// </applet>
public class ArchaeopteryxE extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
- private final static String NAME = "ArchaeopteryxE";
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -1220055577935759443L;
- private Configuration _configuration;
- private MainPanelApplets _main_panel;
- private JMenuBar _jmenubar;
- private JMenu _options_jmenu;
- private JMenu _font_size_menu;
- private JMenuItem _super_tiny_fonts_mi;
- private JMenuItem _tiny_fonts_mi;
- private JMenuItem _small_fonts_mi;
- private JMenuItem _medium_fonts_mi;
- private JMenuItem _large_fonts_mi;
- private JMenu _tools_menu;
- private JMenuItem _taxcolor_item;
- private JMenuItem _confcolor_item;
- private JMenuItem _midpoint_root_item;
- private JMenu _view_jmenu;
- private JMenuItem _view_as_XML_item;
- private JMenuItem _view_as_NH_item;
- private JMenuItem _view_as_NHX_item;
- private JMenuItem _view_as_nexus_item;
- private JMenuItem _display_basic_information_item;
- private JMenu _type_menu;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _rectangular_type_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _triangular_type_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _curved_type_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _convex_type_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _euro_type_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _rounded_type_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _unrooted_type_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _circular_type_cbmi;
- private JMenuItem _help_item;
- private JMenuItem _about_item;
- private JMenu _help_jmenu;
- private JMenuItem _website_item;
- private JMenuItem _phyloxml_website_item;
- private JMenuItem _phyloxml_ref_item;
- private JMenuItem _aptx_ref_item;
- private JMenuItem _remove_branch_color_item;
- private JMenuItem _infer_common_sn_names_item;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_domain_labels;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _abbreviate_scientific_names;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _screen_antialias_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _background_gradient_cbmi;
- private JRadioButtonMenuItem _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi;
- private JRadioButtonMenuItem _uniform_cladograms_rbmi;
- private JRadioButtonMenuItem _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi;
- private Options _options;
- private JMenuItem _choose_font_mi;
- private JMenuItem _switch_colors_mi;
- JCheckBoxMenuItem _label_direction_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_scale_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _search_case_senstive_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _search_whole_words_only_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _inverse_search_result_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_overview_cbmi;
- private JMenuItem _choose_minimal_confidence_mi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_branch_length_values_cbmi;
- private JMenuItem _collapse_species_specific_subtrees;
- private JMenuItem _overview_placment_mi;
- private ButtonGroup _radio_group_1;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi;
- private JMenuItem _cycle_node_shape_mi;
- private JMenuItem _cycle_node_fill_mi;
- private JMenuItem _choose_node_size_mi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi;
- private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi;
- final LinkedList<TextFrame> _textframes = new LinkedList<TextFrame>(); ;
+ private final static String NAME = "ArchaeopteryxE";
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1220055577935759443L;
+ private Configuration _configuration;
+ private MainPanelApplets _main_panel;
+ private JMenuBar _jmenubar;
+ private JMenu _options_jmenu;
+ private JMenu _font_size_menu;
+ private JMenuItem _super_tiny_fonts_mi;
+ private JMenuItem _tiny_fonts_mi;
+ private JMenuItem _small_fonts_mi;
+ private JMenuItem _medium_fonts_mi;
+ private JMenuItem _large_fonts_mi;
+ private JMenu _tools_menu;
+ private JMenuItem _taxcolor_item;
+ private JMenuItem _confcolor_item;
+ private JMenuItem _midpoint_root_item;
+ private JMenu _view_jmenu;
+ private JMenuItem _view_as_XML_item;
+ private JMenuItem _view_as_NH_item;
+ private JMenuItem _view_as_NHX_item;
+ private JMenuItem _view_as_nexus_item;
+ private JMenuItem _display_basic_information_item;
+ private JMenu _type_menu;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _rectangular_type_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _triangular_type_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _curved_type_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _convex_type_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _euro_type_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _rounded_type_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _unrooted_type_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _circular_type_cbmi;
+ private JMenuItem _help_item;
+ private JMenuItem _about_item;
+ private JMenu _help_jmenu;
+ private JMenuItem _website_item;
+ private JMenuItem _phyloxml_website_item;
+ private JMenuItem _phyloxml_ref_item;
+ private JMenuItem _aptx_ref_item;
+ private JMenuItem _remove_branch_color_item;
+ private JMenuItem _infer_common_sn_names_item;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_domain_labels;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _color_labels_same_as_parent_branch;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _abbreviate_scientific_names;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _screen_antialias_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _background_gradient_cbmi;
+ private JRadioButtonMenuItem _non_lined_up_cladograms_rbmi;
+ private JRadioButtonMenuItem _uniform_cladograms_rbmi;
+ private JRadioButtonMenuItem _ext_node_dependent_cladogram_rbmi;
+ private Options _options;
+ private JMenuItem _choose_font_mi;
+ private JMenuItem _switch_colors_mi;
+ JCheckBoxMenuItem _label_direction_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_scale_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _search_case_senstive_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _search_whole_words_only_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _inverse_search_result_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_overview_cbmi;
+ private JMenuItem _choose_minimal_confidence_mi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_branch_length_values_cbmi;
+ private JMenuItem _collapse_species_specific_subtrees;
+ private JMenuItem _overview_placment_mi;
+ private ButtonGroup _radio_group_1;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_default_node_shapes_cbmi;
+ private JMenuItem _cycle_node_shape_mi;
+ private JMenuItem _cycle_node_fill_mi;
+ private JMenuItem _choose_node_size_mi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _taxonomy_colorize_node_shapes_cbmi;
+ private JCheckBoxMenuItem _show_confidence_stddev_cbmi;
+ private final LinkedList<TextFrame> _textframes = new LinkedList<TextFrame>();
+ private String _ext_node_data_buffer = "";
public void actionPerformed( final ActionEvent e ) {
TextFrame.instantiate( sb.toString(), "Help", _textframes );
+ void setCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer( final String s ) {
+ if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( s ) ) {
+ _ext_node_data_buffer = s.trim();
+ }
+ else {
+ _ext_node_data_buffer = "";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method returns the current external node data which
+ * has been selected by the user by clicking the "Return ..."
