boolean colourText = false;
+ * after Olivier's non-conserved only character display
+ */
+ boolean showUnconserved = false;
+ /**
* group members
private Vector sequences = new Vector();
return sgroup;
+ /**
+ * @return the showUnconserved
+ */
+ public boolean getShowunconserved()
+ {
+ return showUnconserved;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param showUnconserved the showUnconserved to set
+ */
+ public void setShowunconserved(boolean displayNonconserved)
+ {
+ this.showUnconserved = displayNonconserved;
+ }
+ public AlignmentAnnotation getConsensus()
+ {
+ // TODO get or calculate and get consensus annotation row for this group
+ this.conserve.getConsSequence();
+ return null;
+ }