<head><title>Home Page</title></head>\r
-<p><img src="images/align.gif" width="200" height="80"><font size="4"> <strong>Jalview\r
+<p><img src="align.gif" width="200" height="80"><font size="4"> <strong>Jalview \r
<p> </p>\r
-JalView (1999) is a fast Java multiple alignment editor and analysis tool. It\r
-features many of the functions of AMAS, for the analysis of sub-families and the\r
-prediction of functional sites, but is fully interactive.\r
+JalView (1999) is a fast Java multiple alignment editor and analysis tool. It \r
+features many of the functions of <a href="http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk/Software/Amas/amas.html">AMAS</a>, \r
+for the analysis of sub-families and the prediction of functional sites, but is \r
+fully interactive. \r
<p> If you use JalView in your work, please cite the bioinformatics paper: </p>\r
<p>Clamp, M., Cuff, J., Searle, S. M. and Barton, G. J. (2004), "The Jalview\r