_APPLICATION_NAME': applicationName,
- 'JALVIEW_DIR': "../..",
- 'JRE_DIR': getdown_app_dir_java,
- 'INSTALLER_TEMPLATE_VERSION': install4jTemplateVersion,
- 'MACOS_JAVA_VM_DIR': macosJavaVMDir,
- 'WINDOWS_JAVA_VM_DIR': windowsJavaVMDir,
- 'LINUX_JAVA_VM_DIR': linuxJavaVMDir,
- 'MACOS_JAVA_VM_TGZ': macosJavaVMTgz,
- 'WINDOWS_JAVA_VM_TGZ': windowsJavaVMTgz,
- 'LINUX_JAVA_VM_TGZ': linuxJavaVMTgz,
- 'COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE': install4j_copyright_message,
- 'BUNDLE_ID': install4jBundleId,
- 'INTERNAL_ID': install4jInternalId,
- 'WINDOWS_APPLICATION_ID': install4jWinApplicationId,
- 'MACOS_DMG_DS_STORE': install4jDMGDSStore,
- 'MACOS_DMG_BG_IMAGE': install4jDMGBackgroundImage,
- 'WRAPPER_LINK': getdownWrapperLink,
- 'BASH_WRAPPER_SCRIPT': getdown_bash_wrapper_script,
- 'POWERSHELL_WRAPPER_SCRIPT': getdown_powershell_wrapper_script,
- 'WRAPPER_SCRIPT_BIN_DIR': getdown_wrapper_script_dir,
- 'INSTALLER_NAME': install4jInstallerName,
- 'INSTALL4J_UTILS_DIR': install4j_utils_dir,
- 'GETDOWN_CHANNEL_DIR': getdownChannelDir,
- 'GETDOWN_FILES_DIR': getdown_files_dir,
- 'GETDOWN_RESOURCE_DIR': getdown_resource_dir,
- 'GETDOWN_DIST_DIR': getdownAppDistDir,
- 'GETDOWN_ALT_DIR': getdown_app_dir_alt,
- 'GETDOWN_INSTALL_DIR': getdown_install_dir,
- 'INFO_PLIST_FILE_ASSOCIATIONS_FILE': install4j_info_plist_file_associations,
- 'BUILD_DIR': install4jBuildDir,
- 'APPLICATION_CATEGORIES': install4j_application_categories,
- 'APPLICATION_FOLDER': install4jApplicationFolder,
- 'UNIX_APPLICATION_FOLDER': install4jUnixApplicationFolder,
- 'EXECUTABLE_NAME': install4jExecutableName,
- 'EXTRA_SCHEME': install4jExtraScheme,
- 'MAC_ICONS_FILE': install4jMacIconsFile,
- 'WINDOWS_ICONS_FILE': install4jWindowsIconsFile,
- 'PNG_ICON_FILE': install4jPngIconFile,
- 'BACKGROUND': install4jBackground,
- ]
- //println("INSTALL4J VARIABLES:")
- //variables.each{k,v->println("${k}=${v}")}
- destination = "${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}"
- buildSelected = true
- if (install4j_faster.equals("true") || CHANNEL.startsWith("LOCAL")) {
- faster = true
- disableSigning = true
- disableNotarization = true
- }
- if (OSX_KEYPASS) {
- macKeystorePassword = OSX_KEYPASS
- }
- appleIdPassword = OSX_ALTOOLPASS
- disableNotarization = false
- } else {
- disableNotarization = true
- }
- doFirst {
- println("Using projectFile "+projectFile)
- if (!disableNotarization) { println("Will notarize OSX App DMG") }
- }
- //verbose=true
- inputs.dir(getdownAppBaseDir)
- inputs.file(install4jConfFile)
- inputs.file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_info_plist_file_associations}")
- inputs.dir(macosJavaVMDir)
- inputs.dir(windowsJavaVMDir)
- outputs.dir("${jalviewDir}/${install4j_build_dir}/${JAVA_VERSION}")
-def getDataHash(File myFile) {
- HashCode hash = Files.asByteSource(myFile).hash(Hashing.sha256())
- return myFile.exists()
- ? [
- "file" : myFile.getName(),
- "filesize" : myFile.length(),
- "sha256" : hash.toString()
- ]
- : null
-def writeDataJsonFile(File installersOutputTxt, File installersSha256, File dataJsonFile) {
- def hash = [
- "channel" : getdownChannelName,
- "date" : getDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
- "git-commit" : "${gitHash} [${gitBranch}]",
- "version" : JALVIEW_VERSION
- ]
- // install4j installer files
- if (installersOutputTxt.exists()) {
- def idHash = [:]
- installersOutputTxt.readLines().each { def line ->
- if (line.startsWith("#")) {
- return;
- }
- line.replaceAll("\n","")
- def vals = line.split("\t")
