In `utils/channels` there are different directories for the different channels. Currently there are directories for
-`develop`, `release`, `test-release` and `default`. If a specified `CHANNEL` is not one of `DEVELOP`, `RELEASE` or `TEST-RELEASE`
+`default`, `develop`, `release`, `test-release`, `jalviewjs` and `jalviewjs-release`. If a specified `CHANNEL` is not one of `DEVELOP`, `RELEASE`, `TEST-RELEASE`, `JALVIEWJS`, `JALVIEWJS-RELEASE`
then it will use the `default` directory.
Inside the `utils/channels/<channelname>` directory are:
Any Jalview build will include the value of JALVIEW_VERSION in various places, including the 'About' and Jalview Desktop window title, and in filenames for the stand-alone executable jar. You can specify a custom version for a build via the JALVIEW_VERSION property, but for most situations, JALVIEW_VERSION will be automatically configured according to the value of the CHANNEL property, using the `jalview.version` property specified in the RELEASE file:
- - `CHANNEL=RELEASE` will set version to jalview.version
- - `CHANNEL=TEST or DEVELOP` will append '-test' or '-develop' to jalview.version
+ - `CHANNEL=RELEASE` will set version to jalview.version.
+ - `CHANNEL=TEST or DEVELOP` will append '-test' or '-develop' to jalview.version.
+ - `CHANNEL=JALVIEWJS` will use the `channel.props` found in `utils/channels/jalviewjs` but otherwise uses `LOCAL` settings.
+ - `CHANNEL=JALVIEWJS-RELEASE` uses a symbolic link to `utils/channels/jalviewjs` but otherwise uses `RELEASE` settings.
It is also possible to specify a custom location for the RELEASE file via an optional JALVIEW_RELEASE_FILE property.