* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file. -->
<!DOCTYPE toc PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems Inc.//DTD JavaHelp TOC Version 1.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/products/javahelp/toc_1_0.dtd">
<toc version="1.0">
+<!-- DO NOT WRAP THESE LINES - help2Website relies on each item being on one line! -->
<tocitem text="Jalview Documentation" target="home" expand="true">
<tocitem text="What's new" target="new" expand="true">
- <tocitem text="Annotation from Structure" target="xsspannotation"
- expand="false" />
+ <tocitem text="Annotation from Structure" target="xsspannotation" expand="false" />
<tocitem text="Annotation Panel Menu" target="alwAnnotations" />
<tocitem text="Add reference annotation" target="popMenuAddref" />
<tocitem text="Colour By Annotation" target="colours.annotation" />
<tocitem text="Multiple Views" target="multipleviews" />
<tocitem text="Viewing Trees" target="treeviewer" expand="false" />
<tocitem text="Fetching Sequences" target="seqfetch" />
- <tocitem text="Nucleic Acid Support" target="nucleicAcids"
- expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Nucleic Acid Support" target="nucleicAcids" expand="false">
<tocitem text="Viewing RNA structure" target="varna" />
<tocitem text="RNA Structure Consensus" target="calcs.alstrconsensus" />
<tocitem text="RNA Helices coloring" target="colours.rnahelices" />
<tocitem text="JABAWS" target="jabaws" />
<tocitem text="Web Service Preferences" target="wsprefs" />
<tocitem text="Web Service Parameters" target="wsparams" />
- <tocitem text="Sequence Alignment" target="msaservice"
- expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Alignment" target="msaservice" expand="false">
<tocitem text="Multiple Alignment Subjobs" target="msaservice" />
<tocitem text="Secondary Structure Prediction" target="jnet" />
- <tocitem text="RNAalifold RNA Secondary Structure Prediction"
- target="rnaalifold" />
+ <tocitem text="RNAalifold RNA Secondary Structure Prediction" target="rnaalifold" />
<tocitem text="Protein Disorder Prediction" target="disorder" />
<tocitem text="Alignment Conservation Analysis" target="aacon" />
<tocitem text="Multi-Harmony Alignment Analysis" target="shmrws" />
<tocitem text="Pairwise Alignments" target="pairwise" />
<tocitem text="Remove Redundancy" target="redundancy" />
- <tocitem text="Sequence Annotations" target="seqannots"
- expand="true">
- <tocitem text="Annotation from Structure" target="xsspannotation"
- expand="false" />
+ <tocitem text="Sequence Annotations" target="seqannots" expand="true">
+ <tocitem text="Annotation from Structure" target="xsspannotation" expand="false" />
- <tocitem text="Alignment Annotations" target="alannotation"
- expand="false">
+ <tocitem text="Alignment Annotations" target="alannotation" expand="false">
<tocitem text="Conservation" target="calcs.alconserv" />
<tocitem text="Quality" target="calcs.alquality" />
<tocitem text="Consensus" target="calcs.consensus" />
<tocitem text="Chimera Viewer" target="chimera" />
<tocitem text="Simple PDB Viewer" target="pdbmcviewer" />
- <tocitem text="Viewing RNA structures" target="varna" expand="false">
- </tocitem>
+ <tocitem text="Viewing RNA structures" target="varna" expand="false"/>
<tocitem text="VAMSAS Data Exchange" target="vamsas">
<!-- what can Jalview share with other apps -->
<!-- what other apps exist -->