- def filename = vals[3]
- def filesize = file(filename).length()
- filename = filename.replaceAll(/^.*\//, "")
- hash[vals[0]] = [ "id" : vals[0], "os" : vals[1], "name" : vals[2], "file" : filename, "filesize" : filesize ]
- idHash."${filename}" = vals[0]
- }
- if (install4jCheckSums && installersSha256.exists()) {
- installersSha256.readLines().each { def line ->
- if (line.startsWith("#")) {
- return;
- }
- line.replaceAll("\n","")
- def vals = line.split(/\s+\*?/)
- def filename = vals[1]
- def innerHash = (hash.(idHash."${filename}"))."sha256" = vals[0]
- }
- }
- }
- [
- "JAR": shadowJar.archiveFile, // executable JAR
- "JVL": getdownVersionLaunchJvl, // version JVL
- "SOURCE": sourceDist.archiveFile // source TGZ
- ].each { key, value ->
- def file = file(value)
- if (file.exists()) {
- def fileHash = getDataHash(file)
- if (fileHash != null) {
- hash."${key}" = fileHash;
+ def fileset = files.filesets.fileset.find { fs -> fs.'@customizedId' == "FULL_FILE_SET" }
+ def root = files.roots.root.find { r -> r.'@fileset' == fileset.'@id' }
+ def mountPoint = files.mountPoints.mountPoint.find { mp -> mp.'@root' == root.'@id' }
+ def dirEntry = files.entries.dirEntry.find { de -> de.'@mountPoint' == mountPoint.'@id' && de.'@subDirectory' == "examples" }
+ dirEntry.parent().remove(dirEntry)
+ }
+ install4jConfigXml.'**'.action.any { a ->
+ if (a.'@customizedId' == customizedIdToDelete) {
+ def parent = a.parent()
+ parent.remove(a)
+ return true
- }
- return dataJsonFile.write(new JsonBuilder(hash).toPrettyString())
-task staticMakeInstallersJsonFile {
- doFirst {
- def output = findProperty("i4j_output")
- def sha256 = findProperty("i4j_sha256")
- def json = findProperty("i4j_json")
- if (output == null || sha256 == null || json == null) {
- throw new GradleException("Must provide paths to all of output.txt, sha256sums, and output.json with '-Pi4j_output=... -Pi4j_sha256=... -Pi4j_json=...")
- }
- writeDataJsonFile(file(output), file(sha256), file(json))
+ // write install4j file
+ install4jConfFile.text = XmlUtil.serialize(install4jConfigXml)
-task installers {
- dependsOn installerFiles
-spotless {
- java {
- eclipse().configFile(eclipse_codestyle_file)
+clean {
+ doFirst {
+ delete install4jConfFile
-task createSourceReleaseProperties(type: WriteProperties) {
- group = "distribution"
- description = "Create the source RELEASE properties file"
- def sourceTarBuildDir = "${buildDir}/sourceTar"
- def sourceReleasePropertiesFile = "${sourceTarBuildDir}/RELEASE"
- outputFile (sourceReleasePropertiesFile)
+task cleanInstallersDataFiles {
+ def installersOutputTxt = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/output.txt")
+ def installersSha256 = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/sha256sums")
+ def hugoDataJsonFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/installers-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.json")
doFirst {
- releaseProps.each{ key, val -> property key, val }
- property "git.branch", gitBranch
- property "git.hash", gitHash
+ delete installersOutputTxt
+ delete installersSha256
+ delete hugoDataJsonFile
- outputs.file(outputFile)
-task sourceDist(type: Tar) {
- group "distribution"
- description "Create a source .tar.gz file for distribution"
- dependsOn createBuildProperties
- dependsOn convertMdFiles
- dependsOn eclipseAllPreferences
- dependsOn createSourceReleaseProperties
- def outputFileName = "${project.name}_${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.tar.gz"
