* include gaps
* score = 3 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 13/6
- // FIXME out by 1 error in cpwidth JAL-2424 - dividing by 7
SimilarityParamsI params = new SimilarityParams(true, true, true, true);
MatrixI distances = sm.findDistances(view, params);
assertEquals(distances.getValue(0, 0), 0d);
assertEquals(distances.getValue(1, 1), 0d);
- assertEquals(distances.getValue(0, 1), 13d / 7); // should be 13d/6
- assertEquals(distances.getValue(1, 0), 13d / 7);
+ assertEquals(distances.getValue(0, 1), 13d / 6); // should be 13d/6
+ assertEquals(distances.getValue(1, 0), 13d / 6);
* exclude gaps
params = new SimilarityParams(true, true, false, true);
distances = sm.findDistances(view, params);
- assertEquals(distances.getValue(0, 1), 6d / 7);// should be 6d/6
+ assertEquals(distances.getValue(0, 1), 6d / 6);// should be 6d/6