* along with Jalview. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
-<head>Jalview Desktop RSS News Reader
<p>The news reader will be launched automatically when you start
the Desktop if new items are available. Should you want to browse
older items, however, you can open it manually from the 'Jalview
- news reader' option in the Desktop's 'Tools' menu.</p>
- <img src="jalviewrssreader.gif" align="center" width="513"
- height="337" alt="Snapshot of the Jalview Desktop's RSS reader"
- />
- <p>
+ news reader' option in the Desktop's <a href="../menus/desktopMenu.html">'Tools' menu</a>.</p><br/>
+ <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="jalviewrssreader.gif" width="513"
+ height="337" alt="Snapshot of the Jalview Desktop's RSS reader"/></div>
+ <br/><p>
The <em>Jalview news reader</em> was introduced in <a
>Jalview version 2.7</a>. Its implementation is based on <a
+ <br/><em>From Jalview 2.10.0, check for news on startup can be disabled with <a href="../features/clarguments.html">command-line parameter</a> '-nonews'.
+ This is not recommended for normal use, but may be useful to avoid interruptions when teaching, demonstrating, recording etc.</em>