- archiveFileName = outputFileName
- compression Compression.GZIP
- into project.name
- "build/*",
- "bin/*",
- "test-output/",
- "test-reports",
- "tests",
- "clover*/*",
- ".*",
- "benchmarking/*",
- "**/.*",
- "*.class",
- "**/*.class","$j11modDir/**/*.jar","appletlib","**/*locales",
- "*locales/**",
- "utils/InstallAnywhere",
- "**/*.log",
- ]
- "**/README",
- "build.gradle",
- "gradle.properties",
- "**/*.java",
- "**/*.html",
- "**/*.xml",
- "**/*.gradle",
- "**/*.groovy",
- "**/*.properties",
- "**/*.perl",
- "**/*.sh",
- ]
- ".classpath",
- ".settings/org.eclipse.buildship.core.prefs",
- ".settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs"
- ]
- from(jalviewDir) {
- exclude (EXCLUDE_FILES)
- include (PROCESS_FILES)
- filter(ReplaceTokens,
- beginToken: '$$',
- endToken: '$$',
- tokens: [
- 'Version-Rel': JALVIEW_VERSION,
- 'Year-Rel': getDate("yyyy")
- ]
- )
- }
- from(jalviewDir) {
- exclude (EXCLUDE_FILES)
- exclude (PROCESS_FILES)
- exclude ("appletlib")
- exclude ("**/*locales")
- exclude ("*locales/**")
- exclude ("utils/InstallAnywhere")
- exclude (getdown_files_dir)
- // getdown_website_dir and getdown_archive_dir moved to build/website/docroot/getdown
- //exclude (getdown_website_dir)
- //exclude (getdown_archive_dir)
- // exluding these as not using jars as modules yet
- exclude ("${j11modDir}/**/*.jar")
- }
- from(jalviewDir) {
- include(INCLUDE_FILES)
- }
-// from (jalviewDir) {
-// // explicit includes for stuff that seemed to not get included
-// include(fileTree("test/**/*."))
-// exclude(EXCLUDE_FILES)
-// exclude(PROCESS_FILES)
-// }
+task installerFiles(type: com.install4j.gradle.Install4jTask) {
+ group = "distribution"
+ description = "Create the install4j installers"
+ dependsOn getdown
+ dependsOn copyInstall4jTemplate
+ dependsOn cleanInstallersDataFiles
- from(file(buildProperties).getParent()) {
- include(file(buildProperties).getName())
- rename(file(buildProperties).getName(), "build_properties")
- filter({ line ->
- line.replaceAll("^INSTALLATION=.*\$","INSTALLATION=Source Release"+" git-commit\\\\:"+gitHash+" ["+gitBranch+"]")
- })
- }
+ projectFile = install4jConfFile
- def sourceTarBuildDir = "${buildDir}/sourceTar"
- from(sourceTarBuildDir) {
- // this includes the appended RELEASE properties file
+ // create an md5 for the input files to use as version for install4j conf file
+ def digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
+ digest.update(
+ (file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_template}").text +
+ file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_info_plist_file_associations}").text +
+ file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_installer_file_associations}").text).bytes)
+ def filesMd5 = new BigInteger(1, digest.digest()).toString(16)
+ if (filesMd5.length() >= 8) {
+ filesMd5 = filesMd5.substring(0,8)
-task dataInstallersJson {
- group "website"
- description "Create the installers-VERSION.json data file for installer files created"
- mustRunAfter installers
- mustRunAfter shadowJar
- mustRunAfter sourceDist
- mustRunAfter getdownArchive
- def installersOutputTxt = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/output.txt")
- def installersSha256 = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/sha256sums")
+ def install4jTemplateVersion = "${JALVIEW_VERSION}_F${filesMd5}_C${gitHash}"
- if (installersOutputTxt.exists()) {
- inputs.file(installersOutputTxt)
- }
- if (install4jCheckSums && installersSha256.exists()) {
- inputs.file(installersSha256)
- }
