drawVerticalScale(g, startColumn, endColumn, ypos, false);
- g.translate(labelWidthWest, 0);
* white fill region of scale above and hidden column markers
* (to support incremental fast paint of image)
g.fillRect(0, ypos - wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment, viewportWidth
- * charWidth, wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment);
+ * charWidth + labelWidthWest, wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment);
+ g.translate(labelWidthWest, 0);
if (av.getScaleAboveWrapped())
drawNorthScale(g, startColumn, endColumn, ypos);
if (lastWidthPartHeight)
- int widthsAbove = visibleWidths - 2;
+ int widthsAbove = Math.max(0, visibleWidths - 2);
int ypos = wrappedRepeatHeightPx * widthsAbove
+ wrappedSpaceAboveAlignment;
int endRes = ranges.getEndRes();