--- /dev/null
+import jalview.gui.*;\r
+import jalview.io.*;\r
+def class JvLoadTest {\r
+ FileLoader fl = null;\r
+ def String safename = null;\r
+ JvLoadTest(String sname) { \r
+ if (!new File(sname).exists() || new File(sname).canWrite())\r
+ {\r
+ safename = sname;\r
+ } else {\r
+ System.err.println("Warning : "+sname+" isn't being used to store temporary files.");\r
+ } \r
+ }\r
+ def public boolean doTest (file) {\r
+ fl = new FileLoader(false);\r
+ System.gc();\r
+ AlignFrame af = fl.LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(file\r
+ ,FormatAdapter.FILE);\r
+ return doTest(af);\r
+ }\r
+ def public boolean doSequentialReadTest (file) {\r
+ return doSequentialReadTest(file, 0);\r
+ }\r
+ // Return true if there is more data to read.\r
+ def public boolean peekFp(FileParse fp) {\r
+ try { fp.mark(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("FAILED mark."+ex); return false; };\r
+ try {\r
+ def String nl;\r
+ for (i in 1..3) { \r
+ nl = fp.nextLine();\r
+ if (nl==null) { return false; }\r
+ System.out.println(nl +"\\n");\r
+ }\r
+ } catch (Exception e) { // end of file.\r
+ return false; };\r
+ try { fp.reset(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("FAILED rewind."+ex); return false; };\r
+ return true;\r
+ }\r
+ /*\r
+ Halt after loading the mx'th entry in the filestream\r
+ */\r
+ def public boolean doSequentialReadTest (file, int mx) {\r
+ // first properly open the file\r
+ // if (!doTest(file)) { return };\r
+ def FileParse fp = null;\r
+ try {\r
+ fp = new FileParse(file, AppletFormatAdapter.FILE);\r
+ } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Couldn't open "+file+"\\n"); e.printStackTrace(); return false;};\r
+ Desktop.instance.closeAll_actionPerformed(null)\r
+ System.gc();\r
+ while (fp!=null && fp.isValid() && (mx==0 || mx!=fp.index)) {\r
+ if (!peekFp(fp)) return false;\r
+ fl = new FileLoader(false);\r
+ AlignFrame af = fl.LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(fp, null);\r
+ System.out.println("FileParse index: "+fp.index); \r
+ if (af!=null && (mx==0 || mx!=fp.index))\r
+ { def boolean res = doTest(af);\r
+ if (!res)\r
+ {\r
+ // return false;\r
+ }\r
+ } else {\r
+ // return false;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return true;\r
+ }\r
+ def public void waitTillSettled(AlignFrame af)\r
+ {\r
+ if (af==null) { return; }\r
+ Thread.sleep(10);\r
+ while (af.getViewport().updatingConsensus || af.getViewport().updatingConservation) {\r
+ Thread.sleep(150); // wait until things settle down\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ def public boolean doTest(AlignFrame af) {\r
+ Object pr = af.getViewport().getAlignment().getProperty("AC");\r
+ if (pr!=null) { System.out.println("Accession = "+(String) pr); }\r
+ af.selectAllSequenceMenuItem_actionPerformed(null)\r
+ def boolean done = false;\r
+ // Just try to save - don\'t mess around with clipboard\r
+ /*while (!done) {\r
+ try {\r
+ af.copy_actionPerformed(null)\r
+ done = true;\r
+ } catch (Exception e) {\r
+ Thread.sleep(100); // wait until clipboard might be available again\r
+ }\r
+ }*/\r
+ if (af==null) { return false; }\r
+ waitTillSettled(af);\r
+ // Try and save as a jalview project and reload\r
+ try {\r
+ // af.saveAlignment(safename, "Jalview")\r
+ new Jalview2XML().SaveState(new java.io.File(safename));\r
+ Thread.sleep(100);\r
+ } catch (Exception ex) { \r
+ System.out.println("Couldn\'t save.");\r
+ ex.printStackTrace(System.err);\r
+ return false;\r
+ }\r
+ waitTillSettled(af);\r
+ try {\r
+ Desktop.instance.closeAll_actionPerformed(null);\r
+ } catch (Exception ex) {}\r
+ System.gc();\r
+ try {\r
+ af = new FileLoader(false).LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(safename, FormatAdapter.FILE); \r
+ } \r
+ catch (Exception ex) {\r
+ System.out.println("Couldn't reload saved file.");\r
+ System.gc();\r
+ return false;\r
+ }\r
+ waitTillSettled(af);\r
+ Desktop.instance.closeAll_actionPerformed(null);\r
+ // af.paste(true)\r
+ // af.newView_actionPerformed(null)\r
+ // af.newView_actionPerformed(null)\r
+ return true;\r
+ }\r
+ def public boolean TestForAll(String dir) {\r
+ println "For directory or file : "+dir;\r
+ File fd = new File(dir);\r
+ if (!fd.isDirectory()) { return doSequentialReadTest(dir); }\r
+ fd.eachFile() { file -> TestForAll(file.getAbsolutePath()) };\r
+ }\r
+def JvLoadTest newJvLoadTest(String tempFile) {\r
+ jalview.gui.Desktop.instance.closeAll_actionPerformed(null);\r
+ System.gc();\r
+ jalview.gui.Desktop.instance.desktop.showMemoryUsage(true);\r
+ return new JvLoadTest(tempFile)\r
\ No newline at end of file