- [
- shadowJar.archiveFile, // executable JAR
- getdownVersionLaunchJvl, // version JVL
- sourceDist.archiveFile // source TGZ
- ].each { fileName ->
- if (file(fileName).exists()) {
- inputs.file(fileName)
- }
- }
+ variables = [
+ 'JALVIEW_NAME': jalview_name,
+ 'JALVIEW_APPLICATION_NAME': applicationName,
+ 'JALVIEW_DIR': "../..",
+ 'JRE_DIR': getdown_app_dir_java,
+ 'INSTALLER_TEMPLATE_VERSION': install4jTemplateVersion,
+ 'MACOS_JAVA_VM_DIR': macosJavaVMDir,
+ 'WINDOWS_JAVA_VM_DIR': windowsJavaVMDir,
+ 'LINUX_JAVA_VM_DIR': linuxJavaVMDir,
+ 'MACOS_JAVA_VM_TGZ': macosJavaVMTgz,
+ 'WINDOWS_JAVA_VM_TGZ': windowsJavaVMTgz,
+ 'LINUX_JAVA_VM_TGZ': linuxJavaVMTgz,
+ 'COPYRIGHT_MESSAGE': install4j_copyright_message,
+ 'BUNDLE_ID': install4jBundleId,
+ 'INTERNAL_ID': install4jInternalId,
+ 'WINDOWS_APPLICATION_ID': install4jWinApplicationId,
+ 'MACOS_DMG_DS_STORE': install4jDMGDSStore,
+ 'MACOS_DMG_BG_IMAGE': install4jDMGBackgroundImage,
+ 'WRAPPER_LINK': getdownWrapperLink,
+ 'BASH_WRAPPER_SCRIPT': getdown_bash_wrapper_script,
+ 'POWERSHELL_WRAPPER_SCRIPT': getdown_powershell_wrapper_script,
+ 'WRAPPER_SCRIPT_BIN_DIR': getdown_wrapper_script_dir,
+ 'INSTALLER_NAME': install4jInstallerName,
+ 'INSTALL4J_UTILS_DIR': install4j_utils_dir,
+ 'GETDOWN_CHANNEL_DIR': getdownChannelDir,
+ 'GETDOWN_FILES_DIR': getdown_files_dir,
+ 'GETDOWN_RESOURCE_DIR': getdown_resource_dir,
+ 'GETDOWN_DIST_DIR': getdownAppDistDir,
+ 'GETDOWN_ALT_DIR': getdown_app_dir_alt,
+ 'GETDOWN_INSTALL_DIR': getdown_install_dir,
+ 'INFO_PLIST_FILE_ASSOCIATIONS_FILE': install4j_info_plist_file_associations,
+ 'BUILD_DIR': install4jBuildDir,
+ 'APPLICATION_CATEGORIES': install4j_application_categories,
+ 'APPLICATION_FOLDER': install4jApplicationFolder,
+ 'UNIX_APPLICATION_FOLDER': install4jUnixApplicationFolder,
+ 'EXECUTABLE_NAME': install4jExecutableName,
+ 'EXTRA_SCHEME': install4jExtraScheme,
+ 'MAC_ICONS_FILE': install4jMacIconsFile,
+ 'WINDOWS_ICONS_FILE': install4jWindowsIconsFile,
+ 'PNG_ICON_FILE': install4jPngIconFile,
+ 'BACKGROUND': install4jBackground,
- outputs.file(hugoDataJsonFile)
+ ]
- doFirst {
- writeDataJsonFile(installersOutputTxt, installersSha256, hugoDataJsonFile)
- }
+ //println("INSTALL4J VARIABLES:")
+ //variables.each{k,v->println("${k}=${v}")}
-def hugoTemplateSubstitutions(String input, Map extras=null) {
- def replacements = [
- DATE: getDate("yyyy-MM-dd"),
- CHANNEL: propertiesChannelName,
- APPLICATION_NAME: applicationName,
- GIT_HASH: gitHash,
- GIT_BRANCH: gitBranch,
- DRAFT: "false",
- ]
- def output = input
- if (extras != null) {
- extras.each{ k, v ->
- output = output.replaceAll("__${k}__", ((v == null)?"":v))
- }
+ destination = "${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}"
+ buildSelected = true
+ if (install4j_faster.equals("true") || CHANNEL.startsWith("LOCAL")) {
+ faster = true
+ disableSigning = true
+ disableNotarization = true
- replacements.each{ k, v ->
- output = output.replaceAll("__${k}__", ((v == null)?"":v))
+ if (OSX_KEYPASS) {
+ macKeystorePassword = OSX_KEYPASS
+ }
+ appleIdPassword = OSX_ALTOOLPASS
+ disableNotarization = false
+ } else {
+ disableNotarization = true
- return output
-def mdFileComponents(File mdFile, def dateOnly=false) {
- def map = [:]
- def content = ""
- if (mdFile.exists()) {
- def inFrontMatter = false
- def firstLine = true
- mdFile.eachLine { line ->
- if (line.matches("---")) {
- def prev = inFrontMatter
- inFrontMatter = firstLine
- if (inFrontMatter != prev)
- return false
- }
- if (inFrontMatter) {
