<td valign="middle">Displays a Multiple Sequence Alignment
- Based JNet Prediction for a Sequence</td>
+ Based JPred Prediction for a Sequence</td>
<li><strong>Defining a reference when importing
annotation</strong><br />Jalview automatically assigns a reference
sequence when importing analysis results, such as those returned
- from <a href="../webServices/jnet.html">JPred4</a> . A reference
+ from <a href="../webServices/jnet.html">JPred</a> . A reference
sequence can also be assigned via the <a
command in an alignment annotation file.</li>
<li><strong>JPred Secondary Structure Prediction</strong><br>
<em>Secondary structure prediction by network
- consensus. See the <a href="../webServices/jnet.html">Jpred3</a>
+ consensus. See the <a href="../webServices/jnet.html">Jpred</a>
client entry for more information. The behaviour of this
calculation depends on the current selection:
<li>If nothing is selected, and the displayed
- sequences appear to be aligned, then a JNet prediction
+ sequences appear to be aligned, then a JPred prediction
will be run for the first sequence in the alignment,
using the current alignment. Otherwise the first
sequence will be submitted for prediction.</li>
<li>If just one sequence (or a region on one
sequence) has been selected, it will be submitted to
- the automatic JNet prediction server for homolog
+ the automatic JPred prediction server for homolog
detection and prediction.</li>
<li>If a set of sequences are selected, and they
appear to be aligned, then the alignment will be used
- for a Jnet prediction on the <strong>first</strong>
+ for a JPred prediction on the <strong>first</strong>
sequence in the set (that is, the one that appears
first in the alignment window).
<li><strong>JPred Secondary Structure Prediction</strong><br>
<em>Secondary structure prediction by network consensus.
- See the <a href="../webServices/jnet.html">Jpred3</a> client
+ See the <a href="../webServices/jnet.html">Jpred</a> client
entry for more information. The behaviour of this
calculation depends on the current selection:
<li>If nothing is selected, and the displayed
- sequences appear to be aligned, then a JNet prediction
+ sequences appear to be aligned, then a JPred prediction
will be run for the first sequence in the alignment,
using the current alignment. Otherwise the first
sequence will be submitted for prediction.</li>
<li>If just one sequence (or a region on one
sequence) has been selected, it will be submitted to the
- automatic JNet prediction server for homolog detection
+ automatic JPred prediction server for homolog detection
and prediction.</li>
<li>If a set of sequences are selected, and they
appear to be aligned, then the alignment will be used
- for a Jnet prediction on the <strong>first</strong>
+ for a JPred prediction on the <strong>first</strong>
sequence in the set (that is, the one that appears first
in the alignment window).
* The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
-<title>JNet Secondary Structure Prediction</title>
+<title>JPred Secondary Structure Prediction</title>
- <strong>JNet Secondary Structure Prediction</strong>
+ <strong>JPred Secondary Structure Prediction</strong>
Secondary structure prediction methods attempts to infer the likely
secondary structure for a protein based on its amino acid
The function available from the
<strong>Web Service→Secondary Structure
- Prediction→JNet Secondary Structure Prediction</strong> menu does two
+ Prediction→JPred Secondary Structure Prediction</strong> menu does two
different kinds of prediction, dependent upon the currently selected
<li>If nothing is selected, and the displayed sequences appear
- to be aligned, then a JNet prediction will be run for the first
+ to be aligned, then a JPred prediction will be run for the first
sequence in the alignment, using the current alignment. Otherwise
the first sequence will be submitted for prediction.</li>
<li>If just one sequence (or a region on one sequence) has been
- selected, it will be submitted to the automatic JNet prediction
+ selected, it will be submitted to the automatic JPred prediction
server for homolog detection and prediction.</li>
<li>If a set of sequences are selected, and they appear to be
- aligned, then the alignment will be used for a Jnet prediction on
+ aligned, then the alignment will be used for a JPred prediction on
the <strong>first</strong> sequence selected in the set (that is,
the one nearest the top of the alignment window).
- <strong>Note</strong>: JNet secondary structure prediction is a
+ <strong>Note</strong>: JPred secondary structure prediction is a
'non-column-separable' service - predictions are based on the
sequence profile of contiguous stretches of amino-acid sequence. A
prediction will only be made on the visible parts of a sequence (see
<a href="../features/hiddenRegions.html">hiding columns</a>) as if
it were a contiguous polypeptide chain. Prediction accuracy at the
hidden column boundaries may therefore be less than indicated by
- JNet's own reliability score (see below).
+ JPred's own reliability score (see below).
