import org.apache.log4j.*;
import org.biojava.dasobert.dasregistry.Das1Source;
-import com.boxysystems.jgoogleanalytics.FocusPoint;
-import com.boxysystems.jgoogleanalytics.JGoogleAnalyticsTracker;
* Stores and retrieves Jalview Application Properties Lists and fields within
* list entries are separated by '|' symbols unless otherwise stated (|) clauses
* </li>
* <li>logs.Jalview.Level - Cache.log stringified level. <br>
* </li>
- * <li>DISCOVERY_START - Boolean - controls if discovery services are queried
- * on startup </li>
- * <li>DISCOVERY_URLS - comma separated list of Discovery Service endpoints.
- * </li>
- * <li>SCREEN_WIDTH </li>
- * <li>SCREEN_HEIGHT </li>
- * <li>SCREEN_Y=285 </li>
- * <li>SCREEN_X=371 </li>
- * <li>SHOW_FULLSCREEN boolean </li>
- * <li>FONT_NAME java font name for alignment text display </li>
- * <li>FONT_SIZE size of displayed alignment text </li>
- * <li>FONT_STYLE style of font displayed (sequence labels are always italic)
- * </li>
- * <li>GAP_SYMBOL character to treat as gap symbol (usually -,.,' ') </li>
- * <li>LAST_DIRECTORY last directory for browsing alignment </li>
- * <li>USER_DEFINED_COLOURS list of user defined colour scheme files </li>
- * <li>SHOW_FULL_ID show id with '/start-end' numbers appended </li>
- * <li>SHOW_IDENTITY show percentage identity annotation </li>
- * <li>SHOW_QUALITY show alignment quality annotation </li>
- * <li>SHOW_ANNOTATIONS show alignment annotation rows </li>
- * <li>SHOW_CONSERVATION show alignment conservation annotation </li>
+ * <li>DISCOVERY_START - Boolean - controls if discovery services are queried on
+ * startup</li>
+ * <li>DISCOVERY_URLS - comma separated list of Discovery Service endpoints.</li>
+ * <li>SCREEN_WIDTH</li>
+ * <li>SCREEN_HEIGHT</li>
+ * <li>SCREEN_Y=285</li>
+ * <li>SCREEN_X=371</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_FULLSCREEN boolean</li>
+ * <li>FONT_NAME java font name for alignment text display</li>
+ * <li>FONT_SIZE size of displayed alignment text</li>
+ * <li>FONT_STYLE style of font displayed (sequence labels are always italic)</li>
+ * <li>GAP_SYMBOL character to treat as gap symbol (usually -,.,' ')</li>
+ * <li>LAST_DIRECTORY last directory for browsing alignment</li>
+ * <li>USER_DEFINED_COLOURS list of user defined colour scheme files</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_FULL_ID show id with '/start-end' numbers appended</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_IDENTITY show percentage identity annotation</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_QUALITY show alignment quality annotation</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_ANNOTATIONS show alignment annotation rows</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_CONSERVATION show alignment conservation annotation</li>
* <li>CENTRE_COLUMN_LABELS centre the labels at each column in a displayed
- * annotation row </li>
- * <li>DEFAULT_COLOUR default colour scheme to apply for a new alignment </li>
- * <li>DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT file format used to save </li>
- * <li>STARTUP_FILE file loaded on startup (may be a fully qualified url) </li>
- * <li>SHOW_STARTUP_FILE flag to control loading of startup file </li>
- * <li>VERSION the version of the jalview build </li>
- * <li>BUILD_DATE date of this build </li>
+ * annotation row</li>
+ * <li>DEFAULT_COLOUR default colour scheme to apply for a new alignment</li>
+ * <li>DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT file format used to save</li>
+ * <li>STARTUP_FILE file loaded on startup (may be a fully qualified url)</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_STARTUP_FILE flag to control loading of startup file</li>
+ * <li>VERSION the version of the jalview build</li>
+ * <li>BUILD_DATE date of this build</li>
* <li>LATEST_VERSION the latest jalview version advertised on the
- * </li>
+ *</li>
* <li>PIR_MODELLER boolean indicating if PIR files are written with MODELLER
- * descriptions </li>
+ * descriptions</li>
- * suffix to file </li>
- * <li>RECENT_URL list of recently retrieved URLs </li>
- * <li>RECENT_FILE list of recently opened files </li>
- * <li>USE_PROXY flag for whether a http proxy is to be used </li>
- * <li>PROXY_SERVER the proxy </li>
- * <li>PROXY_PORT </li>
+ * suffix to file</li>
+ * <li>RECENT_URL list of recently retrieved URLs</li>
