wsInfo.setStatus(j.jobnum, WebserviceInfo.STATE_STOPPED_ERROR);
// and pass on any sub-job messages to the user
- wsInfo.setProgressText(j.jobnum, OutputHeader);
- wsInfo.appendProgressText(j.jobnum, progheader);
+ StringBuffer output=new StringBuffer();
+ if (OutputHeader!=null) {
+ output.append(OutputHeader);
+ }
+ if (progheader!=null)
+ {
+ output.append(progheader);
+ }
if (j.hasStatus())
// Could try to squash OOMs here, but it usually doesn't help - there
// probably won't be
// enough memory to handle the results later on anyway.
// try {
- wsInfo.appendProgressText(j.jobnum, j.getStatus());
+ String stat = j.getStatus();
+ if (stat!=null) {
+ output.append(stat);
+ }
// } catch (OutOfMemoryError e)
// {
// System.err.println("Out of memory when displaying status. Squashing error.");
// "..\n(Out of memory when displaying status)\n");
// }
+ wsInfo.setProgressText(j.jobnum,output.toString());