@Measurement(iterations = 10, time = 500, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
public class HiddenColumnsBenchmark
- /*
- * State with multiple hidden columns and a start position set
- */
- @State(Scope.Thread)
- public static class HiddenColsAndStartState
- {
- @Param({"300", "10000", "100000"})
- public int maxcols;
- @Param({"1", "50", "90"})
- public int startpcnt; // position as percentage of maxcols
- @Param({"1","15","100"})
- public int hide;
- HiddenColumns h = new HiddenColumns();
- Random rand = new Random();
- public int hiddenColumn;
- public int visibleColumn;
- @Setup
- public void setup()
- {
- rand.setSeed(1234);
- int lastcol = 0;
- while (lastcol < maxcols)
- {
- int count = rand.nextInt(100);
- lastcol += count;
- h.hideColumns(lastcol, lastcol+hide);
- lastcol+=hide;
- }
- // make sure column at start is hidden
- hiddenColumn = (int)(maxcols * startpcnt/100.0);
- h.hideColumns(hiddenColumn, hiddenColumn);
- // and column <hide> after start is visible
- ColumnSelection sel = new ColumnSelection();
- h.revealHiddenColumns(hiddenColumn+hide, sel);
- visibleColumn = hiddenColumn+hide;
- System.out.println("Maxcols: " + maxcols + " HiddenCol: " + hiddenColumn + " Hide: " + hide);
- System.out.println("Number of hidden columns: " + h.getSize());
- }
- }
- /* Convention: functions in alphabetical order */
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public int benchAdjustForHiddenColumns(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- return tstate.h.adjustForHiddenColumns(tstate.visibleColumn);
- }
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public int benchFindColumnPosition(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- return tstate.h.findColumnPosition(tstate.visibleColumn);
- }
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public List<Integer> benchFindHiddenRegionPositions(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- return tstate.h.findHiddenRegionPositions();
- }
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public ArrayList<int[]> benchGetHiddenColumnsCopy(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- return tstate.h.getHiddenColumnsCopy();
- }
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public int benchGetSize(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- return tstate.h.getSize();
- }
+ /*
+ * State with multiple hidden columns and a start position set
+ */
+ @State(Scope.Thread)
+ public static class HiddenColsAndStartState
+ {
+ @Param({ "300", "10000", "100000" })
+ public int maxcols;
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public HiddenColumns benchHideCols(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- tstate.h.hideColumns(tstate.visibleColumn,
- tstate.visibleColumn+2000);
- return tstate.h;
- }
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public boolean benchIsVisible(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- return tstate.h.isVisible(tstate.hiddenColumn);
- }
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public HiddenColumns benchReveal(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
- {
- ColumnSelection sel = new ColumnSelection();
- tstate.h.revealHiddenColumns(tstate.hiddenColumn, sel);
- return tstate.h;
- }
- @Benchmark
- @BenchmarkMode({Mode.Throughput})
- public HiddenColumns benchRevealAll(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ @Param({ "1", "50", "90" })
+ public int startpcnt; // position as percentage of maxcols
+ @Param({ "1", "15", "100" })
+ public int hide;
+ HiddenColumns h = new HiddenColumns();
+ Random rand = new Random();
+ public int hiddenColumn;
+ public int visibleColumn;
+ @Setup
+ public void setup()
- ColumnSelection sel = new ColumnSelection();
- tstate.h.revealAllHiddenColumns(sel);
- return tstate.h;
+ rand.setSeed(1234);
+ int lastcol = 0;
+ while (lastcol < maxcols)
+ {
+ int count = rand.nextInt(100);
+ lastcol += count;
+ h.hideColumns(lastcol, lastcol + hide);
+ lastcol += hide;
+ }
+ // make sure column at start is hidden
+ hiddenColumn = (int) (maxcols * startpcnt / 100.0);
+ h.hideColumns(hiddenColumn, hiddenColumn);
+ // and column <hide> after start is visible
+ ColumnSelection sel = new ColumnSelection();
+ h.revealHiddenColumns(hiddenColumn + hide, sel);
+ visibleColumn = hiddenColumn + hide;
+ System.out.println("Maxcols: " + maxcols + " HiddenCol: "
+ + hiddenColumn + " Hide: " + hide);
+ System.out.println("Number of hidden columns: " + h.getSize());
+ }
+ /* Convention: functions in alphabetical order */
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public int benchAdjustForHiddenColumns(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ return tstate.h.adjustForHiddenColumns(tstate.visibleColumn);
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public int benchFindColumnPosition(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ return tstate.h.findColumnPosition(tstate.visibleColumn);
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public List<Integer> benchFindHiddenRegionPositions(
+ HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ return tstate.h.findHiddenRegionPositions();
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public ArrayList<int[]> benchGetHiddenColumnsCopy(
+ HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ return tstate.h.getHiddenColumnsCopy();
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public int benchGetSize(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ return tstate.h.getSize();
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public HiddenColumns benchHideCols(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ tstate.h.hideColumns(tstate.visibleColumn, tstate.visibleColumn + 2000);
+ return tstate.h;
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public boolean benchIsVisible(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ return tstate.h.isVisible(tstate.hiddenColumn);
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public HiddenColumns benchReveal(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ ColumnSelection sel = new ColumnSelection();
+ tstate.h.revealHiddenColumns(tstate.hiddenColumn, sel);
+ return tstate.h;
+ }
+ @Benchmark
+ @BenchmarkMode({ Mode.Throughput })
+ public HiddenColumns benchRevealAll(HiddenColsAndStartState tstate)
+ {
+ ColumnSelection sel = new ColumnSelection();
+ tstate.h.revealAllHiddenColumns(sel);
+ return tstate.h;
+ }
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