+ * <li>RECENT_FILE list of recently opened files</li>
+ * <li>USE_PROXY flag for whether a http proxy is to be used</li>
+ * <li>PROXY_SERVER the proxy</li>
+ * <li>PROXY_PORT</li>
* <li>NOQUESTIONNAIRES true to prevent jalview from checking the questionnaire
- * service </li>
+ * service</li>
* <li>QUESTIONNAIRE last questionnaire:responder id string from questionnaire
- * service </li>
- * <li>USAGESTATS (true) Enable google analytics tracker for collecting usage statistics</li>
- * <li>DAS_LOCAL_SOURCE list of local das sources </li>
- * <li>SHOW_OVERVIEW boolean for overview window display </li>
- * <li>ANTI_ALIAS boolean for smooth fonts </li>
- * <li>RIGHT_ALIGN_IDS boolean </li>
- * <li>AUTO_CALC_CONSENSUS boolean for automatic recalculation of consensus
- * </li>
- * <li>PAD_GAPS boolean </li>
- * <li>ID_ITALICS boolean </li>
- * <li>SHOW_JV_SUFFIX </li>
- * <li>WRAP_ALIGNMENT </li>
+ * service</li>
+ * <li>USAGESTATS (true) Enable google analytics tracker for collecting usage
+ * statistics</li>
+ * <li>DAS_LOCAL_SOURCE list of local das sources</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_OVERVIEW boolean for overview window display</li>
+ * <li>ANTI_ALIAS boolean for smooth fonts</li>
+ * <li>RIGHT_ALIGN_IDS boolean</li>
+ * <li>AUTO_CALC_CONSENSUS boolean for automatic recalculation of consensus</li>
+ * <li>PAD_GAPS boolean</li>
+ * <li>ID_ITALICS boolean</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_JV_SUFFIX</li>
+ * <li>WRAP_ALIGNMENT</li>
* <li>EPS_RENDERING (Prompt each time|Lineart|Text) default for EPS rendering
- * style check </li>
- * <li>SORT_ALIGNMENT (No sort|Id|Pairwise Identity) </li>
+ * style check</li>
+ * <li>SORT_ALIGNMENT (No sort|Id|Pairwise Identity)</li>
* <li>SEQUENCE_LINKS list of name|URL pairs for opening a url with
- * $SEQUENCE_ID$ </li>
- * <li>DAS_REGISTRY_URL the registry to query </li>
- * <li>DEFAULT_BROWSER for unix </li>
- * <li>DAS_ACTIVE_SOURCE list of active sources </li>
+ * $SEQUENCE_ID$</li>
+ * <li>DAS_REGISTRY_URL the registry to query</li>
+ * <li>DEFAULT_BROWSER for unix</li>
+ * <li>DAS_ACTIVE_SOURCE list of active sources</li>
* <li>SHOW_MEMUSAGE boolean show memory usage and warning indicator on desktop
- * (false) </li>
- * <li>SHOW_NPFEATS_TOOLTIP (true) show non-positional features in the Sequence ID tooltip</li>
- * <li>SHOW_DBREFS_TOOLTIP (true) show Database Cross References in the Sequence ID tooltip</li>
- * <li>SHOW_UNCONSERVED (false) only render unconserved residues - conserved displayed as '.'</li>
- * <li>SORT_BY_TREE (false) sort the current alignment view according to the order of a newly displayed tree</li>
+ * (false)</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_NPFEATS_TOOLTIP (true) show non-positional features in the Sequence
+ * ID tooltip</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_DBREFS_TOOLTIP (true) show Database Cross References in the Sequence
+ * ID tooltip</li>
+ * <li>SHOW_UNCONSERVED (false) only render unconserved residues - conserved
+ * displayed as '.'</li>
+ * <li>SORT_BY_TREE (false) sort the current alignment view according to the
+ * order of a newly displayed tree</li>
- * <li> </li>
+ * <li></li>
* </ul>
org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(ap); // catch all for
- // log output
+ // log output
Logger laxis = Logger.getLogger("org.apache.axis");
Logger lcastor = Logger.getLogger("org.exolab.castor");
jalview.bin.Cache.log = Logger.getLogger("jalview.bin.Jalview");
* found
* @param key
- * Name of property
+ * Name of property
* @return Property value
* Stores property in the file "HOME_DIR/.jalview_properties"
* @param key
- * Name of object
+ * Name of object
* @param obj
- * String value of property
+ * String value of property
* @return String value of property
* generate Das1Sources from the local das source list
+ *
* @return Vector of Das1Sources
public static Vector getLocalDasSources()
// this source also serves sequences as well as features
- source.setCapabilities(new String[] { "sequence", "features"});
- } else {
+ source.setCapabilities(new String[]
+ { "sequence", "features" });
+ }
+ else
+ {
// default is that all user added sources serve features
- source.setCapabilities(new String[] { "features"});
+ source.setCapabilities(new String[]
+ { "features" });
source.setNickname(token.substring(0, bar));
return localSources;
- * GA tracker object - null if tracking not enabled.
