error.dbrefsource_implementation_exception =DBRefSource Implementation Exception
error.implementation_error_dbinstance_must_implement_interface = Implmentation Error - getDbInstances must be given a class that implements (was given{0})
error.implementation_error_must_init_dbsources =Implementation error. Must initialise dbSources
-label.view_controller_toggled_marked = {0} {1} columns containing features of type {2} across {3} sequence(s)
+label.view_controller_toggled_marked = {0} {1} columns {2} features of type {3} across {4} sequence(s)
label.toggled = Toggled
label.marked = Marked
+label.containing = containing
+label.not_containing = not containing
label.not = not
label.no_feature_of_type_found = No features of type {0} found.
label.submission_params = Submission {0}
status.exporting_alignment_as_x_file = Exporting alignment as {0} file
label.column = Column
label.sequence = Sequence
+label.cant_map_cds = Unable to map CDS to protein\nCDS missing or incomplete
+label.operation_failed = Operation failed
error.dbrefsource_implementation_exception = Excepción de implementación DBRefSource
error.implementation_error_dbinstance_must_implement_interface = Error de Implementación- getDbInstances debe recibir una clase que implemente (recibió {0})
error.implementation_error_must_init_dbsources =Error de implementación. Debe inicializar dbSources
-label.view_controller_toggled_marked = {0} {1} columnas conteniendo características del tipo {2} en {3} secuencia(s)
+label.view_controller_toggled_marked = {0} {1} columnas {2} características del tipo {3} en {4} secuencia(s)
label.toggled = Invertida
label.marked = Marcada
+label.containing = conteniendo
+label.not_containing = no conteniendo
label.not = no
label.no_feature_of_type_found = No se han encontrado características del tipo {0}.
label.submission_params = Envío {0}
status.exporting_alignment_as_x_file = Exportando alineamiento como fichero tipo {0}
label.column = Columna
label.sequence = Secuencia
+label.cant_map_cds = No se pudo mapear CDS a proteína\nDatos CDS faltantes o incompletos
+label.operation_failed = Operación fallada
if (copyAlignment.getHeight() == 0)
+ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(AlignFrame.this,
+ MessageManager.getString("label.cant_map_cds"),
+ MessageManager.getString("label.operation_failed"),
+ JOptionPane.OK_OPTION);
System.err.println("Failed to make CDS alignment");