- <p>The result of a JNet prediction for a sequence is a new
+ <p>The result of a JPred prediction for a sequence is a new
annotated alignment window:</p>
<img src="jnetprediction.gif">
<p>The sequence for which the prediction was made is the first one
significantly different primary predictions.</em></li>
- <em>JNet annotation created in Jalview 2.8.2 and later versions
+ <em>JPred annotation created in Jalview 2.8.2 and later versions
can be displayed on other alignments via the <a
href="../features/annotation.html#seqannots">Add reference
annotation</a> Sequence ID popup menu option.
- <em>As of Jalview 2.6, the Jnet service accessed accessed via the
+ <em>As of Jalview 2.6, the JPred service accessed accessed via the
'Secondary structure prediction' submenu should be considered a
legacy Jalview SOAP service, and will be replaced in the near future
by a JPred4 Rest service.</em>
label.muscle_multiple_protein_sequence_alignment = Muscle Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment
label.mafft_multiple_sequence_alignment = MAFFT Multiple Sequence Alignment
label.clustalw_multiple_sequence_alignment = ClustalW Multiple Sequence Alignment
-label.jnet_secondary_structure_prediction = JNet Secondary Structure Prediction
+label.jnet_secondary_structure_prediction = JPred Secondary Structure Prediction
label.multiharmony = Multi-Harmony
label.unable_start_web_service_analysis = Unable to start web service analysis
label.job_couldnt_be_started_check_input = The Job couldn't be started. Please check your input, and the Jalview console for any warning messages.
error.implementation_error_multiple_single_sequence_prediction_jobs_not_supported = Implementation Error! Multiple single sequence prediction jobs are not yet supported
error.implementation_error_invalid_msa_index_for_job =Implementation Error! Invalid msaIndex for JPredJob on parent MSA input object!
error.implementation_error_startjob_called = Implementation error - StartJob(JpredJob) called on {0}
-error.multiple_jnet_subjob_merge_not_implemented = Multiple JNet subjob merging not yet implemented
+error.multiple_jnet_subjob_merge_not_implemented = Multiple JPred subjob merging not yet implemented
label.job_never_ran = Job never ran - input returned to user.
error.implementation_error_minlen_must_be_greater_zero = Implementation error: minlen must be zero or more
error.implementation_error_msawbjob_called = Implementation error - StartJob(MsaWSJob) called on a WSJobInstance {0}
exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_properties_for_alignment = Couldn't recover sequence properties for alignment
exception.unknown_format_for_file = Unknown format {0} for file \: \n{1}
label.remove_gaps = Remove Gaps
-exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_props_for_jnet_query = Couldn't recover sequence properties for JNet Query sequence!
+exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_props_for_jnet_query = Couldn't recover sequence properties for JPred Query sequence!
exception.server_timeout_try_later = Server timed out - try again later\n
exception.web_service_returned_null_try_later= Server at {0} returned null object, it probably cannot be contacted. Try again later.
exception.cannot_contact_service_endpoint_at = Cannot contact service endpoint at {0}
info.job_couldnt_be_run_incorrect_param_setting = Job could not be run because some of the parameter settings are not supported by the server.\n{0}\nPlease check to make sure you have used the correct parameter set for this service\!\n
info.no_jobs_ran = No jobs ran
info.failed_to_submit_prediction = Failed to submit the prediction\:\n{0} {1}
-info.invalid_jnet_job_result_data ={0}\n{1}\nInvalid JNet job result data\!\n{2}
+info.invalid_jnet_job_result_data ={0}\n{1}\nInvalid JPred job result data\!\n{2}
info.failed_to_submit_sequences_for_alignment = Failed to submit sequences for alignment.\nIt is most likely that there is a problem with the server.\nJust close the window\n
info.alignment_object_method_notes = \nAlignment Object Method Notes\n
info.server_exception = \n{0} Server exception\!\n{1}
label.muscle_multiple_protein_sequence_alignment = Alineamiento múltiple de secuencias de proteínas con Muscle
label.mafft_multiple_sequence_alignment = Alineamiento múltiple de secuencias con MAFFT
label.clustalw_multiple_sequence_alignment = Alineamiento múltiple de secuencias con ClustalW
-label.jnet_secondary_structure_prediction = Predicción de la estructura secundaria con JNet
+label.jnet_secondary_structure_prediction = Predicción de la estructura secundaria con JPred
label.multiharmony = Multi-Harmony
label.unable_start_web_service_analysis = No es posible iniciar el servicio web de análisis
label.job_couldnt_be_started_check_input = El trabajo no puede arrancarse. Por favor, compruebe los parámetros de entrada y los mensajes de advertencia de la consola de Jalview.
error.implementation_error_multiple_single_sequence_prediction_jobs_not_supported = ¡Error de implementación! Todavía no se soportan varios trabajos de predicción asociados a una única secuencia.
error.implementation_error_invalid_msa_index_for_job = ¡Error de implementación! Valor msaIndex no válido para JPredJob en el objeto de entrada MSA padre!
error.implementation_error_startjob_called = Error de implementación - StartJob(JpredJob) invocado en {0}
-error.multiple_jnet_subjob_merge_not_implemented = Todavía no se han implementado varios subtrabajos JNet conjuntos.
