<echo message="build - compiles all necessary files for Application" />
<echo message="makedist - compiles and places all necessary jar files into directory dist" />
<echo message="makefulldist - signs all jar files and builds jnlp file for full distribution" />
- <echo message=" this needs a keystore and key. Add -Dtimestamp to timestamp signed jars"/>
+ <echo message=" this needs a keystore and key."/>
+ <echo message=" Add -Dtimestamp to timestamp signed jars"/>
+ <echo message=" -Djalview.keyalg and -Djalview.keydig are SHA1/SHA1withRSA"/>
<echo message=" See docs/building.html for more information." />
<echo message="compileApplet - compiles all necessary files for Applet" />
<echo message="makeApplet - compiles, then packages and obfuscates the Applet" />
<!-- locally valid proxy for signing with external time server -->
<property name="proxyPort" value="80"/>
<property name="proxyHost" value="sqid"/>
+ <!-- key sign/digest algorithms -->
+ <property name="jalview.keyalg" value="SHA1withRSA" description="key algorithm for signing"/>
+ <property name="jalview.keydig" value="SHA1" description="algorithm for jar digest"/>
<!-- default TestNG groups to run -->
<property name="testng-groups" value="Functional" />
<target name="-jarsignwithtsa" depends="makedist,preparejnlp" if="timestamp">
- <signjar storepass="${jalview.keystore.pass}" keypass="${jalview.key.pass}" keystore="${jalview.keystore}" alias="${jalview.key}" lazy="false" verbose="false" sigalg="SHA1withRSA"
+ <signjar storepass="${jalview.keystore.pass}" keypass="${jalview.key.pass}" keystore="${jalview.keystore}" alias="${jalview.key}" lazy="false" verbose="false" sigalg="${jalview.keyalg}" digestalg="${jalview.keydig}"
tsaproxyhost="${proxyHost}" tsaproxyport="${proxyPort}" tsaurl="${jalview.tsaurl}">
<fileset dir="${packageDir}">
<include name="*.jar" />
<target name="-jarsignnotsa" depends="makedist,preparejnlp" unless="timestamp">
- <signjar storepass="${jalview.keystore.pass}" keypass="${jalview.key.pass}" keystore="${jalview.keystore}" alias="${jalview.key}" lazy="false" verbose="false" sigalg="SHA1withRSA">
+ <signjar storepass="${jalview.keystore.pass}" keypass="${jalview.key.pass}" keystore="${jalview.keystore}" alias="${jalview.key}" lazy="false" verbose="false" sigalg="${jalview.keyalg}" digestalg="${jalview.keydig}">
<fileset dir="${packageDir}">
<include name="*.jar" />
dist. But first you need to make your own key:
<p><strong>Making your own key</strong></p>
-<p>The ant 'makefulldist' target assumes that a keystore exists in a
-directory 'keys'. To make a key accessible using the default settings
-in the build.xml file then make the keys directory and add the
-jarsigner key with the following :
-mkdir keys
-keytool -genkey -keystore keys/.keystore -keypass alignmentisfun
--storepass alignmentisfun -alias jalview
- (you will have to answer some personal questions here)
-ant makedist
- (should eventually generate a Jalview.jnlp file
- in ./dist along with a set of signed jars using the jalview
- key)
- <p>
+ <p>The ant 'makefulldist' target assumes that a keystore exists in
+ a directory 'keys'. To make a key accessible using the default
+ settings in the build.xml file then make the keys directory and add
+ the jarsigner key with the following :</p>
+ <pre>mkdir keys</pre>
+ <pre>keytool -genkey -keystore keys/.keystore -keypass alignmentisfun
+ -storepass alignmentisfun -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keyalg RSA -alias jalview</pre>
+ <em>(you will have to answer some personal questions here)</em>
+ <pre>ant makedist -DWebStartLocation="file://.pathtojalviewsource./dist" -Dapplication.codebase="*"</pre>
+ <p>This should eventually generate a jalview.jnlp file in ./dist
+ along with a set of signed jars using the jalview key). In order to
+ test locally via webstart you'll now need to add 'file:/' to your
+ java webstart security exception list. Then:</p>
+ <pre>javaws file://.pathtojalviewsource./dist/jalview.jnlp</pre>
+ <p>Please remember to remove that entry afterwards, since it will leave
+ your system vulnerable to malicious code.
+ </p>
+ <p>
<strong>Building the JalviewLite applet<br>
</strong> The JalviewLite applet is compiled using a subset of the packages in
the src directory (specifically: MCView, and jalview.{datamodel,