- seqannot = new IdentityHashMap<SequenceI, AlignmentAnnotation>();
+ seqannot = new IdentityHashMap<>();
// resolve the context containing all the annotation for the sequence
AnnotatedCollectionI alcontext = alignment instanceof AlignmentI
trans = (int) ((1f - range) * midtr);
range = (float) ((annotation.score - plmin) / (plmax - aamin));
- int dr = (int) (rr * range + r1), dg = (int) (gg * range + g1), db = (int) (bb
- * range + b1);
+ int dr = (int) (redRange * range + redMin),
+ dg = (int) (greenRange * range + greenMin),
+ db = (int) (blueRange * range + blueMin);
if (annotation.score == annotation.score && positionToTransparency)
return new Color(Math.min(dr + trans, midtr), Math.min(dg