- def m = null
- if (m = line =~ /^date:\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})/) {
- map["date"] = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", m[0][1])
- } else if (m = line =~ /^date:\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})/) {
- map["date"] = new Date().parse("yyyy-MM-dd", m[0][1])
- } else if (m = line =~ /^channel:\s*(\S+)/) {
- map["channel"] = m[0][1]
- } else if (m = line =~ /^version:\s*(\S+)/) {
- map["version"] = m[0][1]
- } else if (m = line =~ /^\s*([^:]+)\s*:\s*(\S.*)/) {
- map[ m[0][1] ] = m[0][2]
- }
- if (dateOnly && map["date"] != null) {
- return false
- }
- } else {
- if (dateOnly)
- return false
- content += line+"\n"
- }
- firstLine = false
- }
+ doFirst {
+ println("Using projectFile "+projectFile)
+ if (!disableNotarization) { println("Will notarize OSX App DMG") }
- return dateOnly ? map["date"] : [map, content]
+ //verbose=true
-task hugoTemplates {
- group "website"
- description "Create partially populated md pages for hugo website build"
+ inputs.dir(getdownAppBaseDir)
+ inputs.file(install4jConfFile)
+ inputs.file("${install4jDir}/${install4j_info_plist_file_associations}")
+ inputs.dir(macosJavaVMDir)
+ inputs.dir(windowsJavaVMDir)
+ outputs.dir("${jalviewDir}/${install4j_build_dir}/${JAVA_VERSION}")
- def hugoTemplatesDir = file("${jalviewDir}/${hugo_templates_dir}")
- def hugoBuildDir = "${jalviewDir}/${hugo_build_dir}"
- def templateFiles = fileTree(dir: hugoTemplatesDir)
- def releaseMdFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${releases_dir}/release-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.md")
- def whatsnewMdFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${whatsnew_dir}/whatsnew-${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.md")
- def oldJvlFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${hugo_old_jvl}")
- def jalviewjsFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${hugo_jalviewjs}")
+def getDataHash(File myFile) {
+ HashCode hash = Files.asByteSource(myFile).hash(Hashing.sha256())
+ return myFile.exists()
+ ? [
+ "file" : myFile.getName(),
+ "filesize" : myFile.length(),
+ "sha256" : hash.toString()
+ ]
+ : null
- doFirst {
- // specific release template for version archive
- def changes = ""
- def whatsnew = null
- def givenDate = null
- def givenChannel = null
- def givenVersion = null
- if (CHANNEL == "RELEASE") {
- def (map, content) = mdFileComponents(releaseMdFile)
- givenDate = map.date
- givenChannel = map.channel
- givenVersion = map.version
- changes = content
- if (givenVersion != null && givenVersion != JALVIEW_VERSION) {
- throw new GradleException("'version' header (${givenVersion}) found in ${releaseMdFile} does not match JALVIEW_VERSION (${JALVIEW_VERSION})")
+def writeDataJsonFile(File installersOutputTxt, File installersSha256, File dataJsonFile) {
+ def hash = [
+ "channel" : getdownChannelName,
+ "date" : getDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),
+ "git-commit" : "${gitHash} [${gitBranch}]",
+ "version" : JALVIEW_VERSION
+ ]
+ // install4j installer files
+ if (installersOutputTxt.exists()) {
+ def idHash = [:]
+ installersOutputTxt.readLines().each { def line ->
+ if (line.startsWith("#")) {
+ return;
- if (whatsnewMdFile.exists())
- whatsnew = whatsnewMdFile.text
+ line.replaceAll("\n","")
+ def vals = line.split("\t")
+ def filename = vals[3]
+ def filesize = file(filename).length()
+ filename = filename.replaceAll(/^.*\//, "")
