+++ /dev/null
- * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
- * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
- *
- * This file is part of Jalview.
- *
- * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
- * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Jalview. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
- */
-package jalview.viewmodel;
-import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
-import jalview.analysis.AlignmentGenerator;
-import jalview.datamodel.Alignment;
-import jalview.datamodel.AlignmentI;
-import jalview.datamodel.ColumnSelection;
-import jalview.datamodel.Sequence;
-import jalview.datamodel.SequenceCollectionI;
-import jalview.datamodel.SequenceGroup;
-import jalview.datamodel.SequenceI;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
-import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
-import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
-import org.testng.annotations.Test;
-@Test(singleThreaded = true)
-public class OverviewDimensionsTest
- AlignmentI al;
- OverviewDimensions od;
- // cached widths and heights
- int boxWidth;
- int boxHeight;
- int viewHeight;
- int viewWidth;
- int alheight;
- int alwidth;
- ViewportRanges vpranges;
- Hashtable<SequenceI, SequenceCollectionI> hiddenRepSequences = new Hashtable<SequenceI, SequenceCollectionI>();
- ColumnSelection hiddenCols = new ColumnSelection();
- @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
- public void setUpJvOptionPane()
- {
- // create random alignment
- AlignmentGenerator gen = new AlignmentGenerator(false);
- al = gen.generate(157, 525, 123, 5, 5);
- }
- @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
- public void setUp()
- {
- if (!hiddenRepSequences.isEmpty())
- {
- al.getHiddenSequences().showAll(hiddenRepSequences);
- }
- hiddenCols.revealAllHiddenColumns();
- vpranges = new ViewportRanges(al);
- vpranges.setViewportStartAndHeight(0, 18);
- vpranges.setViewportStartAndWidth(0, 63);
- viewHeight = vpranges.getEndSeq() - vpranges.getStartSeq() + 1;
- viewWidth = vpranges.getEndRes() - vpranges.getStartRes() + 1;
- ColumnSelection hiddenCols = new ColumnSelection();
- od = new OverviewDimensions(vpranges, true);
- // Initial box sizing - default path through code
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- mouseClick(od, 0, 0);
- moveViewport(0, 0);
- // calculate before hidden columns so we get absolute values
- alheight = vpranges.getAbsoluteAlignmentHeight();
- alwidth = vpranges.getAbsoluteAlignmentWidth();
- boxWidth = Math.round((float) (vpranges.getEndRes()
- - vpranges.getStartRes() + 1)
- * od.getWidth() / alwidth);
- boxHeight = Math.round((float) (vpranges.getEndSeq()
- - vpranges.getStartSeq() + 1)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight);
- }
- @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true)
- public void cleanUp()
- {
- al = null;
- }
- /**
- * Test that the OverviewDimensions constructor sets width and height
- * correctly
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testConstructor()
- {
- SequenceI seqa = new Sequence("Seq1", "ABC");
- SequenceI seqb = new Sequence("Seq2", "ABC");
- SequenceI seqc = new Sequence("Seq3", "ABC");
- SequenceI seqd = new Sequence("Seq4", "ABC");
- SequenceI seqe = new Sequence("Seq5",
- int defaultGraphHeight = 20;
- int maxWidth = 400;
- int minWidth = 120;
- int maxSeqHeight = 300;
- int minSeqHeight = 40;
- // test for alignment with width > height
- SequenceI[] seqs1 = new SequenceI[] { seqa, seqb };
- Alignment al1 = new Alignment(seqs1);
- ViewportRanges props = new ViewportRanges(al1);
- OverviewDimensions od = new OverviewDimensions(props, true);
- int scaledHeight = 267;
- assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), scaledHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getWidth(), maxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getHeight(), scaledHeight + defaultGraphHeight);
- // test for alignment with width < height
- SequenceI[] seqs2 = new SequenceI[] { seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd };
- Alignment al2 = new Alignment(seqs2);
- props = new ViewportRanges(al2);
- od = new OverviewDimensions(props, true);
- int scaledWidth = 300;
- assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), maxSeqHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getWidth(), scaledWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getHeight(), scaledWidth + defaultGraphHeight);
- // test for alignment with width > height and sequence height scaled below
- // min value
- SequenceI[] seqs3 = new SequenceI[] { seqe };
- Alignment al3 = new Alignment(seqs3);
- props = new ViewportRanges(al3);
- od = new OverviewDimensions(props, true);
- assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), minSeqHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getWidth(), maxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getHeight(), minSeqHeight + defaultGraphHeight);
- // test for alignment with width < height and width scaled below min value
- SequenceI[] seqs4 = new SequenceI[] { seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd, seqa,
- seqb, seqc, seqd, seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd, seqa, seqb, seqc, seqd };
- Alignment al4 = new Alignment(seqs4);
- props = new ViewportRanges(al4);
- od = new OverviewDimensions(props, true);
- assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), defaultGraphHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), maxSeqHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getWidth(), minWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getHeight(), maxSeqHeight + defaultGraphHeight);
- Alignment al5 = new Alignment(seqs4);
- props = new ViewportRanges(al5);
- od = new OverviewDimensions(props, false);
- assertEquals(od.getGraphHeight(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getSequencesHeight(), maxSeqHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getWidth(), minWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getHeight(), maxSeqHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test that validation after mouse adjustments to boxX and boxY sets box
- * dimensions and scroll values correctly, when there are no hidden rows or
- * columns.
