gradle jalviewjs # (should build the build/jalviewjs/site dir)
gradle jalviewjsSiteTar # will produce build/distribution/site.tar.gz
gradle jalviewjsTranspile # should run a new eclipse compile+transpile
gradle jalviewjsServerStart # will run a localhost http server to allow you to test the site in a browser. Just use the URL given in the output. To stop the server you have to do gradle --stop or you can just leave it running until the gradle daemon dies.
If it's working okay, you just need to to
-`gradle jalviewjs`
-`gradle jalviewjsServerStart`
+gradle jalviewjs
+gradle jalviewjsServerStart
and go to the localhost URL in the output.
Dependencies are set up so you should only need to run
gradle ideJalviewjsBuild
to build the site in `build/jalviewjs/site`.
However, this is failing because currently the eclipse build classes (found in `bin/main/... have also all failed.