+ hash[vals[0]] = [ "id" : vals[0], "os" : vals[1], "name" : vals[2], "file" : filename, "filesize" : filesize ]
+ idHash."${filename}" = vals[0]
- def oldJvl = oldJvlFile.exists() ? oldJvlFile.collect{it} : []
- def jalviewjsLink = jalviewjsFile.exists() ? jalviewjsFile.collect{it} : []
- def changesHugo = null
- if (changes != null) {
- changesHugo = '<div class="release_notes">\n\n'
- def inSection = false
- changes.eachLine { line ->
- def m = null
- if (m = line =~ /^##([^#].*)$/) {
- if (inSection) {
- changesHugo += "</div>\n\n"
- }
- def section = m[0][1].trim()
- section = section.toLowerCase()
- section = section.replaceAll(/ +/, "_")
- section = section.replaceAll(/[^a-z0-9_\-]/, "")
- changesHugo += "<div class=\"${section}\">\n\n"
- inSection = true
- } else if (m = line =~ /^(\s*-\s*)<!--([^>]+)-->(.*?)(<br\/?>)?\s*$/) {
- def comment = m[0][2].trim()
- if (comment != "") {
- comment = comment.replaceAll('"', """)
- def issuekeys = []
- comment.eachMatch(/JAL-\d+/) { jal -> issuekeys += jal }
- def newline = m[0][1]
- if (comment.trim() != "")
- newline += "{{<comment>}}${comment}{{</comment>}} "
- newline += m[0][3].trim()
- if (issuekeys.size() > 0)
- newline += " {{< jal issue=\"${issuekeys.join(",")}\" alt=\"${comment}\" >}}"
- if (m[0][4] != null)
- newline += m[0][4]
- line = newline
- }
+ if (install4jCheckSums && installersSha256.exists()) {
+ installersSha256.readLines().each { def line ->
+ if (line.startsWith("#")) {
+ return;
- changesHugo += line+"\n"
- }
- if (inSection) {
- changesHugo += "\n</div>\n\n"
+ line.replaceAll("\n","")
+ def vals = line.split(/\s+\*?/)
+ def filename = vals[1]
+ def innerHash = (hash.(idHash."${filename}"))."sha256" = vals[0]
- changesHugo += '</div>'
+ }
- templateFiles.each{ templateFile ->
- def newFileName = string(hugoTemplateSubstitutions(templateFile.getName()))
- def relPath = hugoTemplatesDir.toPath().relativize(templateFile.toPath()).getParent()
- def newRelPathName = hugoTemplateSubstitutions( relPath.toString() )
- def outPathName = string("${hugoBuildDir}/$newRelPathName")
- copy {
- from templateFile
- rename(templateFile.getName(), newFileName)
- into outPathName
+ [
+ "JAR": shadowJar.archiveFile, // executable JAR
+ "JVL": getdownVersionLaunchJvl, // version JVL
+ "SOURCE": sourceDist.archiveFile // source TGZ
+ ].each { key, value ->
+ def file = file(value)
+ if (file.exists()) {
+ def fileHash = getDataHash(file)
+ if (fileHash != null) {
+ hash."${key}" = fileHash;
- def newFile = file("${outPathName}/${newFileName}".toString())
- def content = newFile.text
- newFile.text = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(content,
- [
- WHATSNEW: whatsnew,
- CHANGES: changesHugo,
- DATE: givenDate == null ? "" : givenDate.format("yyyy-MM-dd"),
- DRAFT: givenDate == null ? "true" : "false",
- JALVIEWJSLINK: jalviewjsLink.contains(JALVIEW_VERSION) ? "true" : "false",
- JVL_HEADER: oldJvl.contains(JALVIEW_VERSION) ? "jvl: true" : ""
- ]
- )
+ return dataJsonFile.write(new JsonBuilder(hash).toPrettyString())
- inputs.file(oldJvlFile)
- inputs.dir(hugoTemplatesDir)
- inputs.property("JALVIEW_VERSION", { JALVIEW_VERSION })
- inputs.property("CHANNEL", { CHANNEL })
+task staticMakeInstallersJsonFile {
+ doFirst {
+ def output = findProperty("i4j_output")
+ def sha256 = findProperty("i4j_sha256")
+ def json = findProperty("i4j_json")
+ if (output == null || sha256 == null || json == null) {
+ throw new GradleException("Must provide paths to all of output.txt, sha256sums, and output.json with '-Pi4j_output=... -Pi4j_sha256=... -Pi4j_json=...")