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromMouseClick()
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(0, 0, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // negative boxX value reset to 0
- mouseClick(od, -5, 10);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(),
- Math.round((float) 10 * alheight / od.getSequencesHeight()));
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- // negative boxY value reset to 0
- mouseClick(od, 6, -2);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) 6 * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // overly large boxX value reset to width-boxWidth
- mouseClick(od, 100, 6);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth());
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 6);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(
- vpranges.getStartSeq(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxY() * alheight
- / od.getSequencesHeight()));
- // overly large boxY value reset to sequenceHeight - boxHeight
- mouseClick(od, 10, 520);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 10);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), od.getSequencesHeight() - od.getBoxHeight());
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- // here (float) od.getBoxY() * alheight / od.getSequencesHeight() = 507.5
- // and round rounds to 508; however we get 507 working with row values
- // hence the subtraction of 1
- assertEquals(
- vpranges.getStartSeq(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxY() * alheight
- / od.getSequencesHeight()) - 1);
- // click past end of alignment, as above
- mouseClick(od, 3000, 5);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth());
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(
- vpranges.getStartSeq(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxY() * alheight
- / od.getSequencesHeight()));
- // move viewport so startRes non-zero and then mouseclick
- moveViewportH(50);
- // click at viewport position
- int oldboxx = od.getBoxX();
- int oldboxy = od.getBoxY();
- mouseClick(od, od.getBoxX() + 5, od.getBoxY() + 2);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), oldboxx + 5);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), oldboxy + 2);
- assertEquals(
- vpranges.getStartSeq(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxY() * alheight
- / od.getSequencesHeight()));
- // click at top corner
- mouseClick(od, 0, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden cols at the start
- * of the alignment
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testFromMouseWithHiddenColsAtStart()
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(0, 0, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // hide cols at start and check updated box position is correct
- // changes boxX but not boxwidth
- int lastHiddenCol = 30;
- hiddenCols.hideColumns(0, lastHiddenCol);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (lastHiddenCol + 1) * od.getWidth()
- / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // try to click in hidden cols, check box does not move
- int xpos = 10;
- mouseClick(od, xpos, 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (lastHiddenCol + 1) * od.getWidth()
- / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- // click to right of hidden columns, box moves to click point
- testBoxIsAtClickPoint(40, 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) 40 * alwidth / od.getWidth())
- - (lastHiddenCol + 1));
- // click to right of hidden columns such that box runs over right hand side
- // of alignment
- // box position is adjusted away from the edge
- // overly large boxX value reset to width-boxWidth
- xpos = 100;
- mouseClick(od, xpos, 5);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth());
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 5);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth())
- - (lastHiddenCol + 1));
- assertEquals(
- vpranges.getStartSeq(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxY() * alheight
- / od.getSequencesHeight()));
- }
- /**
- * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden cols in the middle
- * of the alignment
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testFromMouseWithHiddenColsInMiddle()
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(0, 0, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // hide columns 63-73, no change to box position or dimensions
- int firstHidden = 63;
- int lastHidden = 73;
- hiddenCols.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // move box so that it overlaps with hidden cols on one side
- // box width changes, boxX and scrollCol as for unhidden case
- int xpos = 55 - boxWidth; // 55 is position in overview approx halfway
- // between cols 60 and 70
- mouseClick(od, xpos, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), xpos);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxWidth(),
- Math.round(boxWidth + (float) (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1)
- * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round(xpos * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // move box so that it completely covers hidden cols
- // box width changes, boxX and scrollCol as for hidden case
- xpos = 33;
- mouseClick(od, xpos, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), xpos);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxWidth(),
- Math.round(boxWidth + (float) (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1)
- * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) xpos * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // move box so boxX is in hidden cols, box overhangs at right
- // boxX and scrollCol at left of hidden area, box width extends across
- // hidden region
- xpos = 50;
- mouseClick(od, xpos, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (firstHidden - 1) * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxWidth(),
- boxWidth
- + Math.round((float) (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1)
- * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), firstHidden - 1);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // move box so boxX is to right of hidden cols, but does not go beyond full
- // width of alignment
- // box width, boxX and scrollCol all as for non-hidden case
- xpos = 75;
- testBoxIsAtClickPoint(xpos, 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round(xpos * alwidth / od.getWidth())
- - (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1));
- // move box so it goes beyond full width of alignment
- // boxX, scrollCol adjusted back, box width normal
- xpos = 3000;
- mouseClick(od, xpos, 5);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), od.getWidth() - od.getBoxWidth());
