// Don't want these to be activated if in headless build
- synchronizationTasks "eclipseSynchronizationTask"
+ //synchronizationTasks "eclipseConfiguration"
autoBuildTasks "eclipseAutoBuildTask"
-task jalviewjsIDE_CopyTransferSiteJs(type: Copy) {
- from "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsTransferSiteJsDir}"
- into "${jalviewDir}/${jalviewjsSiteDir}"
task jalviewjsIDE_j2sFile {
group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
description "Creates the .j2s file"
task jalviewjsIDE_AssembleSite {
group "00 JalviewJS in Eclipse"
- description "Assembles the Eclipse transpiled site and unzips supporting zipfiles"
- dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_CopyTransferSiteJs
+ description "Assembles unzipped supporting zipfiles, resources, site resources and closure cores into the Eclipse transpiled site"
dependsOn jalviewjsPrepareSite
// buildship runs this at import
-task eclipseSynchronizationTask {
+task eclipseConfiguration {
dependsOn eclipseSetup
dependsOn jalviewjsIDE_j2sFile