def compile_target_compatibility
ext {
+ if (getdown_local == "true") {
+ getdown_app_base = file(getdownWebsiteDir).toURI().toString()
+ getdown_channel_name = "local"
+ } else {
+ getdown_app_base = getdown_channel_base+"/"+getdown_channel_name+"/"+JAVA_VERSION+"/"
+ }
+ if (getdown_channel_name.equals("release") {
+ getdown_app_dir = getdown_channel_name
+ }
// where the getdown channel will be built.
- // TODO: consider allowing this expression to be overridden by -P arg
getdownWebsiteDir = jalviewDir + '/' + getdown_website_dir + '/' + JAVA_VERSION
getdownAppDir = getdownWebsiteDir + '/' + getdown_app_dir
//getdownJ11libDir = getdownWebsiteDir + '/' + getdown_j11lib_dir
getdownResourceDir = getdownWebsiteDir + '/' + getdown_resource_dir
getdownLauncher = jalviewDir + '/' + getdown_launcher
getdownFilesDir = jalviewDir + '/' + getdown_files_dir + '/' + JAVA_VERSION + '/'
- getdown_app_base = getdown_channel_base+"/"+getdown_channel_name+"/"+JAVA_VERSION+"/"
modules_compileClasspath = fileTree(dir: "$jalviewDir/$j11modDir", include: ["*.jar"])
modules_runtimeClasspath = modules_compileClasspath
gitHash = ""
props.put("getdown_txt_multi_java_location", getdown_alt_multi_java_location)
props.put("getdown_txt_resource", "$classes/$buildPropertiesFile")
- if (getdown_local == "true") {
- getdown_app_base = file(getdownWebsiteDir).toURI().toString()
- }
props.put("getdown_txt_appbase", getdown_app_base)
props.each{ prop, val ->
if (prop.startsWith("getdown_txt_") && val != null) {
getdown_local = false
getdown_website_dir = getdown/website
getdown_resource_dir = resource
-getdown_app_dir = dist
+getdown_app_dir = alt
#getdown_j11lib_dir = j11lib
getdown_files_dir = getdown/files
getdown_launcher = getdown/lib/getdown-launcher.jar