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 5);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(
- vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round(((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth())
- - (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1)));
- assertEquals(
- vpranges.getStartSeq(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxY() * alheight
- / od.getSequencesHeight()));
- }
- /**
- * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden cols at the end of
- * the alignment
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testFromMouseWithHiddenColsAtEnd()
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(0, 0, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // hide columns 140-164, no change to box position or dimensions
- int firstHidden = 140;
- int lastHidden = 164;
- hiddenCols.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // click to left of hidden cols, without overlapping
- // boxX, scrollCol and width as normal
- int xpos = 5;
- testBoxIsAtClickPoint(xpos, 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) xpos * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- // click to left of hidden cols, with overlap
- // boxX and scrollCol adjusted for hidden cols, width normal
- xpos = Math.round((float) 145 * od.getWidth() / alwidth) - boxWidth;
- mouseClick(od, xpos, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (firstHidden - 1) * od.getWidth() / alwidth)
- - boxWidth + 1);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // click in hidden cols
- // boxX and scrollCol adjusted for hidden cols, width normal
- xpos = 115;
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (firstHidden - 1) * od.getWidth() / alwidth)
- - boxWidth + 1);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // click off end of alignment
- // boxX and scrollCol adjusted for hidden cols, width normal
- xpos = 3000;
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (firstHidden - 1) * od.getWidth() / alwidth)
- - boxWidth + 1);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(),
- Math.round((float) od.getBoxX() * alwidth / od.getWidth()));
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- }
- /**
- * Test that the box position is set correctly when set from the viewport,
- * with no hidden rows or columns
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromViewport()
- {
- // move viewport to start of alignment
- moveViewport(0, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to right
- moveViewportH(70);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 70 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport down
- moveViewportV(100);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 70 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round(100 * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to bottom right
- moveViewport(98, 507);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 98 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) 507 * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden columns
- * at the start
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenColsAtStart()
- {
- int firstHidden = 0;
- int lastHidden = 20;
- hiddenCols.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- // move viewport to start of alignment
- moveViewport(0, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (lastHidden + 1) * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to end of alignment - need to make startRes by removing
- // hidden cols because of how viewport/overview are implemented
- moveViewport(98 - lastHidden - 1, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 98 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden columns
- * in the middle
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenColsInMiddle()
- {
- int firstHidden = 68;
- int lastHidden = 78;
- hiddenCols.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- // move viewport before hidden columns
- moveViewport(3, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 3 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- System.out.println(od.getBoxWidth());
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- System.out.println(od.getBoxWidth());
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to left of hidden columns with overlap
- moveViewport(10, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 10 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxWidth(),
- boxWidth
- + Math.round((float) (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1)
- * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to straddle hidden columns
- moveViewport(63, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 63 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxWidth(),
- boxWidth
- + Math.round((lastHidden - firstHidden + 1)
- * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to right of hidden columns, no overlap
- moveViewport(80 - (lastHidden - firstHidden + 1), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 80 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden columns
- * at the end
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenColsAtEnd()
- {
- int firstHidden = 152;
- int lastHidden = 164;
- hiddenCols.hideColumns(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- // move viewport before hidden columns
- moveViewport(3, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) 3 * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to hidden columns
- // viewport can't actually extend into hidden cols,
- // so move to the far right edge of the viewport
- moveViewport(firstHidden - viewWidth, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(),
- Math.round((float) (firstHidden - viewWidth)
- * od.getWidth() / alwidth));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden rows at
- * the start
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenRowsAtStart()
- {
- int firstHidden = 0;
- int lastHidden = 20;
- hideSequences(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- // move viewport to start of alignment:
- // box moves to below hidden rows, height remains same
- moveViewport(0, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) (lastHidden + 1) * od.getSequencesHeight()
- / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to end of alignment
- moveViewport(0, 525 - viewHeight - lastHidden - 1);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) (525 - viewHeight) * od.getSequencesHeight()
- / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden rows in
- * the middle
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenRowsInMiddle()
- {
- int firstHidden = 200;
- int lastHidden = 210;
- hideSequences(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- // move viewport to start of alignment:
- // box, height etc as in non-hidden case
- moveViewport(0, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to straddle hidden rows
- moveViewport(0, 198);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), Math.round ((float)198 * od.getSequencesHeight()
- / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxHeight(),
- Math.round((float) (viewHeight + lastHidden - firstHidden + 1)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- }
- /**
- * Test that the box position is set correctly when there are hidden rows at
- * the bottom
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testSetBoxFromViewportHiddenRowsAtEnd()
- {
- int firstHidden = 500;
- int lastHidden = 524;
- hideSequences(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- // move viewport to start of alignment:
- // box, height etc as in non-hidden case
- moveViewport(0, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // move viewport to end of alignment
- // viewport sits above hidden rows and does not include them
- moveViewport(0, firstHidden - viewHeight - 1);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) (firstHidden - viewHeight - 1)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden rows at the start
- * of the alignment
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testFromMouseWithHiddenRowsAtStart()
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(0, 0, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // hide rows at start and check updated box position is correct
- // changes boxY but not boxheight
- int lastHiddenRow = 30;
- hideSequences(0, lastHiddenRow);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) (lastHiddenRow + 1)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // click in hidden rows - same result
- mouseClick(od, 0, 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) (lastHiddenRow + 1)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // click below hidden rows
- mouseClick(od, 0, 150);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 150);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden rows at the middle
- * of the alignment
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testFromMouseWithHiddenRowsInMiddle()
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(0, 0, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // hide rows in middle and check updated box position is correct
- // no changes
- int firstHiddenRow = 50;
- int lastHiddenRow = 54;
- hideSequences(firstHiddenRow, lastHiddenRow);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // click above hidden rows, so that box overlaps
- int ypos = 35; // column value in residues
- mouseClick(od, 0,
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxHeight(),
- boxHeight
- + Math.round((float) (lastHiddenRow - firstHiddenRow + 1)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- // click so that box straddles hidden rows
- ypos = 44; // column value in residues
- mouseClick(od, 0,
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxHeight(),
- boxHeight
- + Math.round((float) (lastHiddenRow - firstHiddenRow + 1)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- }
- /**
- * Test setting of the box position, when there are hidden rows at the end of
- * the alignment
- */
- @Test(groups = { "Functional" })
- public void testFromMouseWithHiddenRowsAtEnd()
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(0, 0, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartRes(), 0);
- assertEquals(vpranges.getStartSeq(), 0);
- // hide rows at end and check updated box position is correct
- // no changes
- int firstHidden = 500;
- int lastHidden = 524;
- hideSequences(firstHidden, lastHidden);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // click above hidden rows
- int ypos = 40; // row 40
- mouseClick(od, 0,
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // click above hidden rows so box overlaps
- // boxY moved upwards, boxHeight remains same
- ypos = 497; // row 497
- mouseClick(od, 0,
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((float) (firstHidden - viewHeight)
- * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- // click within hidden rows
- ypos = 505;
- mouseClick(od, 0,
- Math.round((float) ypos * od.getSequencesHeight() / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), 0);
- assertEquals(
- od.getBoxY(),
- Math.round((firstHidden - viewHeight) * od.getSequencesHeight()
- / alheight));
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /*
- * Move viewport horizontally: startRes + previous width gives new horizontal extent. Vertical extent stays the same.
- */
- private void moveViewportH(int startRes)
- {
- vpranges.setViewportStartAndWidth(startRes, viewWidth);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- }
- /*
- * Move viewport vertically: startSeq and endSeq give new vertical extent. Horizontal extent stays the same.
- */
- private void moveViewportV(int startSeq)
- {
- vpranges.setViewportStartAndHeight(startSeq, viewHeight);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- }
- /*
- * Move viewport horizontally and vertically.
- */
- private void moveViewport(int startRes, int startSeq)
- {
- vpranges.setViewportStartAndWidth(startRes, viewWidth);
- vpranges.setViewportStartAndHeight(startSeq, viewHeight);
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- }
- /*
- * Mouse click as position x,y in overview window
- */
- private void mouseClick(OverviewDimensions od, int x, int y)
- {
- od.updateViewportFromMouse(x, y, al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols,
- vpranges);
- // updates require an OverviewPanel to exist which it doesn't here
- // so call setBoxPosition() as it would be called by the AlignmentPanel
- // normally
- od.setBoxPosition(al.getHiddenSequences(), hiddenCols, vpranges);
- }
- /*
- * Test that the box is positioned with the top left corner at xpos, ypos
- * and with the original width and height
- */
- private void testBoxIsAtClickPoint(int xpos, int ypos)
- {
- mouseClick(od, xpos, ypos);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxX(), xpos);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxY(), ypos);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxWidth(), boxWidth);
- assertEquals(od.getBoxHeight(), boxHeight);
- }
- /*
- * Hide sequences between start and end
- */
- private void hideSequences(int start, int end)
- {
- SequenceI[] allseqs = al.getSequencesArray();
- SequenceGroup theseSeqs = new SequenceGroup();
- for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
- {
- theseSeqs.addSequence(allseqs[i], false);
- al.getHiddenSequences().hideSequence(allseqs[i]);
- }
- hiddenRepSequences.put(allseqs[start], theseSeqs);
- }