+ }
+ writeDataJsonFile(file(output), file(sha256), file(json))
+ }
-def getMdDate(File mdFile) {
- return mdFileComponents(mdFile, true)
+task installers {
+ dependsOn installerFiles
-def getMdSections(String content) {
- def sections = [:]
- def sectionContent = ""
- def sectionName = null
- content.eachLine { line ->
- def m = null
- if (m = line =~ /^##([^#].*)$/) {
- if (sectionName != null) {
- sections[sectionName] = sectionContent
- sectionName = null
- sectionContent = ""
- }
- sectionName = m[0][1].trim()
- sectionName = sectionName.toLowerCase()
- sectionName = sectionName.replaceAll(/ +/, "_")
- sectionName = sectionName.replaceAll(/[^a-z0-9_\-]/, "")
- } else if (sectionName != null) {
- sectionContent += line+"\n"
- }
- }
- if (sectionContent != null) {
- sections[sectionName] = sectionContent
+spotless {
+ java {
+ eclipse().configFile(eclipse_codestyle_file)
- return sections
-task releasesTemplates {
- def releasesTemplateFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${releases_template}")
- def whatsnewTemplateFile = file("${jalviewDir}/${whatsnew_template}")
- def releasesHtmlFile = file("${helpSourceDir}/${releases_html}")
- def whatsnewHtmlFile = file("${helpSourceDir}/${whatsnew_html}")
- def releasesMdDir = "${jalviewDir}/${releases_dir}"
- def whatsnewMdDir = "${jalviewDir}/${whatsnew_dir}"
+task createSourceReleaseProperties(type: WriteProperties) {
+ group = "distribution"
+ description = "Create the source RELEASE properties file"
+ def sourceTarBuildDir = "${buildDir}/sourceTar"
+ def sourceReleasePropertiesFile = "${sourceTarBuildDir}/RELEASE"
+ outputFile (sourceReleasePropertiesFile)
doFirst {
- def releaseFiles = fileTree(dir: releasesMdDir, include: "release-*.md")
- def releaseFilesDates = releaseFiles.collectEntries {
- [(it): getMdDate(it)]
- }
- releaseFiles = releaseFiles.sort { a,b -> releaseFilesDates[a].compareTo(releaseFilesDates[b]) }
+ releaseProps.each{ key, val -> property key, val }
+ property "git.branch", gitBranch
+ property "git.hash", gitHash
+ }
- def releasesTemplate = releasesTemplateFile.text
- def m = releasesTemplate =~ /(?s)__VERSION_LOOP_START__(.*)__VERSION_LOOP_END__/
- def versionTemplate = m[0][1]
+ outputs.file(outputFile)
- MutableDataSet options = new MutableDataSet()
+task sourceDist(type: Tar) {
+ group "distribution"
+ description "Create a source .tar.gz file for distribution"
- def extensions = new ArrayList<>()
- options.set(Parser.EXTENSIONS, extensions)
- options.set(Parser.HTML_BLOCK_COMMENT_ONLY_FULL_LINE, true)
+ dependsOn createBuildProperties
+ dependsOn convertMdFiles
+ dependsOn eclipseAllPreferences
+ dependsOn createSourceReleaseProperties
- Parser parser = Parser.builder(options).build()
- HtmlRenderer renderer = HtmlRenderer.builder(options).build()
- def actualVersions = releaseFiles.collect { rf ->
- def (rfMap, rfContent) = mdFileComponents(rf)
- return rfMap.version
- }
- def versionsHtml = ""
- def linkedVersions = []
- releaseFiles.reverse().each { rFile ->
- def (rMap, rContent) = mdFileComponents(rFile)
+ def outputFileName = "${project.name}_${JALVIEW_VERSION_UNDERSCORES}.tar.gz"
+ archiveFileName = outputFileName
+ compression Compression.GZIP
+ into project.name
- def versionLink = ""
- def partialVersion = ""
- def firstPart = true
- rMap.version.split("\\.").each { part ->
- def displayPart = ( firstPart ? "" : "." ) + part
- partialVersion += displayPart
- if (
- linkedVersions.contains(partialVersion)
- || ( actualVersions.contains(partialVersion) && partialVersion != rMap.version )
- ) {
- versionLink += displayPart
- } else {
- versionLink += "<a id=\"Jalview.${partialVersion}\">${displayPart}</a>"
- linkedVersions += partialVersion
- }
- firstPart = false
- }
- def displayDate = releaseFilesDates[rFile].format("d MMMMM yyyy")
+ "build/*",
+ "bin/*",
+ "test-output/",
+ "test-reports",
+ "tests",
+ "clover*/*",
+ ".*",
+ "benchmarking/*",
+ "**/.*",
+ "*.class",
