<!DOCTYPE toc PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp TOC Version 1.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp/toc_1_0.dtd">
<toc version="1.0">
<tocitem text="Jalview Documentation" target="home" expand="true" >
- <tocitem text="What's new" target="new" expand="true">
- <tocitem text="Protein Disorder Prediction" target="disorder"/>
- <tocitem text="Alignment Conservation Analysis" target="aacon"/>
- <tocitem text="Viewing RNA structure" target="varna" />
- <tocitem text="RNA Structure Consensus" target="calcs.alstrconsensus"/>
- <tocitem text="RNA Helices coloring" target="colours.rnahelices"/>
- <tocitem text="HTML annotation report" target="io.seqreport"/>
- <tocitem text="T-COFFEE Alignment Score display" target="io.tcoffeescores"/>
- <tocitem text="Per-sequence Annotation Colouring" target="colours.annotation"/>
- <tocitem text="Sequence Database Retrieval Dialog" target="seqfetch"/>
- <tocitem text="JABAWS Web Service Preferences" target="wsprefs"/>
- <tocitem text="DNA or Protein PCA calculation" target="pca"/>
- <tocitem text="Normalised sequence logo display" target="calcs.consensus"/>
- </tocitem>
- <tocitem text="Editing Alignments" target ="edit"/>
- <tocitem text="Cursor Mode" target="cursor"/>
+ <tocitem text="What's new" target="new" expand="false"/>
+ <tocitem text="Editing Alignments" target ="edit"/>
+ <tocitem text="Cursor Mode" target="cursor"/>
<tocitem text="Key Strokes" target="keys"/>
<tocitem text="Input / Output" target="io"/>
<tocitem text="Making Figures" target="export"/>
<div align="center"><em><strong>Issues Resolved</strong></em></div>
+ <tr>
+ <td><div align="center">
+ <strong><a name="Jalview.2.8.0b1">2.8.0b1</a><br/><em>30/1/2014</em></strong>
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Trusted certificates for JalviewLite applet and
+ Jalview Desktop application<br />Certificate was donated by
+ <a href="https://www.certum.eu">Certum</a> to the Jalview
+ open source project).
+ </li>
+ <li>Jalview SRS links replaced by Uniprot and EBI-search
+ </li>
+ <li>Output in Stockholm format</li>
+ <li>Allow import of data from gzipped files</li>
+ <li>Export/import group and sequence associated line
+ graph thresholds</li>
+ <li>Nucleotide substitution matrix that supports RNA and
+ ambiguity codes</li>
+ <li>Allow disorder predictions to be made on the current
+ selection (or visible selection) in the same way that JPred
+ works</li>
+ <li>Groovy scripting for headless jalview operation</li>
+ </ul> <em>Other improvements</em>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Upgrade desktop installer to InstallAnywhere 2013</li>
+ <li>COMBINE statement uses current SEQUENCE_REF and
+ GROUP_REF scope to group annotation rows</li>
+ <li>Support '' style escaping of quotes in Newick
+ files</li>
+ <li>Group options for JABAWS service by command line name</li>
+ <li>Empty tooltip shown for JABA service options with a
+ link but no description</li>
+ <li>Select primary source when selecting authority in
+ database fetcher GUI</li>
+ <li>Add .mfa to FASTA file extensions recognised by
+ Jalview</li>
+ <li>Annotation label tooltip text wrap</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Slow scrolling when lots of annotation rows are
+ displayed</li>
+ <li>Lots of NPE (and slowness) after creating RNA
+ secondary structure annotation line</li>
+ <li>Sequence database accessions not imported when
+ fetching alignments from Rfam</li>
+ <li>Incorrect SHMR submission for sequences with
+ identical IDs</li>
+ <li>View all structures does not always superpose
+ structures</li>
+ <li>Option widgets in service parameters not updated to
+ reflect user or preset settings</li>
+ <li>Null pointer exceptions for some services without
+ presets or adjustable parameters</li>
+ <li>Discover PDB IDs entry in structure menu doesn't
+ discover PDB xRefs</li>
+ <li>Exception encountered while trying to retrieve
+ features with DAS</li>
+ <li>Lowest value in annotation row isn't coloured
+ when colour by annotation (per sequence) is coloured</li>
+ <li>Keyboard mode P jumps to start of gapped region when
+ residue follows a gap</li>
