== Reading in a Multiple Sequence Alignments from a File ==
-... to be done
+_... to be done_
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
== Writing a Multiple Sequence Alignment to a File ==
-... to be done
+_... to be done_
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
for phylogenetic inference. For instance, columns with more than 50% gaps can be deleted, like so:
-*... to be done*
+_... to be done_
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
== Reading and Writing of Phylogenetic Trees ==
-*... to be done*
+_... to be done_
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
=== RAxML ===
-*... to be done*
+_... to be done_
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
=== FastME ===
-... to be done
+_... to be done_
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
== Gene Duplication Inference ==
-*Need to further test and then import GSoC 'SDI' work.*
+_need to further test and then import GSoC 'SDI' work..._
== Others? ==
\ No newline at end of file