Download and install a clean eclipse-jee-2019-06
-In edit `jalviewjs_eclipse_root` to point to the root dir. DO NOT include the folder in the path (up to this point, but not the .app folder) if it's the macOS version.
+In edit `jalviewjs_eclipse_root` to point to the root dir.
+If you're on a mac, DO NOT include the folder in the path (use the path up to this point, but not the .app folder).
+You can use a '~' as the first character which will get replaced with System.getProperty("user.home").
+Note that the gradle tasks will take care of copying net.sf.j2s.core.jar and the com.seeq.eclipse.importprojects.jar into the dropins and plugins dir (on either unix or mac -- not tested on windows yet).
gradle tasks of interest:
-`jalviewjs` (should do everything)
-jalviewjsTranspile (should run a new eclipse compile+transpile)
+gradle jalviewjs # (should build the .../site dir)
+gradle jalviewjsSiteTar # will produce build/distribution/site.tar.gz
+gradle jalviewjsTranspile # should run a new eclipse compile+transpile
+gradle jalviewjsServer # will run a localhost http server to allow you to test the site in a browser. Just use the URL given in the output.
import org.gradle.plugins.ide.eclipse.model.*
import groovy.transform.ExternalizeMethods
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'application'
task cleanJalviewjs {
+ /*
delete jalviewDir+"/"+jalviewjs_site_dir
delete jalviewDir+"/"+eclipse_bin_dir
delete file(tempEclipseWorkspace.getAbsolutePath()+"/.metadata")
delete jalviewDir+"/"+jalviewjs_j2s_settings
+ */
task jalviewjsProjectImport(type: Exec) {
doLast {
SimpleHttpFileServerFactory factory = new SimpleHttpFileServerFactory()
def port = Integer.valueOf(jalviewjs_server_port)
- def add = 0
+ def start = port
def running = false
- while(add < 1000) {
+ HttpFileServer server
+println "server wait = ${jalviewjs_server_wait}"
+ while(port < start+100 && !running) {
try {
- HttpFileServer server = factory.start(new File(jalviewDirAbsolutePath+"/"+jalviewjs_site_dir), port)
+ server = factory.start(new File(jalviewDirAbsolutePath+"/"+jalviewjs_site_dir), port)
running = true
+ println("SERVER STARTED on "+server.getResourceUrl(jalviewjs_server_resource)+" for ${jalviewjs_server_wait} seconds. Ctrc+C to kill it.")
+ java.lang.Thread.sleep(Integer.valueOf(jalviewjs_server_wait)*1000);
} catch (Exception e) {
- add++;
- println("SERVER STARTED on http://localhost:"+port+"/ . Ctrc+C to kill it")
- java.lang.Thread.sleep(Integer.valueOf(jalviewjs_server_wait)*1000);
#jalviewjs_eclipseBuildArg = build
jalviewjs_eclipseBuildArg = cleanBuild
jalviewjs_server_port = 9001
-jalviewjs_server_wait = 10
+jalviewjs_server_wait = 30
+jalviewjs_server_resource = /jalview_bin_Jalview.html
j2s.compiler.status = enable = null
action.save_project = Save Project
action.save_project_as = Save Project as...
action.quit = Quit
-label.quit_jalview = Quit Jalview?
action.expand_views = Expand Views
action.gather_views = Gather Views
action.page_setup = Page Setup...
label.autoadd_secstr = Add secondary structure annotation to alignment
label.autoadd_temp = Add Temperature Factor annotation to alignment
label.structure_viewer = Default structure viewer
+label.structure_dimensions = Default dimensions
label.double_click_to_browse = Double-click to browse for file
label.chimera_path = Path to Chimera program
label.chimera_path_tip = Jalview will first try any path entered here, else standard installation locations.<br>Double-click to browse for file.
error.implementation_error_cannot_have_null_alignment = Implementation error: Cannot have null alignment property key
error.implementation_error_null_fileparse = Implementation error. Null FileParse in copy constructor
error.implementation_error_cannot_map_alignment_sequences = IMPLEMENTATION ERROR: Cannot map an alignment of sequences from different datasets into a single alignment in the vamsas document.
-error.implementation_error_structure_selection_manager_null = Implementation error. Structure selection manager's context is 'null'
-exception.ssm_context_is_null = SSM context is null
error.idstring_seqstrings_only_one_per_sequence = idstrings and seqstrings contain one string each per sequence
error.cannot_have_mixed_length_replacement_vectors = Cannot have mixed length replacement vectors. Replacement vector for {0} is {1} strings long, and have already seen a {2} length vector.
error.cannot_have_zero_length_vector_replacement_strings = Cannot have zero length vector of replacement strings - either 1 value or n values.
label.marked = Marked
label.containing = containing
label.not_containing = not containing
-label.no_feature_of_type_found = No features of type {0} found
-label.no_feature_found_selection = No features of type {0} found in selection
+label.no_feature_of_type_found = No features of type {0} found.
label.submission_params = Submission {0}
label.empty_alignment_job = Empty Alignment Job
label.add_new_sbrs_service = Add a new Simple Bioinformatics Rest Service
label.filter = Filter
label.filters = Filters
label.join_conditions = Join conditions with
-label.delete_condition = Delete this condition
label.score = Score
label.colour_by_label = Colour by label
label.variable_colour = Variable colour...
label.append_to_filename_tooltip = %n in the text will be replaced by the backup number. The text will appear after the filename. See the summary box above.
label.index_digits = Number of digits to use for the backup number (%n)
label.summary_of_backups_scheme = Summary of backup scheme
-label.scheme_examples = Scheme examples
label.increment_index = Increase appended text numbers - newest file has largest number.