+ "**/*.class","$j11modDir/**/*.jar","appletlib","**/*locales",
+ "*locales/**",
+ "utils/InstallAnywhere",
+ "**/*.log",
+ ]
+ "**/README",
+ "build.gradle",
+ "gradle.properties",
+ "**/*.java",
+ "**/*.html",
+ "**/*.xml",
+ "**/*.gradle",
+ "**/*.groovy",
+ "**/*.properties",
+ "**/*.perl",
+ "**/*.sh",
+ ]
+ ".classpath",
+ ".settings/org.eclipse.buildship.core.prefs",
+ ".settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs"
+ ]
- def rContentSections = getMdSections(rContent)
- def rVersion = versionTemplate
- if (rVersion != "") {
- Node newFeaturesNode = parser.parse(rContentSections["new_features"])
- String newFeaturesHtml = renderer.render(newFeaturesNode)
- Node issuesResolvedNode = parser.parse(rContentSections["issues_resolved"])
- String issuesResolvedHtml = renderer.render(issuesResolvedNode)
- rVersion = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(rVersion,
- [
- VERSION: rMap.version,
- VERSION_LINK: versionLink,
- DISPLAY_DATE: displayDate,
- NEW_FEATURES: newFeaturesHtml,
- ISSUES_RESOLVED: issuesResolvedHtml
- ]
- )
- versionsHtml += rVersion
- }
- }
+ from(jalviewDir) {
+ exclude (EXCLUDE_FILES)
+ include (PROCESS_FILES)
+ filter(ReplaceTokens,
+ beginToken: '$$',
+ endToken: '$$',
+ tokens: [
+ 'Version-Rel': JALVIEW_VERSION,
+ 'Year-Rel': getDate("yyyy")
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ from(jalviewDir) {
+ exclude (EXCLUDE_FILES)
+ exclude (PROCESS_FILES)
+ exclude ("appletlib")
+ exclude ("**/*locales")
+ exclude ("*locales/**")
+ exclude ("utils/InstallAnywhere")
- releasesTemplate = releasesTemplate.replaceAll("(?s)__VERSION_LOOP_START__.*__VERSION_LOOP_END__", versionsHtml)
- releasesTemplate = hugoTemplateSubstitutions(releasesTemplate)
- releasesHtmlFile.text = releasesTemplate
+ exclude (getdown_files_dir)
+ // getdown_website_dir and getdown_archive_dir moved to build/website/docroot/getdown
+ //exclude (getdown_website_dir)
+ //exclude (getdown_archive_dir)
+ // exluding these as not using jars as modules yet
+ exclude ("${j11modDir}/**/*.jar")
+ }
+ from(jalviewDir) {
+ include(INCLUDE_FILES)
+// from (jalviewDir) {
+// // explicit includes for stuff that seemed to not get included
+// include(fileTree("test/**/*."))
+// exclude(EXCLUDE_FILES)
+// exclude(PROCESS_FILES)
+// }
- inputs.file(releasesTemplateFile)
- inputs.file(whatsnewTemplateFile)
- inputs.dir(releasesMdDir)
- inputs.dir(whatsnewMdDir)
- outputs.file(releasesHtmlFile)
- outputs.file(whatsnewHtmlFile)
+ from(file(buildProperties).getParent()) {
+ include(file(buildProperties).getName())
+ rename(file(buildProperties).getName(), "build_properties")
+ filter({ line ->
+ line.replaceAll("^INSTALLATION=.*\$","INSTALLATION=Source Release"+" git-commit\\\\:"+gitHash+" ["+gitBranch+"]")
+ })
+ }
+ def sourceTarBuildDir = "${buildDir}/sourceTar"
+ from(sourceTarBuildDir) {
+ // this includes the appended RELEASE properties file
+ }
+task dataInstallersJson {
+ group "website"
+ description "Create the installers-VERSION.json data file for installer files created"
+ mustRunAfter installers
+ mustRunAfter shadowJar
+ mustRunAfter sourceDist
+ mustRunAfter getdownArchive
+ def installersOutputTxt = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/output.txt")
+ def installersSha256 = file("${jalviewDir}/${install4jBuildDir}/sha256sums")
+ if (installersOutputTxt.exists()) {
+ inputs.file(installersOutputTxt)
+ }
+ if (install4jCheckSums && installersSha256.exists()) {
+ inputs.file(installersSha256)
+ }
+ [
+ shadowJar.archiveFile, // executable JAR
+ getdownVersionLaunchJvl, // version JVL
+ sourceDist.archiveFile // source TGZ
+ ].each { fileName ->
+ if (file(fileName).exists()) {
+ inputs.file(fileName)
+ }
+ }
+ outputs.file(hugoDataJsonFile)
+ doFirst {
+ writeDataJsonFile(installersOutputTxt, installersSha256, hugoDataJsonFile)
+ }
task helppages {
+ group "help"
+ description "Copies all help pages to build dir. Runs ant task 'pubhtmlhelp'."
dependsOn copyHelp
dependsOn pubhtmlhelp