+ <li>Jalview appears to hang importing an alignment with
+ Wrap as default or after enabling Wrap</li>
+ <li>'Right click to add annotations' message
+ shown in wrap mode when no annotations present</li>
+ <li>Disorder predictions fail with NPE if no automatic
+ annotation already exists on alignment</li>
+ <li>oninit javascript function should be called after
+ initialisation completes</li>
+ <li>Remove redundancy after disorder prediction corrupts
+ alignment window display</li>
+ <li>Example annotation file in documentation is invalid</li>
+ <li>Grouped line graph annotation rows are not exported
+ to annotation file</li>
+ <li>Multi-harmony analysis cannot be run when only two
+ groups created</li>
+ <li>Cannot create multiple groups of line graphs with
+ several 'combine' statements in annotation file</li>
+ <li>Pressing return several times causes Number Format
+ exceptions in keyboard mode</li>
+ <li>Multi-harmony (SHMMR) method doesn't submit
+ correct partitions for input data</li>
+ <li>Translation from DNA to Amino Acids fails</li>
+ <li>Jalview fail to load newick tree with quoted label</li>
+ <li>--headless flag isn't understood</li>
+ <li>ClassCastException when generating EPS in headless
+ mode</li>
+ <li>Adjusting sequence-associated shading threshold only
+ changes one row's threshold</li>
+ <li>Preferences and Feature settings panel panel
+ doesn't open</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
<td><div align="center">
<strong><a name="Jalview2.8">2.8</a></strong><br /> <em>12/11/2012</em>
<title>What's new ?</title>
- <p>
- <strong>What's new ?</strong><br/>
- Jalview 2.8 includes a number of enhancements and new features that
- have been in development since July 2010. It is also the first Jalview
- release to incorporate RNA visualization features developed by Lauren
- Lui and Jan Engelhart during their Google Summer of Code projects
- (http://code.google.com/soc/). As usual you can find the highlights
- below, but to see the comprehensive list take a look at the look at
- the <a href="releases.html#Jalview2.8">Jalview 2.8 Release Notes</a>.
- </p>
- <strong>Highlights in Jalview Version 2.8</strong>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Improved <a href="webServices/JABAWS.html">JABAWS</a>
- client and new JABAWS 2.0 Services
- </strong>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="webServices/AACon.html">AACon alignment
- conservation</a></li>
- <li><a href="webServices/proteinDisorder.html">Protein
- disorder</a> - DisEMBL, RONN, GlobPlot and IUPred</li>
- <li>Clustal Omega for creating huge protein alignments</li>
- </ul></li>
- <li><strong><a href="na/index.html">RNA</a></strong>
- <ul>
- <li>Import sequence and alignment associated WUSS or VIENNA
- dot-bracket notation from files and the <strong>RFAM</strong>
- database
- </li>
- <li>Interactive editing of RNA secondary structure annotation</li>
- <li>Colour scheme for purine/pyrimidine and to highlight RNA
- helices</li>
- <li>RNA canonical <a
- href="calculations/structureconsensus.html">base pair consensus
- score</a> and sequence logo
- </li>
- <li>Embedded <a href="features/varna.html">VARNA</a> RNA
- secondary structure viewer in the Desktop
- </li>
- </ul></li>
- <li>Parse and display <a href="io/tcoffeescores.html">T-COFFEE
- alignment quality scores</a> (thanks to Paolo di Tomasso of the Notredame
- Group)
- </li>
- <li><a href="colourSchemes/annotationColouring.html">Per
- sequence alignment annotation shading</a></li>
- <li>Enhanced <a href="calculations/pca.html">PCA viewer</a>: more
- export options, and switch between different PCA modes and residue
- score models
- </li>
- <li>New Jalview Desktop <a href="webServices/dbreffetcher.html">database
- fetcher</a> GUI
- </li>
- <li>Support for DAS 1.6 and DAS 2.0 sources (thanks to the new
- JDAS Distributed Annotation client library (see
- http://code.google.com/p/jdas))</li>
- <li>Export sequence database annotation as an <a
- href="io/exportseqreport.html">HTML report</a></li>
- <li>Normalised <a href="calculations/consensus.html">Sequence
- Logo Display</a></li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <strong>Issues resolved in the Jalview Desktop</strong>
