<title>What's new ?</title>
- <p>
- <strong>What's new ?</strong>
- </p>
- <p>
- Jalview 2.8.2 is the first release produced by our new core
- development team.<br /> It incorporates many minor improvements and
- bug-fixes, and new features for working with 3D structure data,
- shading alignments by secondary structure and generation of alignment
- figures as Scalable Vector Graphics. <br />The majority of
- improvements in this version of Jalview concern the desktop
- application. As ever, the highlights are detailed below,
- and the full list is given in the <a
- href="releases.html#Jalview.2.8.2">Jalview 2.8.2 Release Notes</a>.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Annotation visualisation</strong> <br /> The alignment window
- includes a new <em>Annotations</em> menu which provides controls for
- the layout and display of sequence, group and alignment associated
- annotation rows. It also now includes the <em>Autocalculated
- Annotation</em> submenu (formerly located in the View menu), which
- includes settings for the calculation and display of sequence
- consensus, logos, and amino acid conservation for the alignment and
- subgroups.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Sequence associated annotation</strong><br /> New controls
- have also been added to the Sequence ID popup menu for the propagation
- and display of sequence associated annotation such as secondary
- structure assignments and disorder predictions. Annotation associated
- with one or a group of sequence already shown on the alignment may be
- shown or hidden, and any available annotation from 3D structure or
- calculations performed in other Jalview windows can be copied to the
- alignment
- <em>via</em> the <strong>Add Reference Annotation</strong> option.<br />
- The <strong>Colour by annotation</strong> function has also been
- improved, allowing secondary structure annotation to be used to shade
- sequences and alignment columns. Protein sequences can be coloured
- according to the presence of a helix or sheet at each position, and
- RNA sequences can be shaded according to each structure's stem/helix
- pattern - which enables different RNA folding topologies to be quickly
- identified.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>3D Structural data analysis and display</strong><br />
- Jalview now employs Jmol's PDB data API to retrieve secondary
- structure assignments made by the DSSP algorithm. It can also employ
- web services to obtain secondary structure assignments from RNA
- structures. These assignments are shown as sequence associated
- annotation for sequences which have cross-references to the PDB, or
- have had PDB files associated with them via the <em>Structures</em>
- submenu of the sequence ID popup menu. The extraction and display of
- secondary structure and B-factor column annotation is controlled <em>via</em>
- a new <strong>Structure</strong> tab in the Jalview Desktop's
- Preferences dialog box.
- </p>
- <p>
- <Strong>Interoperation with UCSF Chimera</Strong><br /> The desktop
- application can now be configured to employ UCSF Chimera for the
- display of 3D structure data. UCSF Chimera is a python-based
- high-performance molecular graphics and animation system developed by
- the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualisation, and Informatics at the
- University of California.<br />Jalview employs the 'StructureViz'
- communication mechanism developed for Cytoscape by Morris et al.
- (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17623706) in 2007. This mechanism
- allows Jalview to send commands to Chimera, enabling structures to be
- superimposed and shaded according to associated multiple aligmment
- views. <br />Support for Chimera in Jalview 2.8.2 is experimental, and we
- would appreciate feedback ! Please send your comments to
- jalview-discuss@jalview.org, and keep up to date with this feature's
- development via http://issues.jalview.org/browse/JAL-1333.
- </p>
- <p>
- <strong>Export of alignment figures as Scalable Vector
- Graphics</strong> <br />Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files are now widely
- supported by web browsers and graphics design programs, and allow
- high-quality graphics for interactive exploration and publication.
- Jalview now supports the generation of SVGs interactively (via the
- Export) menu, and from the command line for server-side figure
- generation.
- </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>What's new ?</strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Jalview 2.9 has been in development since December 2014. In addition
+ to a multitude of bug fixes and minor improvements (both small, and
+ rather big!), it also brings major new capabilities for codon-level
+ analysis of protein alignments and the manipulation of structural
+ data.<br />For the full list of changes, see the <a
+ href="releases.html#Jalview.2.9">Jalview 2.9 Release Notes</a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Highlights in Jalview 2.9</strong>
+ <ul>
+ <li><strong>Visualisation, editing and analysis of
+ cDNA and Protein alignments</strong><br />A new <a
+ href="features/splitView.html">Split View</a> window allows linked
+ protein and nucleotide sequence alignments to be viewed, edited,
+ and analysed as one. <br />cDNA alignments can also be
+ reconstructed from protein alignments calculated by Jalview's web
+ services, and update in response to edits in the amino acid view.<br />To
+ start experimenting with cDNA/Protein analysis, jut drop a file
+ containing cDNA sequences which code for, and have IDs matching
+ proteins in an existing alignment, and Jalview will do the rest.</li>
+ <li><strong>Enhanced Integration of UCSF Chimera</strong> <br>Jalview
+ 2.9 provides full support for the use of Chimera to view 3D
+ structures linked to alignment views in the Jalview Desktop. We've
+ also included support for saving Chimera sessions in Jalview
+ project files.<br />Jalview and Chimera communicate using local
+ web server connections, which may cause firewall alerts on some
+ systems, but has the advantage of allowing bidirectional
+ communication. Communication between Jalview and Chimera is now
+ much more responsive, and selected regions in Chimera are now
+ shown as highlighted regions in the Jalview desktop.</li>
+ <li><strong>Interactive querying of the PDBe</strong><br />Jalview
+ users can now browse and retrieve 3D structure data from the PDB
+ via the <a href="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pdbe/api/doc/search.html">PDBe
+ Search API</a> (<a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093%2Fnar%2Fgkt1180">Gutmanas
+ et al 2014</a>). Developed in collaboration with the PDBe group at
+ EMBL-EBI, the interface allows both structured and free-text
+ queries to be performed, and allows automatic selection of the
+ most relevant structures for an alignment acording to a variety of
+ criteria.</li>
+ <li><strong>Improved support for RNA visualisation</strong><br />Jalview
+ 2.9 integrates the latest version of the <a
+ href="http://varna.lri.fr">VARNA RNA Viewer</a>, and VARNA views
+ can also now be stored in Jalview projects. We've also dealt with
+ a number of lingering bugs in the VARNA/Jalview interface,
+ including the loss of pseudoknots when RNA secondary structure is
+ shown VARNA.</li>
+ <li><strong>Protein Secondary Structure predictions
+ with JPred4</strong>Jalview includes a number of new features for working
+ with secondary structure predictions from the JPred4 server. These
+ include the ability to automatically hide insertions and highlight
+ mutations in an alignment with respect to a reference sequence.
+ Jalview 2.9's new scrollable SVG HTML export mode was also
+ developed specifically for the JPred4 server.</li>
+ </ul>