label.reverse_roll = "Roll" appended text numbers - newest backup file is always number 1.
label.keep_files = Deleting old backup files
label.keep_all_backup_files = Do not delete old backup files
label.keep_only_this_number_of_backup_files = Keep only this number of most recent backup files
-label.autodelete_old_backup_files = Auto-delete old backup files:
+label.autodelete_old_backup_files = Autodelete old backup files:
label.always_ask = Always ask
label.auto_delete = Automatically delete
label.filename = filename
label.configure_feature_tooltip = Click to configure variable colour or filters
label.schemes = Schemes
label.customise = Customise
-label.custom = Custom
label.default = Default
label.single_file = Single backup
label.keep_all_versions = Keep all versions
label.rolled_backups = Rolled backup files
-label.customise_description = Select Customise, make changes, and click on OK to save your own custom scheme
-label.custom_description = Your own saved scheme
-label.default_description = Keep the last three versions of the file
-label.single_file_description = Keep the last version of the file
-label.keep_all_versions_description = Keep all previous versions of the file
-label.rolled_backups_description = Keep the last nine versions of the file from _bak.1 (newest) to _bak.9 (oldest)
-label.cancel_changes_description = Cancel changes made to your last saved Custom scheme
label.previously_saved_scheme = Previously saved scheme
label.no_backup_files = NO BACKUP FILES
label.include_backup_files = Include backup files
action.save_project = Guardar proyecto
action.save_project_as = Guardar proyecto como...
action.quit = Salir
-label.quit_jalview = Salir de Jalview?
action.expand_views = Expandir vistas
action.gather_views = Capturar vistas
action.page_setup = Configuración de la página
error.implementation_error_cannot_have_null_alignment = Error de implementación: no es posible tener una clave nula en el alineamiento
error.implementation_error_null_fileparse = Error de implementación. FileParse nulo en el construictor de copia
error.implementation_error_cannot_map_alignment_sequences = Error de implementación: no es posible maper un alineamiento de secuencias desde distintos conjuntos de datos en un único alineamiento en el documento VAMSAS.
-error.implementation_error_structure_selection_manager_null = Error de implementación. El contexto structure selection manager's es nulo
-exception.ssm_context_is_null = El contexto SSM es nulo
error.idstring_seqstrings_only_one_per_sequence = idstrings y seqstrings contienen una cadena por cada secuencia
error.cannot_have_mixed_length_replacement_vectors = No es posible tener vectores de reemplazo de distinta longitud. El vector de reemplazo para {0} es de {1} cadenas de largo, pero se ha considerado ya como un vector de longitud {2}.
error.cannot_have_zero_length_vector_replacement_strings = No es posible tener un vector de cadenas de reemplazo de longitud cero - debe ser uno o n.
label.marked = Marcada
label.containing = conteniendo
label.not_containing = no conteniendo
-label.no_feature_of_type_found = No se han encontrado características del tipo {0}
-label.no_feature_found_selection = No se han encontrado características del tipo {0} en la región seleccionada
+label.no_feature_of_type_found = No se han encontrado características del tipo {0}.
label.submission_params = Envío {0}
label.empty_alignment_job = Trabajo de alineamiento vacío
label.add_new_sbrs_service = Añadir un nuevo SBRS
label.chimera_help=Ayuda para Chimera
label.find_tip=Buscar alineamiento, selección o IDs de secuencia para una subsecuencia (sin huecos)
label.structure_viewer=Visualizador por defecto
+label.structure_dimensions=Dimensiones por defecto
label.embbed_biojson=Incrustar BioJSON al exportar HTML
label.transparency_tip=Ajustar la transparencia a "ver a través" los colores de las características.
label.choose_annotations=Escoja anotaciones
label.numeric_required = Valor numérico requerido
label.filter = Filtro
label.filters = Filtros
-label.delete_condition = Borrar esta condición
label.join_conditions = Combinar condiciones con
label.score = Puntuación
label.colour_by_label = Colorear por texto
label.append_to_filename_tooltip = %n en el texto será reemplazado por el número de respaldo. El texto será después del nombre del archivo. Vea el cuadro de resumen arriba.
label.index_digits = Número de dígitos a utilizar para el número de respaldo.
label.summary_of_backups_scheme = Resumen del esquema de copias de seguridad
-label.scheme_examples = Ejemplos de esquema
label.increment_index = Aumente los números de texto adjuntos: el archivo más nuevo tiene el número más grande
label.reverse_roll = Ciclos de texto adjuntos: el respaldo más reciente es siempre el número 1
label.keep_files = Borrando los respaldos antiguos
label.configuration = Configuración
label.configure_feature_tooltip = Haga clic para configurar el color o los filtros
label.schemes = Esquemas
-label.customise = Personalizar
-label.custom = Personal
+label.customise = Personalizado
label.default = Defecto
label.single_file = Solo uno respaldo
label.keep_all_versions = Mantener todas las versiones
label.rolled_backups = Ciclos respaldos
-label.customise_description = Seleccione Personalizar, haga cambios y haga clic en OK para guardar su propio esquema personalizado
-label.custom_description = Tu propio esquema guardado
-label.default_description = Conserve las últimas tres versiones del archivo
-label.single_file_description = Conserve la última versión del archivo
-label.keep_all_versions_description = Mantener todas las versiones anteriores del archivo
-label.rolled_backups_description = Mantenga las últimas nueve versiones del archivo desde _bak.1 (más reciente) a _bak.9 (más antigua)
-label.cancel_changes_description = Cancelar los cambios realizados en su último esquema personalizado guardado
label.previously_saved_scheme = Esquema previamente guardado
label.no_backup_files = NO ARCHIVOS DE RESPALDOS
label.include_backup_files = Incluir archivos de respaldos