-## Creating the .ico (Windows) and .icns (macOS) files from PNG images in linux
+## There is now a script utils/mk_jalview_icons.sh that creates the .icns and .ico icon files, and also the rotatable icon.
+Run it as
+mk_jalview_icons.sh <BASENAME>-512.png
+Having an existing 512x512 PNG image with the above filename format is important.
+It will then create multiple files
+for N being 16, 32, 38, 48, 64, 128, 256.
+**NB** You might want to edit these as described below. The `mk_jalview_icons.sh` will not overwrite these files, but it
+will overwrite the `.ico` and `.icns` files, so after editing the `<BASENAME>-<N>.png` files, just run the script again.
+As below, the script relies on ImageMagick and icnsutils being installed with `convert` and `png2icns` in the PATH.
+The rotatable logo will also be created (and overwritten) as
+## Old text
+### Creating the .ico (Windows) and .icns (macOS) files from PNG images in linux
Create multiple square versions of your icon at the following resolutions:
16x16, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512
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+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# given a list of differently sized png files with the size in the filename like this:
-# myiconfile-16.png myiconfile-32.png myiconfile-48.png myiconfile-64.png myiconfile-128.png myiconfile-256.png myiconfile-512.png
-# run
-# create_iconfiles.sh myiconfile-*.png
-# to create an ICO file (for Windows) myiconfile.ico and an ICNS file (for macOS) myiconfile.icns
-if [ x$BASENAME = x ]; then
- echo "Could not calculate basename from '${1}'"
- exit 1
-echo "Creating ${ICOFILE}"
-convert $* ${ICOFILE}
-echo "Creating ${ICNSFILE}"
-# dont' include 64x64 icon (for some reason they're not allowed in icns file)
-for ARG in $*; do
- NUM=${ARG##*-}
- NUM=${NUM%px*}
- NUM=${NUM%x*}
- NUM=${NUM%.*}
- if [ x$NUM != x64 -a x$NUM != x38 ]; then
- fi
-png2icns ${ICNSFILE} ${ICNSARGS}
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+usage () {
+ echo "$(basename "$0") <LOGO_NAME>-512.png"
+[ "$1" = "-h" ] && usage && exit 0
+[ -r "$FILENAME512" ] || ( usage && echo "'${FILENAME512}' must exist and be readable" && exit 1 )
+[ "$BASENAME" = "$FILENAME512" ] && usage && echo "Must have '-512.png' at end of filename" && exit 2
+set -e
+SIZES="16 32 38 48 64 128 256"
+declare -a ICOFILES=()
+declare -a ICNSFILES=()
+for n in $SIZES
+ NEWFILE="${BASENAME}-${n}.png"
+ [ -e "{$NEWFILE}" ] && continue
+ convert -geometry "${n}x${n}" "${BASENAME}-512.png" "${NEWFILE}"
+ [ "${n}" != 38 ] && ICOFILES=( "${ICOFILES[@]}" "${NEWFILE}" )
+ [ "${n}" != 64 ] && [ "${n}" != 38 ] && ICNSFILES=( "${ICNSFILES[@]}" "${NEWFILE}" )
+# make the .ico
+echo "Creating ${ICOFILE}"
+convert "${ICOFILES[@]}" "${ICOFILE}"
+# make the .icns
+echo "Creating ${ICNSFILE}"
+png2icns "${ICNSFILE}" "${ICNSFILES[@]}"
+# make the rotatable icon
+convert "${BASENAME}-38.png" -gravity center -background white -extent 60x60 "${ROTATABLEFILE}"
+exit 0