+ * menu item. This method is expected to be called from Javascript or
+ * something like it.
+ *
+ * @return current external node data as String
+ */
+ public String getCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer() {
+ return _ext_node_data_buffer;
+ }
* This method returns the current phylogeny as a string in the chosen format
import org.forester.util.DescriptiveStatistics;
import org.forester.util.ForesterConstants;
import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil;
+import org.forester.util.SequenceIdParser;
public final class TreePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, MouseWheelListener, Printable {
final private void blast( final PhylogenyNode node ) {
if ( !isCanBlast( node ) ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
- "No sequence information present",
+ "Insufficient information present",
"Cannot Blast",
- if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() || !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) {
+ else {
final String query = Blast.obtainQueryForBlast( node );
System.out.println( "query for BLAST is: " + query );
- boolean nucleotide = false;
+ char type = '?';
if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) ) {
if ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() ) {
if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getType() ) ) {
- if ( !node.getNodeData().getSequence().getType().toLowerCase()
+ if ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getType().toLowerCase()
.equals( PhyloXmlUtil.SEQ_TYPE_PROTEIN ) ) {
- nucleotide = true;
+ type = 'p';
+ }
+ else {
+ type = 'n';
else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) {
- nucleotide = !ForesterUtil.seqIsLikelyToBeAa( node.getNodeData().getSequence()
- .getMolecularSequence() );
+ if ( ForesterUtil.seqIsLikelyToBeAa( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) {
+ type = 'p';
+ }
+ else {
+ type = 'n';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( type == '?' ) {
+ if ( SequenceIdParser.isProtein( query ) ) {
+ type = 'p';
+ }
+ else {
+ type = 'n';
JApplet applet = null;
applet = obtainApplet();
try {
- Blast.openNcbiBlastWeb( query, nucleotide, applet, this );
+ Blast.openNcbiBlastWeb( query, type == 'n', applet, this );
catch ( final Exception e ) {
+ node.getNumberOfExternalNodes() + ") For Node " + node;
if ( getMainPanel().getMainFrame() == null ) {
// Must be "E" applet version.
- ( ( ArchaeopteryxE ) ( ( MainPanelApplets ) getMainPanel() ).getApplet() ).showTextFrame( sb
- .toString(), title );
+ final ArchaeopteryxE ae = ( ArchaeopteryxE ) ( ( MainPanelApplets ) getMainPanel() ).getApplet();
+ final String s = sb.toString().trim();
+ ae.showTextFrame( s, title );
+ ae.setCurrentExternalNodesDataBuffer( s );
else {
getMainPanel().getMainFrame().showTextFrame( sb.toString(), title );
final private boolean isCanBlast( final PhylogenyNode node ) {
- return ( ( node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ( ( ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null ) && !ForesterUtil
- .isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue() ) )
- || !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) || !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node
- .getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) ) || ( ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) && Blast
- .isContainsQueryForBlast( node ) ) );
+ if ( !node.getNodeData().isHasSequence() && ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return Blast.isContainsQueryForBlast( node );
final boolean isCanCollapse() {
import org.forester.archaeopteryx.AptxUtil;
import org.forester.archaeopteryx.TreePanel;
import org.forester.phylogeny.PhylogenyNode;
-import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Accession;
import org.forester.phylogeny.data.Identifier;
import org.forester.util.ForesterUtil;
import org.forester.util.SequenceIdParser;
if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence() ) ) {
query = node.getNodeData().getSequence().getMolecularSequence();
- else if ( ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null )
+ if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) && ( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession() != null )
&& !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue() ) ) {
- if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() ) ) {
- query = node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getSource() + "%7C";
+ final Identifier id = SequenceIdParser.parse( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession()
+ .getValue() );
+ if ( id != null ) {
+ query = id.getValue();
- query += node.getNodeData().getSequence().getAccession().getValue();
- else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) {
- final Accession acc = AptxUtil.obtainSequenceAccessionFromName( node.getNodeData().getSequence()
- .getName() );
- if ( acc != null ) {
- query = acc.getSource() + "%7C" + acc.getValue();
+ if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() ) ) {
+ final Identifier id = SequenceIdParser.parse( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getName() );
+ if ( id != null ) {
+ query = id.getValue();
- }
- else if ( !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) {
- final Accession acc = AptxUtil.obtainSequenceAccessionFromName( node.getName() );
- if ( acc != null ) {
- query = acc.getSource() + "%7C" + acc.getValue();
- }
- else {
- final Identifier id = SequenceIdParser.parse( node.getName() );
+ if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() ) ) {
+ final Identifier id = SequenceIdParser.parse( node.getNodeData().getSequence().getSymbol() );
if ( id != null ) {
query = id.getValue();
+ if ( ForesterUtil.isEmpty( query ) && !ForesterUtil.isEmpty( node.getName() ) ) {
+ final Identifier id = SequenceIdParser.parse( node.getName() );
+ if ( id != null ) {
+ query = id.getValue();
+ }
+ }
return query;