+ * GA tracker object - actually JGoogleAnalyticsTracker null if tracking not enabled.
- protected static JGoogleAnalyticsTracker tracker=null;
+ protected static Object tracker = null;
+ protected static Class trackerfocus = null;
+ protected static Class jgoogleanalyticstracker = null;
* Initialise the google tracker if it is not done already.
public static void initGoogleTracker()
- if (tracker==null)
- {
- String vrs="No Version Accessible";
- try {
- //Google analytics tracking code for Library Finder
- tracker = new JGoogleAnalyticsTracker("Jalview Desktop",
- (vrs=jalview.bin.Cache.getProperty("VERSION")+"_"+jalview.bin.Cache.getDefault("BUILD_DATE", "unknown")),
- "UA-9060947-1");
- tracker.trackAsynchronously(new FocusPoint("Application Started."));
- } catch (RuntimeException e)
+ if (tracker == null)
- if (log!=null) {
- log.debug("Caught runtime exception in googletracker init:",e);
- }
- // quietly return.
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- // unexpected error
- if (log!=null)
+ if (jgoogleanalyticstracker==null)
+ {
+ // try to get the tracker class
+ try {
+ jgoogleanalyticstracker = Cache.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(
+ "com.boxysystems.jgoogleanalytics.JGoogleAnalyticsTracker");
+ trackerfocus = Cache.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(
+ "com.boxysystems.jgoogleanalytics.FocusPoint");
+ } catch (Exception e)
- log.warn("Failed to initialise GoogleTracker for Jalview Desktop with version "+vrs,e);
- } else {
- log.warn("Failed to initialise GoogleTracker for Jalview Desktop with version "+vrs,e);
+ log.debug("com.boxysystems.jgoogleanalytics package is not present - tracking not enabled.");
+ tracker = null;
+ jgoogleanalyticstracker=null;
+ trackerfocus=null;
+ return;
- }
+ }
+ // now initialise tracker
+ Exception re = null, ex = null;
+ Error err = null;
+ String vrs = "No Version Accessible";
+ try
+ {
+ // Google analytics tracking code for Library Finder
+ tracker = jgoogleanalyticstracker.getConstructor(new Class[] { String.class,String.class,String.class}).newInstance(new Object[] { "Jalview Desktop",
+ (vrs = jalview.bin.Cache.getProperty("VERSION")
+ + "_"
+ + jalview.bin.Cache.getDefault("BUILD_DATE",
+ "unknown")), "UA-9060947-1"});
+ jgoogleanalyticstracker.getMethod("trackAsynchronously", new Class[] { trackerfocus })
+ .invoke(tracker, new Object[] { trackerfocus.getConstructor(
+ new Class[] { String.class}).newInstance(new Object[] { "Application Started." })});
+ } catch (RuntimeException e)
+ {
+ re = e;
+ } catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ ex = e;
+ } catch (Error e)
+ {
+ err = e;
+ }
+ if (re != null || ex != null || err != null)
+ {
+ if (log != null)
+ {
+ if (re != null)
+ log
+ .debug(
+ "Caught runtime exception in googletracker init:",
+ re);
+ if (ex != null)
+ log.warn(
+ "Failed to initialise GoogleTracker for Jalview Desktop with version "
+ + vrs, ex);
+ if (err != null)
+ log.error(
+ "Whilst initing GoogleTracker for Jalview Desktop version "
+ + vrs, err);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (re != null)
+ {
+ System.err
+ .println("Debug: Caught runtime exception in googletracker init:"
+ + vrs);
+ re.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if (ex != null)
+ {
+ System.err
+ .println("Warning: Failed to initialise GoogleTracker for Jalview Desktop with version "
+ + vrs);
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if (err != null)
+ {
+ System.err
+ .println("ERROR: Whilst initing GoogleTracker for Jalview Desktop version "
+ + vrs);
+ err.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ log.debug("Successfully initialised tracker.");
+ }