System.out.println("Usage: jalview -open [FILE] [OUTPUT_FORMAT] [OUTPUT_FILE]\n\n"\r
+"-nodisplay\tRun Jalview without User Interface.\n"\r
+"-props FILE\tUse the given Jalview properties file instead of users default.\n"\r
- +"-groups FILE\tUse the given file to mark groups on the alignment."\r
- +"\nThe first lines of the groups file lists the GroupName and GroupColours"\r
- +" to be used in the alignment. Use the GROUPNAME label for each of your sequences. "\r
- +"SequenceID is used in preference to SequenceIndex if both are provided.\n"\r
- +"Enter ID_NOT_SPECIFIED for SEQUENCE_ID or -1 for SEQUENCE_INDEX if unknown.\n"\r
- +"COLOUR can be hexadecimal RGB or 'red', 'blue' etc.\n\n"\r
+ +"-annotations FILE\tAdd precalculated annotations to the alignment.\n"\r
+ +"-features FILE\tUse the given file to mark features on the alignment.\n"\r
+"-fasta FILE\tCreate alignment file FILE in Fasta format.\n"\r
+"-clustal FILE\tCreate alignment file FILE in Clustal format.\n"\r
+"-pfam FILE\tCreate alignment file FILE in PFAM format.\n"\r
+"-jalview FILE\tCreate alignment file FILE in Jalview format.\n"\r
+"-png FILE\tCreate PNG image FILE from alignment.\n"\r
+"-imgMap FILE\tCreate HTML file FILE with image map of PNG image.\n"\r
- +"-eps FILE\tCreate EPS file FILE from alignment.");\r
+ +"-eps FILE\tCreate EPS file FILE from alignment."\r
+ +"\n\n~Read documentation in Application or visit for description of Features and Annotations file~\n\n");\r
- String file = null, protocol = null, format = null, groups=null;\r
+ String file = null, protocol = null, format = null, data=null;\r fileLoader = new;\r
file = aparser.getValue("open");\r
AlignFrame af = fileLoader.LoadFileWaitTillLoaded(file, protocol, format);\r
- groups = aparser.getValue("groups");\r
- if (groups != null)\r
+ // Must maintain ability to use the groups flag\r
+ data = aparser.getValue("groups");\r
+ if (data != null)\r
- af.parseGroupsFile(groups);\r
+ af.parseGroupsFile(data);\r
+ System.out.println("Added "+data);\r
+ data = aparser.getValue("features");\r
+ if (data != null)\r
+ {\r
+ af.parseGroupsFile(data);\r
+ System.out.println("Added "+data);\r
+ }\r
+ data = aparser.getValue("annotations");\r
+ if (data != null)\r
+ {\r
+ af.loadJalviewDataFile(data);\r
+ System.out.println("Added "+data);\r
+ }\r
String imageName = "unnamed.png";\r
while (aparser.getSize() > 1)\r