+error.multiple_jnet_subjob_merge_not_implemented = Todavía no se han implementado varios subtrabajos JPred conjuntos.
label.job_never_ran = El trabajo nunca se ejecutó - entrada devuelta al usuario.
error.implementation_error_minlen_must_be_greater_zero = Error de implementación: minlen debe ser cero o más
error.implementation_error_msawbjob_called = Error de implementación - StartJob(MsaWSJob) invocado en un WSJobInstance {0}
exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_properties_for_alignment = No es posible recuperar las propiedades de la secuencia para el alineamiento
exception.unknown_format_for_file = Formato desconocido {0} para el fichero \: \n{1}
label.remove_gaps = Eliminar huecos
-exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_props_for_jnet_query = No ha sido posible recuperar las propiedades de la secuencia para la secuencia JNet Query!
+exception.couldnt_recover_sequence_props_for_jnet_query = No ha sido posible recuperar las propiedades de la secuencia para la secuencia JPred Query!
exception.server_timeout_try_later = Tiempo de conexi\u00F3n ha expirado - int\u00E9ntelo de nuevo m\u00E1s tarde\n
exception.web_service_returned_null_try_later= El servidor {0} ha devuelto un objeto nulo, por lo que probablemente no se haya podido contactar con él. Inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
exception.cannot_contact_service_endpoint_at = No es posible contactar por el punto de acceso al servicio en {0}
info.job_couldnt_be_run_incorrect_param_setting = No es posible ejecutar el trabjao porque el servidor no soporta algunos de los par\u00E1metros.\n{0}\nPor favor, aseg\u00FArese de que ha usado los par\u00E1metros adecuados para este servicio\n
info.no_jobs_ran = No se ha ejecutado ningún trabajo
info.failed_to_submit_prediction = Error al enviar la predicci\u00F3n\:\n{0} {1}
-info.invalid_jnet_job_result_data ={0}\n{1}\nResultados del trabajo JNet no v\u00E1lidos\!\n{2}
+info.invalid_jnet_job_result_data ={0}\n{1}\nResultados del trabajo JPred no v\u00E1lidos\!\n{2}
info.failed_to_submit_sequences_for_alignment = Error al enviar la secuencias para el alineamiento.\nLo m\u00E1s probable es que haya un problema en el servidor.\nSimplemente, cierre la ventana\n
info.alignment_object_method_notes = \nNotas sobre los m\u00E9todos del objeto alineamiento\n
info.server_exception = \n{0} Excepci\u00F3n del servidor\!\n{1}
+ "\nNucleic Acids Research, Web Server issue (first published 15th April 2015)"
+ "\ndoi://10.1093/nar/gkv332",
- "JNet Secondary Structure Prediction") };
+ "JPred Secondary Structure Prediction") };
services = new Hashtable();
serviceList = new Vector();
buildServiceLists(defServices, serviceList, services);
* creates a new thread to call discoverServices()
+ @Override
public void run()
final Discoverer discoverer = this;
Thread discoverThread = new Thread()
+ @Override
public void run()
SequenceI seq = msf[0];
- String altitle = "JNet prediction on " + seq.getName()
+ String altitle = "JPred prediction on " + seq.getName()
+ " using alignment from " + title;
wsInfo.setProgressText("Job details for MSA based prediction (" + title
wsInfo.setProgressText("Job details for prediction on sequence :\n>"
+ seq.getName() + "\n"
+ AlignSeq.extractGaps("-. ", seq.getSequenceAsString()) + "\n");
- String altitle = "JNet prediction for sequence " + seq.getName()
+ String altitle = "JPred prediction for sequence " + seq.getName()
+ " from " + title;
Hashtable SequenceInfo = jalview.analysis.SeqsetUtils
return server;
+ @Override
public void attachWSMenuEntry(JMenu wsmenu, final ServiceHandle sh,
final AlignFrame af)
method.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
+ @Override
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
AlignmentView msa = af.gatherSeqOrMsaForSecStrPrediction();