// JBPNote this routine could also mark rows, not just columns.
// need a decent query structure to allow all types of feature searches
BitSet bs = new BitSet();
- SequenceCollectionI sqcol = (viewport.getSelectionGroup() == null
- || extendCurrent) ? viewport.getAlignment()
- : viewport.getSelectionGroup();
+ boolean searchSelection = viewport.getSelectionGroup() != null
+ && !extendCurrent;
+ SequenceCollectionI sqcol = searchSelection ? viewport
+ .getSelectionGroup() : viewport.getAlignment();
- int nseq = findColumnsWithFeature(featureType, sqcol, bs);
+ int nseq = findColumnsWithFeature(sqcol, bs, featureType);
ColumnSelection cs = viewport.getColumnSelection();
if (cs == null)
cs = new ColumnSelection();
- String featureTypeString = featureType.length == 1 ? featureType[0]
- : featureType.toString();
++ String featureTypeString = featureType[0];
++ if (featureType.length > 1)
++ {
++ /*
++ * ellipsis if multiple feature types selected
++ * (from Summary View in Feature Settings)
++ */
++ featureTypeString += "...";
++ }
if (bs.cardinality() > 0 || invert)
boolean changed = cs.markColumns(bs, sqcol.getStartRes(),
- avcg.setStatus(MessageManager
- .formatMessage("label.no_feature_of_type_found", new String[]
+ String key = searchSelection ? "label.no_feature_found_selection"
+ : "label.no_feature_of_type_found";
- avcg.setStatus(MessageManager.formatMessage(key,
- new String[] { featureType }));
++ avcg.setStatus(
++ MessageManager.formatMessage(key, new String[]
+ { featureTypeString }));
if (!extendCurrent)
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt)
int newRow = table.rowAtPoint(evt.getPoint());
- if (newRow != selectedRow && selectedRow != -1 && newRow != -1)
- {
- /*
- * reposition 'selectedRow' to 'newRow' (the dragged to location)
- * this could be more than one row away for a very fast drag action
- * so just swap it with adjacent rows until we get it there
- */
- Object[][] data = ((FeatureTableModel) table.getModel())
- .getData();
- int direction = newRow < selectedRow ? -1 : 1;
- for (int i = selectedRow; i != newRow; i += direction)
- {
- Object[] temp = data[i];
- data[i] = data[i + direction];
- data[i + direction] = temp;
- }
- updateFeatureRenderer(data);
- table.repaint();
- selectedRow = newRow;
- }
+ dragRow(newRow);
- // table.setToolTipText(JvSwingUtils.wrapTooltip(true,
- // MessageManager.getString("label.feature_settings_click_drag")));
- scrollPane.setViewportView(table);
+ }
- if (af.getViewport().isShowSequenceFeatures() || !fr.hasRenderOrder())
+ /**
+ * Answers an array consisting of the given type, and also (if 'Summary View'
- * is selected), any child terms in the sequence ontology
++ * is selected), any feature types which are child terms of it in the Sequence
++ * Ontology
+ *
+ * @param type
+ * @return
+ */
+ protected String[] getTermsInScope(String type)
+ {
+ if (!summaryView.isSelected())
- fr.findAllFeatures(true); // display everything!
+ return new String[] { type };
- discoverAllFeatureData();
- final PropertyChangeListener change;
- final FeatureSettings fs = this;
- fr.addPropertyChangeListener(change = new PropertyChangeListener()
- {
- @Override
- public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
- {
- if (!fs.resettingTable && !fs.handlingUpdate)
- {
- fs.handlingUpdate = true;
- fs.resetTable(null);
- // new groups may be added with new sequence feature types only
- fs.handlingUpdate = false;
- }
- }
+ List<String> terms = new ArrayList<>();
+ terms.add(type);
- });
+ OntologyI so = SequenceOntologyFactory.getInstance();
- frame = new JInternalFrame();
- frame.setContentPane(this);
- if (Platform.isAMac())
- {
- Desktop.addInternalFrame(frame,
- MessageManager.getString("label.sequence_feature_settings"),
- 600, 480);
- }
- else
+ Object[][] data = ((FeatureTableModel) table.getModel()).getData();
+ for (Object[] row : data)
- Desktop.addInternalFrame(frame,
- MessageManager.getString("label.sequence_feature_settings"),
- 600, 450);
+ String type2 = (String) row[TYPE_COLUMN];
+ if (!type2.equals(type) && so.isA(type2, type))
+ {
+ terms.add(type2);
+ }
- frame.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(MIN_WIDTH, MIN_HEIGHT));
- frame.addInternalFrameListener(
- new javax.swing.event.InternalFrameAdapter()
- {
- @Override
- public void internalFrameClosed(
- javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent evt)
- {
- fr.removePropertyChangeListener(change);
- };
- });
- frame.setLayer(JLayeredPane.PALETTE_LAYER);
- inConstruction = false;
+ return terms.toArray(new String[terms.size()]);
- protected void popupSort(final int rowSelected, final String type,
- final Object typeCol, final Map<String, float[][]> minmax, int x,
+ protected void popupMenu(final int rowSelected, final String type, int x,
int y)
- final FeatureColourI featureColour = (FeatureColourI) typeCol;
JPopupMenu men = new JPopupMenu(MessageManager
.formatMessage("label.settings_for_param", new String[]
{ type }));