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>PDB, Unprot and EMBL (ENA) databases retrieved via wsdbfetch
- REST service</li>
- <li>Stop windows being moved outside desktop on OSX</li>
- <li>Jnet job queues forever if a very short sequence is submitted
- for prediction</li>
- <li>Structure view highlighting doesn't work on windows 7</li>
- <li>Jalview desktop fails to launch with exception when using
- proxy</li>
- <li>DAS Sequence retrieval with range qualification results in
- sequence xref which includes range qualification</li>
- <li>Cannot close news reader when JABAWS server warning dialog is
- shown</li>
- <li>Edited sequence not submitted to web service</li>
- <li>Jalview 2.7 InstallAnywhere installer doesn't unpack and run
- on OSX Mountain Lion
- <ul>
- <li>If you use webstart then you may need to go into the
- Security panel (<em>a.k.a</em> the gatekeeper) in your System
- Settings, and select the 'allow any code to run' option.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <strong>Issues specific to the JalviewLite Applet</strong>
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>Sequence features are momentarily displayed before they are
- hidden using hidefeaturegroups applet parameter</li>
- <li>loading features via javascript API automatically enables
- feature display</li>
- <li>scrollToColumnIn javascript API method doesn't work</li>
- </ul>
- <p>
- <strong>Issues affecting both applet and application</strong>
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>Redundancy removal fails for rna alignment</li>
- <li>PCA window shows grey box when first opened on OSX</li>
- <li>Letters coloured pink in sequence logo when alignment
- coloured with clustalx</li>
- </ul>
+ <p>
+ <strong>What's new ?</strong><br /> Jalview 2.8.0b1 is a bugfix
+ release for Jalview version 2.8. <br /> As usual you can find the
+ highlights below, and the comprehensive list is given in the <a
+ href="releases.html#Jalview2.8.0b1">Jalview 2.8.0b1 Release Notes</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This bug fix release includes numerous minor enhancements made over
+ the last 12 months. Importantly, it is also the first release that
+ provides Jalview as a trusted application, signed with a certificate
+ donated to us by <a href="certum.eu">Certum</a>.
+ </p>
+ <strong>Enhancements and new features</strong>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Allow disorder predictions to be made on the current
+ selection (or visible selection) in the same way that JPred works</li>
+ <li>allow import of data from gzipped files</li>
+ <li>Improved per-sequence 'colour-by-annotation' performance</li>
+ <li>Support '' style escaping of quotes in Newick files</li>
+ <li>group options for JABAWS service by command line name</li>
+ <li>Select primary source when selecting authority in database
+ fetcher GUI</li>
+ <li>COMBINE statement uses current SEQUENCE_REF and GROUP_REF
+ scope to group annotation rows</li>
+ <li>add .mfa to FASTA file extensions recognised by Jalview</li>
+ <li>groovy scripting for headless jalview operation</li>
+ <li>Output in Stockholm format</li>
+ </ul>
+ <strong>Bug fixes</strong>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Uniprot and PDB database cross-reference fetching works
+ properly</li>
+ <li>'View all structures' in the desktop is more reliable</li>
+ <li>Web services parameter dialog box shows the options enabled
+ for different presets</li>
+ <li>Interactive creation of RNA secondary structure works more
+ smoothly</li>
+ <li>Keyboard mode 'P' command jumps to the right place</li>
+ <li>Improved support for parsing database cross-references via
+ Stockholm and Rfam database</li>
+ <li>Improved semantics in annotation files for grouping
+ annotation rows associated with particular sequences and groups</li>
+ <li>More robust DNA->Amino acid translation</li>
+ <li>Improved Headless-mode operation for DAS annotation
+ retrieval, groovy script execution and alignment figure generation</li>
+ <li>annotation label tooltip text needs to be wrapped</li>
+ </ul>